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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Not sure is anyone has posted this... Just a part of the overall awesome soundtrack.Like it's no MOS or BVS OST but still great...
  2. Congrats to everyone involved!This films deserves it soooooo much!
  3. As some pointed out, those 3M+ it got from the sneak previews were at their vast majority from people who would have bought a ticket for OW, if not OD. Obviously the presales are deflated but it's a matter of how much.Plus,WB has marketed this as a family movie, a genre that also thrives on walk ups and not presales . And, yes, you can't expect this to blow up to something like 80M OW.It's an unknown character(and no previews exposition to a team up film) with a relatively unknown cast in a franchise that is trying to find its footing playing on a market that just a had a big superhero movies and with an even bigger coming next.
  4. Booked my tickets to see it again on OD.Probably gonna catch it a third time just to see my friends having their mind blown away.
  5. At this point I'm pretty confident that CM won't be reaching WW and I'm this close to saying that even the 400M is questionable at this rate.Should benefit a lot from Endgame and then maybe some fudging by Disney .
  6. Greece but due to my job and current relationship status I get to travel a lot, and this is why I get to see some films (usually tentpoles) early.And the jokes landed just fine with me and the entire auditorium. Like I didn't laugh in every single one of the jokes but the vast majority were freaking hilarious. And I really didn't care all that much for them since the family stuff is so damn powerful.Plus,some surprises.
  7. Um guys why are we freaking out over one bad review when all the others are positive with the exception of like 2.The films is borderline getting universal acclaim.
  8. Sad for Dumbo but Also potentially happy for Shazam.That’s China for you.
  9. Shazam is the most heartfelt, fun and emotional blockbuster in years.Action is terrific but the family stuff is what really steal the show and you end up feeling that they are your family.The blend of different elements is done perfectly.That’s a superhero film akin to the classic family movies I was watching as a kid and I can see it becoming a movie that will play on tv on a Sunday afternoon with the entire family gathered around.It’s that awesome.Oh and Levi and the child actors are fantastic in this.I honestly can’t find a bad thing to say and honestly it might have overtaken Dragons as my favorite movie so far this year and Wonder Woman/MOS as my favorite DCEU movie...definitely right up there.
  10. Just got confirmation that I'm seeing this on Monday and I am so excited.First Time I get to see a film so early on.
  11. Anyway,I want to ask...is it true that in some comics the superhero version of the kids are their deceased parent?That’s grim...
  12. In any case, BO Pro have upped their predictions to 50M OW/165M Total...since more often than not they tend to lowball these films...maybe something like 65/200 is not that crazy.Plus, I think after today the buzz will explode.
  13. Idk WB is still very mute when it comes to this movie’s marketing which baffling given that that’s the case with movies that turn out to be awful.
  14. Good comedy does not see boundaries.Plus, didn’t they say that the comedy in Shazam is not based on one liners but the situations that these kids find themselves into?
  15. One of the best trilogies this decade tbh just don't kill any animal this time.Also doggos were the MPV just for being there .
  16. IMO, even if the worst case scenario happens (150M/350M) this will be profitable
  17. From what my understanding is from the reactions,Shazam is just like the kind of films me and my friends and basically my entire generation grew up with.And while we are all grown up now I find myself excited to see a film where the elements of these films are represented with a superhero twist. What I want to say is that Shazam's premise and themes are pretty universal and something that European audiences are pretty familiar with. China is a wild card because my understanding is that the film relies heavily on the family and not the action and that makes it way more appealing to me.
  18. Doesn't this that the films will have to share screens?
  19. If Us break out to 60M + m then I also predict 2 things: 1.Captain Marvel will crawl to 400M 2.Dumbo and Shazam! Won’t break out
  20. The trailer was as good as the posters were awful and that’s the best compliment I can give it right now.But Margot Robbie is in it so I will be there opening night.
  21. Ahhhhhh this just reminds me what kind of mindblowing run Wonder Woman had.Good times.
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