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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Had i not keep telling myself "grow some balls" i think i would have cried myself to sleep after seeing this.Having a dog myself makes it even more emotional.Good thing my girlfriend was actually crying her eyes out so she didn't notice me being all choked up.
  2. Didn’t someone recently report that Henry was waiting for a director approval and the MIF happened and suddenly he was in demand?I mean being part of these franchises means that you always have to answer the call and sacrifice other roles you could do instead.It’s not abnormal to ask for more money.Not to mention,I don’t think that there is such a thing as a BO draw these days.Unless you are Leonardo DiCaprio.
  3. Getting ahead of ourselves here but...what the hell...a 2022 line up with Superman,Batgirl and GCS sounds pretty epic. Give 2023 to Supergirl,Flash and GLC.
  4. I'm about to freak out...first because the post and its timing are very telling and second because...this thread still exists?
  5. I try to but they are in my face God i hope not Will it flop lime the rest of the Diesel movies (besides FF)
  6. So i just saw the trailer...how the fuck one franchise goes from "i have to win that race" to "fate of the world with a superpowered fucker".Anyway,the good news is that the trailer reminded me how much i like the Rock and Statham (after spy).I also like Leigh's job,Kirby and Elba so since it doesn't have Vin Diesel maybe i will watch it and just pretend is not part of the FF franchise.
  7. I am one of these people that just wishes that this franchise would dissappear but this probably never happen since Diesel has nothing else going on besides saying the same line all the time in MCU and not showing his face.
  8. Amy Adams doesn't need any award to proove that she is indeed one of the best actresses working right now.
  9. Do I post my nominations here...do I send them somewhere...?
  10. ViewerAnon follows this up with a response on Reddit saying that he thinks Shazam will get better reception than Aquaman.I’m wondering when he will come here to share his thoughts.It’s not like embargoes have held him back before. Pretty please @ViewerAnon
  11. I'd rather Patty helming a solo Suoerman film first and make it as heartfelt and pure as Wonder Woman.But yeah Justice League 2 would also be grear.Just give her the reigns of the entire universe tbh.
  12. Sandberg's responses on this thread are fucking hillarious.Seems like the perfect guy to helm a property like Shazam.
  13. This guy really and utterly sucks.He just pull dates out of his ass and when those don’t happen he simply says that “it was pushed back”.fuck this guy.
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