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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. Watson will be another actress that Marvel will underutilize.Her playing a huge Marvel role in her own would essentially mean a huge hit for them.Seriously...make her a huge x-men character...maybe the new Jean?...but not a supporting character in a movie that no one really asked for(I think).
  2. I so want this movie to somehow turn out good (even, truth be told, the odds are not in its favor and Kinberg does not fill me with trust) so the so called bloggers can shut the fuck up.I think all the hate is because they just love to suck Disney’s dick.It’s not like captain Marvel’s trailers were the second coming.
  3. Dragon 3 can fuck off...it’s not cool to make me tear up while i’m Watching it with my gf in a room full of heartless kids.But i’m Happy it’s doing great because it deserves it and so much more.Best modern trilogy.IDC.
  4. I think it would be wise for the story to reflect his aging.Show him in his graduation and then getting to college...
  5. I just hope they just don't try to justify her action and redeem her like Maleficent. There is no turning back from trying to kill a dog,let alone 100 of them.
  6. The main reason I think I will love Shazam is because Sanberg's awesome sense of humor.
  7. Honestly it’s overseas that is the issue since DF movies are monsters there,especially in Asia.Humanity is stupid tbh.
  8. For what is worth, maybe WB is hoping that this will play like a family film.
  9. @EmpireCity bless us with your knowledge so this madness can stop?
  10. I'm here thinking that WB can trully create a great dark universe with all these horror movies succeeding left and right...not like Universal's...
  11. In my defense,it just pop up on Twitter.And I guess that’s how many have learnt about it.And as someone else sai,this was on reddit for some days now.In any case,my question would be if...
  12. Thr spoiler is so out there i don't think it's even a spoiler anymore...many sites are reporting it on their freaking headlines...
  13. Alla they have to do now is to get Cavill to do a cameo so they will win again their old audience.
  14. Everyone is doing a Netflix project these days.At least Cavill go what was probably their most coveted role.
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