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Everything posted by James

  1. I think this is a good release date because you have to look past DOM numbers (where it will do quite well anyway). For example, it got a great release date in China, where it has stellar WOM apparently and no competition next week (which is rare). Basically it is assured to break out big. Same with other international dates. And, if WOM is good, then it can survive anything that comes anyway. It is a bit funny how 1-2 months ago every thought WB will have 3 flops in a row with TR, RPO and Rampage, and now it looks like they will have 3 hits in a row (well, TR at least won't lose them any money and Rampage I am sure will do well).
  2. The choreography was so horrendous it hurt to watch.
  3. Okay, just watched this, and aside from the tragically, horribly borinG lightsaber fights (pleaaaaaase bring back the guys that created the duels in the prequels), I liked this waaaay better tha TFA. I am actually excited for the next one! B+
  4. Is there any contender, or is Fantastic Beasts 2 guaranteed the UK crown this year (I seriously doubt Solo will beat it)?
  5. Does anything has even a chance to unseat HP from the top place in the near future, especially with a FB movie coming out every two years (and the first one being so well received)? I was thinking SW, but the gap is too big and the spin-offs performed rather poorly compared to the main saga. Maybe Doraemon, if it keeps increasing and there's one movie coming out every year?
  6. I just finished watching JUSTICE LEAGUE (yeah, I know, late, but I've been in a movie slump in the last couple of months) and what I want to say is: WHAT AN ABSOLUTE PIECE OF GARBAGE!!! OMG, this was just so bad. How did WB ever agreed to release this shit? You know that I always supported DC and BvS is probably my favorite superhero movie ever. But this. Phahahaa. It was horrendous. I actually had to struggle to finish it. The ONLY good (great) scene in the movie is the Superman resurrection and even there they stopped halfway. But anyway, horrible! I'm not even mad. I am purely laughing at how atrocious it was. Gosh, it might've be worse than Captain America 1, which is imo the worst, most boring CBM ever made (haven't seen Hulk).
  7. Am I seriously the only one excited for this? I quite liked the teaser. And it certainly looks more engaging than any of the S: Homecoming trailer looked.
  8. Lmao, this is so ridiculous! What are we possible talking OD wise? I think beating TFA's 119m OD is in the cards right?
  9. So MH2 could potentially do 650m? So for the second year in a row, the highest grossing title in a single territory would be from China and not US.
  10. I know, I just checked. I have a feeling at least one of them will disappoint. MH2 will explode. I wouldn't be surprised with Mermaid numbers if it's good.
  11. Lol what? At this point 900m looks very likely. Sctratch that. I didn't read that carefully.
  12. Is Monster Hunter 2 the sequel to Monster Hunt? If so, this schedule looks like a blood bath.
  13. TMR3 WOM is very good, 9.35/10 (147 votes) on naver
  14. This just more than doubled the OD of TLJ in SK. It also more than doubled the previous entry in the series. We should be in for a very healthy run OS at least.
  15. Lmao, I am more excited about this movie than any other CBM coming out in 2017... well, I might make an exception for Dark Phoenix if the trailer ends up looking awesome. But c'mon, we will finally get a really dark, really twisted, R-rated movie about someone who isn't all puppies and let's save the world? I am so hyped for this! Actually, the whole Disney/Fox things makes me sad partly because I would've killed for solo Magneto movie.
  16. Gitesh is drunk. At this point 1.32b looks like the best case scenario.
  17. If the China numbers are are included, then that is a downright horrible drop from last week. Of those 5.2m on Tuesday, 2m would come from China. That is only 3.2m from the rest of the markets when last week it made about 11-12m or so I think. And seeing how China will die this weekend, 700m will be a crawl. That is, if it happens at all. Looking at the bright side, DH2's WW number looks safe. 1.33b looks like the best case scenario. Realistically, it will likely do around 1.31b or so.
  18. Lmao, way better than expected. Not crazy about the show, but the trailer was hilarious!
  19. Nah, but it will be a huge hit nonetheless, DOM wise at least. Probably 130m-ish OW.
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