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Everything posted by Mayhem2x3

  1. My assumption is that the story stayed true through the vision, but aspects like pacing, comedy, etc were what Pixar realized needed to be better. The fact that Brave still had its story problems and was barely funny enough makes me think it would have been worse if they hadn't stepped in. Again, just how I see it. Explains a lot? I thought most people knew he was off doing live-action.
  2. What's the big deal about Brenda? Brave would probably have been awful if Andrews hadn't taken over. Brenda's record is nothing special (perhaps even awful compared to what we want out of pixar).
  3. Nothing like Presto though (which was their best). It seems like they've basically abandoned being hilarious in their shorts.
  4. I'm gonna be sad if Pixar has abandoned its comedic shorts style in favor of oscar hunting with weird crap
  5. What would be much better would be to find a good stat that would indicate a movie versus it's market around it. Not sure if that exists?
  6. I believe Lass might have made a reference to that effect, or at least I someone on here claimed he did. I assume the project had a lot of problems coming together and Rio being so similar might have been more of a final nail in the coffin.Separately, I found this cool round table from most of the directors of last years animated films that was cool to watch:
  7. Also, I would add on the aspect of Disney/Pixar being a bit blurred together: this cross-over is (in my opinion) much more heavily seen in the quality of Disney Animation movies getting talent/direction/influence from Pixar much more than the other way around.
  8. I just want to point out (in light of your last sentence) that Pixar's Brave is the highest grossing animated movie of the year (2012). So was Cars 2 last year (2011). So was Toy Story 3 the year before (2010). So was Up the year before(2009). So was Wall-E the year before that(2008). The last time Pixar wasn't the top grossing animated movie was Rat. SOME SLUMP!
  9. They're going to CGI the characters at Blue Sky animation studios. If they find a great style, it could be really cool.
  10. From anyone who watched -- was there great actions sequences in it? I thought the trailers were TERRIBLE. All they showed was people shooting guns and a few slow motion jumps.
  11. I hope this can somehow climb to a 3 or 4 multiplier. Hate to see a great movie (based on reviews) do this poorly. If only Looper wasn't opening the following week (meaning I probably won't see Dredd unless I see it late in its run).
  12. Cars 2 > or equal to: Shrek 3, Bee Movie, Shark Tale, Madagascar (the first one only).
  13. Nemo is too recent to do what the lion king did IMO; Jungle Book, Tarzan and a few others down the road, maybe.
  14. It looks like it cost $60 to make . Before, I figured -- hell they made a nick jr. TV movie that they tested to see how the type of film could play in theatres. But if it had an actual blockbuster budget?
  15. Spend that 10 on another movie's ticket. That way all you wasted was your time.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised. Personally, I think the story narrative was a mess -- between the mother/daughter, the suitors, the witch and the bear -- it wasn't tied together anywhere near as strong and neat as most Pixar films are. Maybe there will be shorts of Merrida as a younger child -- would love that (personally, I felt the story could have used more).
  17. I bought HTTYD and Tangled on Blu Ray even though I don't have a Blu Ray player simply because I figured I'd get one later just for these movies. Maybe Brave will finally prompt me to get finally get one.
  18. Personally, I think mid 230s was impressive for Brave. The RT score was probably the only disappointment.
  19. Brave might be better to you, but Pixar's broad audience has shown again it prefers the likes of FN, TS and UP. http://boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?id=pixar.htm
  20. Tangled was superior in every way except for the name of the company releasing it. Cars 2 hurt it? How so? It opened perfectly in line with what Pixar movies open to. It fell in line right between Wall-E and the first Cars. This was never a 300M grosser. Those movies are rare. Only FN did it as an original (correct me if I'm wrong) and the closest thing since was Up. After that, Monsters Inc and TI as far as Pixar films go. You really thought Brave deserved to be bigger than those movies? Those are 2 of the best animated movies all time. Brave was just another good movie. I don't want to rain on Brave too much -- but come on. There's Toy Story, Finding Nemo and UP -- and then all the rest of the Pixar movies -- and then Bugs Life and Cars 2.
  21. To some of us, the talking dogs made it epic. Up was probably the best animated movie since Finding Nemo in terms of hitting all audiences as strongly as it did.
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