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Everything posted by Mayhem2x3

  1. It's a science. You have such a long and thorough history of numbers to work with that you can build trends off of early results and predict the outcome.
  2. Also, Trek performed like it did last time on WOM, and early WOM I got from people who saw it was through the roof.
  3. Maybe Trek reached it's maximum audience size with the last one Or more than likely, IM3 ate up so much demand. Basically every movie flopped/underperformed for a month and a half after TA came out. This is what we should call the other Avengers effect
  4. TA effect -- after TA all of these marvel movies will likely play as family film. So many more families with kids are going to these movies. It's a huge part of the increase from 100M OW to 170M OW.
  5. Avatar didn't start the 3D craze. Avatar peaked in a craze that was already spreading. 3D would be what it is with or without Avatar.
  6. I remember telling people to listen to that voice: Heath was going to be sadistic and terrifying.
  7. Didn't realize IM1 did so poorly overseas.
  8. Has a sequel ever fully doubled the original's WW gross?
  9. Does mother's day usually produce stronger Sunday holds?
  10. Again, and probably my final post on the matter -- difference between disappointment and flop. Flop = failure. Cars 2 wasn't a failure DOM, but it had high hopes and didn't come close to reaching them. And the fact that TS3 came the year before was irrelevant, just as Cars 2's shortcummings were irrelevant to Brave.
  11. 33M -- and does that mean Sunday hold could be even better when actuals come on Monday?
  12. That's why Brave made 240M. Because Pixar had killed its brand with Cars 2. Right. I like the 80% number too. Was there a scientific poll on people's goodwill toward Pixar that showed an 80% drop in overall view in the company between TS3 and after Cars 2?
  13. Yeah, as if 2010 was typical. Will Epic count? I really see that being swallowed up by all the comp. Does the expected 30M opening cut it for whatever its budget was?
  14. I would like to add that it was the number 1 animated film that year DOM.
  15. It made 190M. That is more than most other animation studios make on any movie. A disappointment? Sure. Chink in the armor? Sure. But a flop? You guys have been overstating that for a long time. Or flop means something different than I've ever thought it meant. Glad for IM3 -- the movie has grown on me a lot since seeing it. Beat TDKR please =)
  16. Got back from the film a little while ago -- I can see why people are disappointed. The movie wasn't very tight. It probably would have been much stronger (and kept that 90+% on RT) if they had stuck with extremis storyline and . They did a lot right though, and I think it will grow on me -- I like that they finally figured out that we need an epic last battle between iron man and his main villain. The last two movies had great lead-ups and then a few punches to finish the actual fight with Monger and Whiplash. The final battle in IM3 was great.
  17. Escape from Planet Earth might do better than it...
  18. There's definitely got to be both, but the comedy is what needs to show strongly enough in the marketing. RotG comedy was weak no matter how much they tried to force it. Classic pixar trailers usually revolved around a simple and funny gag that sold the idea of the movie: Mr. Incredible trying to fit his belt on, McQueen and Mater driving down the highway together and getting hit by bugs, etc.
  19. Croods looks much more promising than RotG. Croods actually looks funny, which might sound petty -- but that's a major selling point for family animation. I don't get some of the direction/changes going on in this genre -- seems like people are pushing more and more away from what works/sells and then don't understand what went wrong.
  20. If that Sat number is good, would Sunday really fall that hard and be smaller than Fri? Shouldn't it be looking at a 30M?
  21. At least Escape from Planet Earth keeps chugging along.
  22. Wall-E had the silent movie quality to it, the unique romance story, etc -- overall, it was a much more daring film than anything animation has put out in years. For the record, that's what I mean by "supposed to win".
  23. WIR was a much more polished production, but I'm not sure that it's under-the-skin depth was deep in any special way. Brave had many flaws, which hurts its critical reception, but it did have some strength in character/emotion. + it had the feminist side of it. Did Andrews really rock that kilt-suit or was I dreaming last night?
  24. I think his point was that KFP was better than Wall-E in his opinion. However, Wall-E's flaws when it came to pacing were small compared to everything that was great about it. Wall-E was impressive for a lot of things. Wall-E was the type of movie that's supposed to win this award.
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