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Everything posted by Amadeus

  1. 3.5 more m after a 250 000 tuesday and arrival is a 4x multiplier -- come award season
  2. Watching T2 is like buying yourself a new iPhone or having the best Hi Fi in the market. I think Cameron definitely won't release Avatar until it feels fresh in every possible way. And as someone said (ironjimbo, is that you?) I think he will ensure as many of the its frames will be potential gifs and/or memes. This will be awesome. I hope Tarkin makes an appearance.
  3. it's official and those movies would have made it to 700m without china. question is now if there will be 10 300m domestic movies.
  4. Lots upon lots of great MOMENTS in rogue one. I'm not sure if there is any SCENE in it that truly stood out since many scenes were not allowed to really play through. For example: the emotional scene in which Jones is listening to her father's hologram was interrupted by a scene were 1/10 of the power of the Death Star was demonstrated. Same goes for the scene in which they steal the plans. Favorite scenes from RO: 1. "I'm one with the force and the force is with me" -- The asian guy sacrificing himself during the battle. Very emotional. 2. Hammer! -- Rebel hammership dealing with two star destroyers 3. darth Vader saving the day 4. X-wings smashing into the shield during the battle 5. On the beach watching the mushroom cloud.
  5. And tomorrow 2016 will be the best Box Office year ever, topping 2015's $11.128.
  6. By that logic ESB is pretty damn pointless. In ROTJ Luke called darth vader "father" with some skepticism (there must be some conflict), and we're told Han's still carbonized by C3PO.
  7. Rogue One along with TFA will be like those books and songs in the bible no one's ever talking about or remember, but they will forever be in this new Bible, and so will the EU cult. Regarding the stories about failed democracy, the final battle between good and evil, the fable about a young, fatherless boy who's been taken away from his mother going berserk and so on on and on -- stories told for over 1000 generations (or years). And those stories are pretty much what other men has told for a very long time. Samurai are not copyrighted you know. And Kurosawa too borrowed from others, lookin down from the shoulders of other giants. and flash gordon's good vs. evil too borrows from different sources.
  8. If anyone would like to share their letterboxd accounts for us to follow you can do it here. Always nice to read reviews by people you "know".
  9. All said and done, TPM is a work by a skilled director and producer who wanted to tell the tragedy of Skywalker. He used a bottle neck structure, combined genres, presented his thoughts about subjects man has been dealing with since man was born, used a very personal narrative. It's almost as if you're in the head of George Lucas (learning about what he loves) watching this. And if you don't like what he has on his mind you don't, but calling it bad is a bit riskier. 100 years from now, Satr Wars will be the bible, and the only movies (whatever "movies" will be in 100 years) to be remembered. except for Lawrence of arabia, that is...
  10. Agree, but in so many cases repaying viewings of a movie that you don't like -- or, understand -- can enrich your life. remember 2007's Zodiac? I -- at least -- didn't know what to make out of it since it went from a thriller to be more a portrait of an obsessed man. didn't like it then. now it is in the top 5 2007. same goes for same year's Atonement which went from PERIOD PIECE to semi-surrealism. I'm pretty sure there are plenties of awesomeness in TPM for you, and the diggery you get the more there's to be found. may the 4s b w u
  11. Just happened to have a wild night at the pub (after R1) where I and some friends ended up fighting with a bunch of 19 20 year olders who just kept on quoting RLM and who just didn't put any thought into analyzing the film in question and what it really is instead of what it is not. Just mad about that.
  12. And with what do you compare TPM when you say "good [i suppose you mean conventional] movies"?
  13. George Lucas wanted to tell a story of a young innocent child growin up to be one of the most feared monster in the galaxy. If Anakin already was in the puberty when the saga kicks off that story would not be. Part I: Anakin leaving his mother to have the father he never had (Qui Gon) --> Anakin misses his mother but finds a new mother within Padmé --> Padmé disappears, so does Qui Gon leaving him standing with his jealous big Brother from which Anakin had stolen the love from Qui Gon (Cain and Able anyone? "You were my brother") Part II: Anakin being a tortured teenager who has not have a mother or a father for over 10 years --> Coping with it by beginning a love affair with Padmé and having a friendship with his mentor Palpatine --> "I Hate Sandpeople!" Part III: Borderline Anakin is afraid of losing the only one he loves and is loved by. Can not focus, feeling sad angry and is having nightmares about losing his closest. That is the story. And Anakin being 9 10 years old is what makes this story line work.
  14. wow, you really gave TPM a chance did you? there are tons upon tons going on... and not getting the paint by numbers Mission Impossible makes you bored and sad. little boy, you need a hug.
  15. "Something wonderful has happened, Ani" The love adventures of Padmé part II: The Grand Moff
  16. Since R1 both cut somewhat deep into the "Yada Yoda" Force shit (I love when people are talking about it instead of saying "More About for another Time..." -- Damnit Orange Yoda), went apeshit on the space battles, had a sense of sensation of exploring the galaxy, didn't work on the basis of nostalgia but rather on tributism, I'd say I hold it slightly higher than ANH which worked around the same motives. 1. The Phantom Menace 2. The Empire Strikes Back 3. Revenge of the Sith 4. Rogue One 5. A New Hope 6. Attack of the Clones ... ... 7. Return of the Jedi .... ..... ...... 8. The Force Snoozes
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