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Everything posted by Amadeus

  1. Yeah, also: being right winged in Germany/Sweden/Denmark is being pretty red in NA. Went with centralist.
  2. Pretty interesting. At least more interesting than knowing which demography that hangs around on these forums. 93.4% angry white men in their 20-30's.
  3. Fourth time tonight. It's so damn good. Maybe my favorite Star Wars of all. At the same time as it's pretty much the same conflict as in the OT (which I love), it is also seem to be on the same train of thought as the PT was and in line with Lucas on vision of what Star Wars is supposed to be. Man.... Goosebumps.
  4. After the too much of too little that was The Force Awakens this takes three four steps in the right direction. Yes, this too is much about seeing recognizable faces. But not for nostalgic reasons as in The Force Awakens and/or The X-Mas Special. This builds so much more upon history rather than nostalgia, and that is one big step in the right direction. Unlike TFA (and the X-mas special) this also felt much bigger and more epic. Not only gave the editing the sense of its world being lightyears apart (remember how it only took Rey a few seconds to travel to Luke?), the editing also let the movie breathe and build momentum: before the big climax we had scenes which main purpose was to build tension and not the kind of tension of "Oh, it's another Death Star... So it's big...." urrrgggghhh The third step in the right direction was that it had some good battles in it. My only problem with it was that it felt like it was two movies in it, fighting over space and screentime. But that didn't really matter as it felt quite different to much other blockbustery because of this reason. Thus: A+ as entertainment B+ (remarkable) as a film
  5. The lesser you know about it the better the experience will be -- dah! Only knew that the first act would be amazing, the second would be excellent, and the third would feel a bit rushed. I was therefore surprised when I found that the last act was the only act when I actually was emotionally involved in the movie. The style and THE SOUND(!!!) was excellent throughout, but the first hour was unnecessarily slow and almost to the point of being boring instead of thrilling. But when the third, convulsive, act came along I found myself entertained, thrilled and sad. The ties were not bind, and the plot didn't come to any real conclusion. Maybe it wasn't even supposed to. Who knows. But a film which is supposed to be sad and leave you sad is nonetheless a success. B+ Remarkable!
  6. Thinking there will more successful Adult-dramas/thrillers (The Y.A.s are going all downhill). Looking at the baby boomers Births per 1000 population When the boys and girls born 1960-70 became adults (1990-95) the top 10 yearly domestic looked very different to last years' top 10s. Those years there were lots of Thrillers in the top 10. 1993: Jurassic Park, Mrs Doubtfire, The Firm, The Fugitive, Sleepless in Seattle, Indecent Proposal, The Pelican Brief, In The Line of Fire (Bolded = Action/Thrillers or Romance) 1991: We find Silence of the Lambs, Sleeping with the Enemy, and Terminator 2 R-rated 2 be true. 1992: A Few Good Men, Body Guard, Lethal Weapon 3, Basic Upskirt, A League of Their Own 1990: Dances with Wolves, Ghost, The Hunt For Red October, Many of the comedies in the top 10s were produced with this generation in mind as well (Father of the Bride, Wayn'es World, Pretty Woman etc.) I think we will see more thrillers when the boys n girls born 1988-1992 grow older. There's a boom coming mr wayne. Or not. Maybe.
  7. I think a love triangle drama in which Obi and Anakin are cock blocking eachother would have been awesome, ending with Obi cock choking Anakin and cock pushing him out of from a cliff.
  8. I too would like to see Lucas remake his films because he seems to be that man who never is truly satisfied with his products. I love the prequels, but if I had to choose co-directors I'd go with TPM -- Steven Spielberg AotC -- Kenneth Brennagh RotS -- Clint Eastwood....? I don't know....
  9. Mediocre numbers or not. But today 2016 box office Dom will pass 10B and december only has to do even midocrerer numbers to make 2016 beat 2015.
  10. I like the fact that people still gather over there, celebrating together as family and friends, instead of going to the movies to make your kids shut up for once. I had a beer and watched Netflix -- all alone. But hey, we don't celebrate thxgivin so winny whiny from me.
  11. Toni Erdmann Zootopia Nocturnal Animals Nice Guys Arrival Julietta Star Trek Hacksaw Ridge 10 Cloverfield Lane Everybody Wants Some Florence Foster Jerkins Jason Bourne Kung Fu Panda 3 Fantastic Beasts Ghostbusters
  12. How many fun weekends are left this year with Baumer's (in)famous club breaking out? Eyes are on Moana and Sing. Otherwise this year is steeping downhill.
  13. If it had Nolan's name on it it would be in the top 20 for sure. (Not saying it deserves it -- haven't seen it, yet... So excited, beyond words)
  14. This has zero chance of hitting 100 now, right? Unless it gets rereleased and humped up with the oscars that is.
  15. Rewatched. (9/10 -- unique!) Gets better and better after I realized one must see it for what Lucas wanted it to be. It's carefully crafted as fuck. Lucas was more focused on both the storytelling and the spectacle. Only half of its story (or plot) takes place on the screen (the one with the good guys fighting the trade federation). The other half (in which Palpatine comes to power) takes place outside. Therefore the movie can be seen as a big diversion in which we only see a few glimpses of the real danger. TPM is just as clever as fuck as it spectacular. A grown up can find just as much joy in it as a young boy. It all depends on whether one can watch it from "a certain point of view".
  16. Movie's in the top 3 2016 along with Zoo and My Father Toni Erdmann. Nails were bitten and everyone involved (actors, director, writers) really seem to have a great time knowing they are up with something great. Playful in its blueprint, brutal in its execution. 9/10 (Fantastic!)
  17. Inferno outsold Bridge of Spies as well. Fandango's forecasts are too often misleading.
  18. Baffled this thread is only 27 pages. no wonder we don't get too many of those greats a year. Watched a preview, and those ten minuets were tense. I believe this one will be a sad movie with some convulsive events.
  19. That does almost sound as the same numbers Strange will compete against (that is if Fantastic Beasts overperforms big time)
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