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Everything posted by Amadeus

  1. What's the matter with you? Episode VII is only close to Episode IV storywise. When it comes to film making it's like a cheap russian copy of Star Wars. The time between the cuts only lasts for a couple of seconds in The Force Awakens while cuts could last for thrice as long in the old movies. Look at how the "BIIIIG" end fight between Rey, Kalo, Finn is cut: Rey's talking (cut!) Kalo talking (cut!) Rey talking (cut!) Finn talking (cut!). Compare it to the Vader/Luke-fight in Episode V. Focus on Luke (Vader Talking -- The Force is with You Young Skywalker) (cut!) Darth Vader in focus (cut!) If J.J. Fuckbrams had directed it'd rather be: Luke getting trapped (cut!) Darth Vader talking (cut!) It's like it's directed by a retarded child who think one always needs to see who's saying what and who's doing what. And impatient he is, gosh.... Remember seeing the X-wings flying the sea in the teaser back in 2014? One could guess it'd be an epic establishing sequenze in the likes of the attack on the first death star. But J.J's in such a rush you barely know the heroes are coming for Solo and Finn's rescue. And what's up with the other big establishing pictures of ships landing on new planets? They too only last for couple of few seconds. J.J.'s only interested in the story and not the environments, the sensations. And the characters are talking as if Redlettermedia written their lines -- no finesse. They are talking like stupid earth people, not like stupid space people. And regarding the distance between the actors in the film I meant that J.J. seem to be afraid of having more than one person in the frame at the same time. Compare this and this and this, and you -- if you have a brain -- will see what I mean: But yes, there are some nice angles here and there. But they don't come often. And what's wrong with this?: A nice picture of two enemies somewhat worthy... But then.... the camera goes bananas for no reason And I can tell you: Lucas would never have chosen this shot to make it to the finished product:
  2. Wooden and corny it may be. BUT (and this is bigger than Nicki Minaj's) this love affair is probably meant to be pictured like: honest but corny. It's OK if you dont like it (I too find it pretty dull in fact), but you should consider what Lucas wanted it to be before you call it bad. Maybe it's perfect? and I think I know what Lucas is looking for in those scenes and I believe he got it right.
  3. I'm sorry? This just proves how they do not understand Star Wars as film making. They dont understand the pacing, the music, the photo of a Star Wars-movie. Just look at how J.J. diminished the ooomph-factor of the laser sword: These pictures are the definition of amateurism. In george lucas' films the swords almost always in focus; one could almost always see the whole blade. This fact gave room for creative camera angles. In comparison to the photo in The Force Awakens the photo in Star Wars I-VI is pure da Vinci. Just look at Obi Wan's sword is enhancing the lines or how Windu's saber marks the center of the photo and creates focus: Or how the final strike is pictured: Episode I, IV, VI: Episode VII......... WTF?! And J.J. has no sense of how to create room and space: if you could see the sword in one shot, Lucas always made sure it was there in the next shot so that we knew the distance between the actors: In The Force Awakens they are just talking heads inside boxes, pictures with no relationship.
  4. Hollywood's second tribute to the cops of the 80's -- the other one being Nice Guys. Unlike the fantastic Nice Guys (which successfully adapted the style of the 80's cop genre) Zootopia felt more urgent and original; there were times I cried and laughed. Even when it was neither sad or funny the goosebumps flew over my skin because of how important it felt. Moral sense for the whole family.
  5. It's dismal and sad how they are turning the film saga into something that looks more like a tv series. Lazy Writing, pleasing the aggressive film mob. I liked the gaps in both the original trilogies (even if they would happen to be 10 years or one year). They contributed to the mystery of the saga and began every chapter with a new page. But I still have lot higher hopes for this one than eppisode VII. Looper-guy does at least seem to know how to make a Movie with big establishing photo and framing. Looper looked gorgeous. Fock J.J.
  6. Hello, JaySalahi! Been Reading some of your reviéws on letterbox lately. Nice stuff.
  7. There's always a bigger fish... But Doris is the biggest of them all
  8. More good news; June will not be the first June since 2007 that will gross less than 1B. It needs 235m.
  9. I have a great feeling about this one.
  10. It's called film criticism. To state something (for example "What's wrong with your face?") and not giving a reason is worser.
  11. Does it really need to make 70m in Japan? It grossed 8.5m OS last weekend. It will be close to 930m WW after this weekend if it does not drop batshit in SK.
  12. So on monday or tuesday it will pass 300m? Not bad. And on saturday BvS won't be in the top 5 domestic.
  13. Of course it's 24... I hope... It's the number of frames per second in the goldies... An american Tradition Rides Again...
  14. Does tuesdays contribute with a jump over mondays number during animated movies' first week? TS3's first tuesday was the same as it's monday's. Pixar's frontloaded so it wouldn't surprise me too much if we only see a slight increase tomorrow. I mean today
  15. 12m would be worse a drop than that of minions. 42% would be 13% better than Minions drop, and 9% better than of TS3. 12m it is.
  16. The Nice Guys A- 10 Cloverfield Lane A- How to be Single B+ Hail, Caesar B+ Kung Fu Panda B+ A Hologram of the King B+ Allegiant B The Jungle Book B Bastille Day B Conjuring 2 B Civil War B X-Men: Apocalypse Deadpool C BvS C- 13 Hours FFFFFFFuck
  17. China looking good, 300m it will make in the east
  18. This year's turning out to be the opposite of 2013! Hahahahaha. Fantastic spring and awful summer season. This may is the first may since 2010 not hitting the billion mark. December might be good though.
  19. Yes, yes and over a thousand times yes. The plot has always been secondary to me. If you have two eggs, a frying pan, some butter, milk, some flour, sugar and a camera you can make a masterpiece about a pancake. You may have seen some of the most famous scene in 2001 but they only truly work in the context from which they arose, and therefore seem as good as new when you watch them again. A masterpiece like Psycho just gets better and better each I time I see it, and it is just because I can focus on how the story is told and what ideas the movie has. It's all about the pictures. Even a minor great like Sinister is scary even though you know how it's gonna end. Why? Because it's a well produced scary movie.
  20. The best disney since Bambi! and still not surpassed by the studio (not even with Pixar under its wings). Very honest (not ironic, tounge in cheeky) movie making with moral sense! The music is professionally written and executed; the animation is gorgeous; the (voice) acting is great! 9/10
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