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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. I'm just glad Spielberg is making a non period film again. He felt relevant again with Lincoln, but Bridge of Spies looks like boring late 80's/early 90's Oscar bait and the BFG seems like an odd choice.
  2. The narrative that Ant-Man underperformed is one of the dumbest on this forum in a while. Who the hell was predicting more than what it's done? Cause if you were you're a silly, silly person.
  3. Smith looks good, but the movie looks like mediocre Oscar bait. Something like this should've had a better director, not the guy who made Parkland.
  4. Yeah. Outside of Mel Gibson no hardcore Christian filmmaker has any talent. It's strange. You would think some of these people would be able to write or direct something good, but nope. It's not impossible to make something "faithful" and good at the same time, but most of them can't hack it for some reason.
  5. Eventually video-game adaptations will be like comic-book movies. It's just right now they're in their late-90's phase. Assassins Creed could be the first really good one.
  6. Been a great year for horror IMO. It Follows one of the best I've seen in a long while, and The Visit was a pleasant surprise. Still got Green Inferno, The Witch, and Krampus to come. Most years there's only one or two horror films that interest me, sometimes none. This year there's a slew. As far as box office, all of the good ones have been indies, and not exactly greatly marketed indies, or, like It Follows, they're just weird enough or slow enough to not really catch on despite being great movies. The Witch will be another one of those.
  7. Caught The Visit in an advance screening. It's the return to form for Shyamalan we've been waiting years for. Not as great as his first two, but on par with Signs. It's really funny too, and this time intentionally so. The child actors are sensational.
  8. How can you not notice? It's like night and day. One scene she's got a dye job that looks flowing/natural, dirty blonde and whatnot, the next scene she's got thick lemon yellow hair that doesn't move.
  9. I really wish we could've seen Trank's version. Fuck the comics, it could've been a cool scifi/horror film.
  10. Domestically, bro. MI ain't got nothing on other franchises. They've been a huge success, but there's nothing to suggest it's a guaranteed 50-70mil on OW for these movies. You can't deny this place overreacts to shit.
  11. Why do you guys panic so much? Avengers, Mad Max, Jurassic World, Spy, Inside Out, Minions, Trainwreck...we've already had plenty of big hits and uber hits. Take a chill pill. The summer doesn't need saving. You guys percolate in this little bubble and don't realize your expectations are way too high. Rogue Nation is the FIFTH movie in a franchise that was never super big to begin with.
  12. The trailer makes it pretty clear the only reason humans and dinos are side by side is the lack of a certain giant meteor hitting the planet.
  13. A boy and his dinosaur? You can bet your ass this is going to be a tearjerker.
  14. I think Prometheus is underrated (despite that holy script, it's extremely well-directed), but The Counselor is so nihilistically awful it's hard to fathom, and Exodus was gorgeous to look at but otherwise thoroughly mediocre. For now I'll keep giving Scott a chance, but if this one goes the way of his recent output, that might be it.
  15. I really don't care if Inarritu is an ass or not. As long as the movie's good, why should I give a fuck?
  16. He's right. More often than not green screen looks like shit when used for things that can be done on set like riding horses or driving cars.
  17. I'm just glad to see Inarritu is done with that multi-story misery porn shit. Granted, The Revenant and Birdman aren't exactly light-hearted, but they have (or seem to have) so many other things going for them besides the suffering of their characters. Babel and Biutiful did not.
  18. I can't believe there are Bond fans on here who dislike Skyfall. Stop watching movies, please. You don't know what to do with them apparently
  19. Being away from this place makes me realize how delusional some are with predictions. This was a good opening for Ant-Man. Anything over 40mil would've been good.
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