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Marek the Jedi

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Everything posted by Marek the Jedi

  1. wow niceeeeeeeeeee! I am hungry for any SW movies these days yup it could be something completly new, but I will love to see Ewan as Obi-Wan AGAIN! he was one of the best parts in prequels... M.
  2. maybe a little more, it's now at 512 domestic, it could go to 525-535 or little more, and OS from 499 can go to 510-520 so 1035-1055
  3. so close so close P.S. how can I quote message with twitter link, info is gone from kayumanggi message.... I was writing about 980ww for ROGUE ONE
  4. no Star Wars movie ever did over 500mill except TFA, so why did you think that spinoff will make 700+? any reason? with bad $ exchange and it was clear that domestic will be just around over 60% what TFA did... and yes The Phantom Menace did 552mil, but not from first run.. Marek
  5. when streaming can get to 60+mbits data flow on 4K and with Dolby Atmos or DTS-X, and of course with HDR or DolbyVision, then, only then I consider STREAMING as option.... 4k disk media are THE BEST possible option now.., and yes I know it's not cheap, but as some others mentioned, you can find much much cheaper prices if you look around... I never bought a 4K disk more then for 20$, never..... Marek
  6. well, bad playstation graphics? sure about it? half of the shots were practical efects in lava sequence... here is nice doc about SFX in EP3, lava stuff is from 15:00, but whole documentary is worth watching...
  7. I like Ant-Man very much, but Dr.Strange is another level... and well, Benedict Cumberbatch is now bigger star...
  8. yes that me with Rick McCallum I was lucky to be at one after party (video/audio tools expo...), and superlucky, I could talk and be with him almost 2 hours
  9. Ed Catmull was director of Lucasfilm computer division 1979-1986 (@11:55min) @12:10 - picture of Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Team 1984
  10. damm I feel so oooooooooooooold lol I started checking B.O. around INDY 3 and BATMAN in 1989, when I've got interesting article mentioning so called RENTALS from BoxOffice, and of course as huge SW fan, I saw SW behind E.T. in rentals .......... that year (1989) I became fan of BOX OFFICE ;)..... Marek
  11. well they were talking some time ago, that there will be just one SCENE done with IMAX cameras,.... it's still VERY VERY expensive to make full movie with IMAX cameras (post production will go NUTS to finish all compositions, VFX and rendering in IMAX resolution, when most movies are finished in 2K and some in 4K)...
  12. well I saw it 4 times (I mostly see movie once), and to be honest, even BEST HOME CINEMA can't compare to IMAX or well equipped big cinema, you just can't have same experience, no chance..., if there will be 4K Blu-ray UHD with DolbyAtmos or DTS:X and at least 65" 4K TV, with sound controlled room, well yes, then I will see it at home many more times DVD? last time I saw DVD was maybe 5years ago, from that point, cinema or blu-ray... on big TV (and I was early adopter of Blu-ray and HD-DVD)
  13. don't feed that troll........ if he can't check numbers, it's clear that TFA will make at least 920+, I think it will be closer to 930-940
  14. do you realize how many users here saw it more than 2, 3, 4 times ? I have many friends who saw it at least 2 times... and I am not from US
  15. you keep posting this horrible prediction with no backup, and when asked you did not write how did you get that number..... only when Disney decide to pull out TFA out of cinemas next week you can get this number..... otherwise TFA will fly over your number probably with another +100mill.. Marek
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