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Everything posted by trifle

  1. Thanks. I just wondered what their reasoning was, but of course they don't give it. This ^^!!!
  2. Since they were coming out in August before, maybe they decided THEY weren't ready. Maybe the reaction to FSOJ made them want time to do more marketing. I agree it is odd, though. I couldn't find anything on this, though. There are articles today still saying that come out August 19. Where did you see it?
  3. I had to google it, and it looks cute, if smaller than a tentpole. It is weird to me that they moved it to the same date as Passengers. I can't imagine it impacting Passengers' release date though. If Rogue One didn't make it move, this won't.
  4. In their Russian CinemaCon event they apparently said Passengers headed their slate. I have no expectations of Sausage Party (I'm pretty sure I'm not the intended audience.) But Passengers is my most anticipated movie this year, and I am really hoping it does as well as Sony seems to think it will. Coming a week after Rogue One is unfortunate, though.
  5. I forgot Star Trek. I'm looking forward to that. But I'll see them both. I don't think the others will target the same audience. However, I'm not sure what IA5 is.
  6. Not every weekend, but until Bourne comes out, to me IDR seems 'all there really is' besides XA's waning legs. In the summer people want to go to the movies, and while they want the best out there, in my experience will settle for something that looks like decent fun. We'll see. I don't think IDR's opening weekend is going to be all that fantastic, but I am hoping its legs will be good.
  7. This is part of why I figure IDR will do ok. When people are looking at 'what is out', the competition isn't fierce, if you don't feel like animation or already saw Dory.
  8. at least according to google translate: http://www.fotogramas.es/Noticias-cine/Mother-El-film-de-Darren-Aronofsky-con-Javier-Bardem-y-Jennifer-Lawrence-ya-tiene-titulo However, they are wrong about it filming next spring. It is filming at this moment, in Montreal. So who knows what else they are wrong about....?
  9. Something amusing is happening on twitter. As some background, there has been a certain impatience for a trailer: https://twitter.com/search?q=passengers trailer&src=typd So some one, or some people, have come up with a couple of fairly profane 'Passengers trailer' sites: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23passengersmovie&src=typd OK, it's mildly amusing, but nothing else has come out. Sony is presenting their slate at CineEurope tomorrow, though, so there may at least be some reactions.
  10. Yeah, but men hunted elephants with spears; where there is a will, there is a way. (I have no idea what they might do. I'm just speculating.)
  11. Does Godzilla have shrimpy little arms like a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Or is Godzilla stupid like a lizard (or a bird brain) while Kong has more brain power? I'm sure there are ways to put the fight on a more even playing field.....
  12. Yeah, and this weekend, for the first time, it exceeded expectations..... (5+ mill DOM instead of 4+ mill DOM....)
  13. Welllllllllllll, Strictly speaking that doesn't have to be a teaser trailer, it could be the same footage they showed at CinemaCon and that Chinese CinemaCon like event. I hope it actually does result in a trailer, though!
  14. You think Alice will be above XA? If anything, I would think Dory would hurt Alice the most.
  15. Wouldn't they go to church after seeing Warcraft, to be absolved from lusting in their hearts after all those ripped Orcs?
  16. ...just trying to unpack the first one..... Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 13x. 13x in theaters? How many times a week did you see it while it was out?
  17. I can't imagine Legendary will let this die. It won't be Lionsgate though, their model is to sell foreign distribution rights to finance the picture, and domestic won't be enough to tempt them. Sony might though. Rothman has been saying he wants to beef Sony up internationally, and just hired Fox's International guy.
  18. This isn't a 'remake', Bullock is playing George Cloony's character's sister. They are leaving the door open for cross over of cast, whether in this movie or in a future one. Anything saying Jen is in this is wrong. Her people quickly said no she couldn't, her schedule is full, the first time the rumor started, but then gossip magazines kept repeating it to the point where some people actually thought it was so. I'd rather have a mixed cast of main characters, personally, if there are that many. But if this is a good movie I will go see it. That it has anything to do with Ocean's Eleven won't be the reason, though.
  19. A week ago before the crest of hype, the people who guessed it would do solidly were saying $30 mill and there were box office prediction sites predicting $24 million, if I recall. Do we get an 'exceeds expectations' article from them on Monday? I mean Deadline is thinking $31 million, apparently.
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