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Everything posted by Valonqar

  1. I uninronically only care for THG doing so well What totals dom and WW can be expect? It's already in the black so it doesn't really matter but the bigger the merrier.
  2. It shouldn't. Top 3 have something in common with Beetlejuice - they are all WB movies. WB is the king of the fall. Beetlejuice is gonna smash. Jenna + nostalgia + WB in the fall. Perfect storm incoming.
  3. Dom performance highlight is nitpicking when the size of the budget clearly needed OS too or such enormous dom overperformance (Mario, Barbie, BP) to offset OS apathy/rejection. Since neither happened, dom didn't save it and I'd say that failing to reach 300M even by a hair is a proof that it ran out of steam quickly (which happened around Father's Day indicating that male audience checked out completely after that point).
  4. Girls have Moana themed bday parties to dress like her. Big reason why Frozen was such a hit is that girls loved to dress like Elsa cause that was so pretty. Nobody wants to dress like The Marvels yet Feige was bragging about discarding CM's sexier costumes in favor of...that thing. Then he multipled that thing whatever it is (potato sack?) by 3 and bombed worse than The Flash. No crack, just common sense. Look around, see how people dress and what they find pretty and put your characters in it. But fair enough, back to BO.
  5. Yes specific markets are unpredicyable and can carry a movie like how China carried Coco and SK Elemental. Moana's gonna flop if they dress her like a nun which is what they do with female superheroes, or if they digitally flatten her like they did with Halle Bailey. There's nothing wrong with sexy and whether it's objectification is in the eye of a beholder. Barbie, Taylor Swift, the Na'vi dress sexy/revealing and their movies were hits. The Marvels dressed like nuns yet even The Nun 2 made more money.
  6. If that was their line of thinking than all of them should be fired. There's nothing for the boys in TLM be it animation or live action while BatB has a monster as one of 2 protagonists and some cool action such as the wolf attack and Gaston attack on the castle. I don't have to explain what Aladdin has for the boys and girls so that leaves TLM with only girl audience while casting limited even that part (see OS reaction). Had the movie had a reasonable budget, it would have been a minor hit but still a hit. But with 250M, that sank to the bottom of the ocean. Not as massive bomb as The Marvels since it didn't lose hundreds of millions but it isn't a success except in the eyes of those who are twisting themselves into a pretzel trying to spin it as one.
  7. TCP is likely going over 100M like Hidden Figures. Some bring up Woman King but the difference is that men wouldn't touch Woman King with a pole so older AA female audience wasn't enough to carry it far while TCP only doesn't interest Zoomers but men aren't resisting it. So it has bigger base audience unlike WK. More similar to Hidden Figures.
  8. Still wouldn't do that much without a hot male lead. It's a fact of life and nothing wrong with that. I don't know why there's an attempt to reeducate female audience about what they should like but hot male lead tends to be a bigger draw in female-oriented movies. Remove Ken from Barbie and you wouldn't get the same boxoffice, Remove Tom Blyth from BOSAS and you can guess the rest. I'm half joking about Priscilla cause there's Jacob Elordi but the emphasis wasn't on him and also younger generation doesn't care for Elvis or Priscilla. Elvis the movie was driven by older women who know the story and music.
  9. Yes because TGM success was applied to MI7 which was false equation but even so the movie had no reason to flop on paper. Acclaimed predecessor? Check. Cruise saving cinema in 2022? Check.Great WOM building since test screenings? Check. Critical raves? Check. Strong fandom reception? Check. Yet even the casually faithful abandoned it in favor of Barbenheimer while TC&co put almost 300M into Part 1. It flopped. It doesn't matter why - it's always several factors - but we live in the wra where 500M+ is a flop cause budgets are skyrocketing (though they shouldn't). TC and Robbie reversed their 2022 fortunes in 2023. She had 2 flops in 2022 but the biggest movie of 2023, while he had the biggest dom movie/second biggest WW of 2022 and a bomb in 2023.
  10. I don't give a flying fuck about ancillary returns such as toys. Boxoffice was a flop. Boxoffice alone. Everything else is a gravy train that helped the overpriced bust look not as bad as its boxoffice. But the blame is 100% on 250M waste and no it isn't just muh covid, it's terrible SFX from digitally flattening Halle's beautiful chest (why?) to shitty underwater effect that got mogged by AWOW to I don't even know what else they wasted their money on. Bardem's salary cannot be that big.
  11. Title your movie Elvis, women take it to over 150M boxoffice. Title your movie Priscilla, it tops out at 20M give or take.
  12. I think that TCP is Potter/Marvel for church people hence massive OD. Superfans always behave like that, must see their thing the opening day hence frontloadedness. It will be fine like franchise movies. Nothing unsual here.
  13. It's a biased narrative. All of them did poorly. TLM was expected to make similar numbers to Aladdin. Even if you take into calculation that the original movie was the lowest grossing of the revivial cartoons, it should have made over 700M minimum. It couldn't even reach 600M (breakeven point was 625M due to 250M budget). OS completely rejected it. MI7 had no business flopping even worse than that unnecessary mediocre remake cause it came after the acclaimed predecessor and it received acclaim as well. Yet the date killed it. It ran away from Indiana Jones, which bombed, right into the hands of Barbenheimer which completely buried it. So none of them came out profitable and smelling like roses as far as boxoffice itself goes. Cope about streaming (TLM dropped after only 1 week at #1 on D+ casue Elemental destroyed it, not sure about MI7 on Paramount +) and toys is irrelevant to theatrical disappointment.
  14. Yep one of the year;s biggest and most pleasant surprises. Not oddly. She always creates competition between movies that seem similar to her. She's stanning Color Purple so since they are both musiclas she wants Wonka to fail even though they target a different audience and can coexist just fine. Never heard of church groups buying theaters for Wonka but OK. She also went into rant against Barbie cause it kicked TLM's ass like nobody's business. Very weird logic. Since both TLM and TCP are remakes maybe that's why, a remake fan or something.
  15. I unironically believe that WB top brass believes it. They told us it was testing better than TDK. That's Best Picture material right there.
  16. The Flash jokes will never get old. Though studio committee liking something isn't the best indicator either. Eternals was going to win Best Picture. Never forget.
  17. Do we have demo breakdown that either indicates only Indian audience shows up for them or that Indian movies are now drawing other demos that didn't before? Cause if the latter is the case than that's the reason for boxoffice growth. During the pandemic, there was a spike in interest in foreign movies and shows on streamers such as Netflix. I remember that RRR was a big hit. So perhaps with the end of the pandemic some of that non-Indian audience kept the habit and now watches Indian movies in cinemas?
  18. Yeah, A- is no C+ (and that didn'ts top WOWS legs) and good point about hiding it's a musical.
  19. BOSAS got B+ and look at those legs. Maybe CS works differently for family movies but it isn't as reliable as some make it out to be.
  20. After the flops that were Keaton and Vellani walkups, it's so good to see that Chalamet walkups are real.
  21. 💯 Even if they did 3 hr finale fans would show up cause it was the finale of the highly popular acclaimed series.
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