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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Isn't not more about the actual content of the scene not have been discussed and improve happening during the sex scene ? More than the amount.... Didn't follow that story much, twitter being a terrible platform.
  2. Is that a bit misleading, looking at red sparrow video by view count: https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=CAM%3D&search_query=red+sparrow The first trailer has 3.1M on the Fox channel, but 10m views on the ONE Media channel ? Is it a less legit source regarding view count ? Not sure how to compare view count exactly with so many different platform and sources going on. Could just be that trailer #1 was more popular to be seen outside the Fox channel, not that popularity grew during that timeframe.
  3. They just announced a script getting developed for it: https://www.thewrap.com/jac-schaeffer-marvel-black-widow-movie/ Would not be before 2020 if it happen, not sure if it would be an origin story or if it would happen in the current MCU storyline.
  4. I doubt Disney got more than is 65% for the opening Weekend that was probably a flat fee like almost all movies in the 2010s.
  5. If proud mary pull a 23-25m 4 days opening with that screen counts / marketing budget that would be a big win and explain the strategy (it would not have made much more than that with a bigger release to justify that cost, reviews would have irrelevant good or bad ones, it would have find it's audience by itself). It did do the top 5 on tv but barely, 12 strong is already ahead and opening a week later: http://variety.com/2018/digital/news/the-post-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1202658186/
  6. Not sure about that in the sony leak there is a lot of talk about actor pay on movies that was not Sony movies and agents talking that they learned about other people deal on the same movie of their clients and wanting them to match the deal, it can happen specially when they work for the same agency like those 2. Michelle agents are not necessarily working for her at all, but for an agency.
  7. Was really strange for him to point attention to it, I also think that was probably what motivated the leaker's to talk to the press about it, maybe they thought the rest of the cast knew before him talking about it. I do not know, but he said after being ask even the crew ? by the interviewer that the crew was paid (not sure is there way around it on a studio distributed movie shoot in the US, probably all unions minimum are very strict)
  8. It is a so common comportment pass a certain age when the frontal lobe in charge in controlling yourself/social cue goes start to get away, mean probably nothing.
  9. The rumors started by the director was only above the line people, not the crew and except Plummer that had to get paid a little bit because he didn't made 500k or more from the regular shoot.
  10. If you are talking theatrical, not when you consider release cost, studio tend to make 21% net of a China release. So a 100m box office in China mean an around 21m net profit from theatrical. In domestic a 100m box office usually mean an around 53m rental (if you are not disney with a Star wars type product getting 65m) and say a low/mid 40m domestic releasing cost for a 13m net profit from theatrical, smaller than China. It is outside the very big title that make over 200m more about the post-theartical windows revenues that make domestic domestic, and China just China, no ?
  11. https://web.archive.org/web/20170829003344/http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=main&id=furious8.htm August 23 (the dailies stopped at july 13th at the time:) Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $225,764,765 18.2% + Foreign: $1,013,000,000 81.8% = Worldwide: $1,238,764,765
  12. The title is a bit sensationnalist, in the demo is down, total vierwership was not. That 2017 Jimmy Fallon-fronted affair of January 8 last year ended up a touch ahead of the 2015 Globes with a 5.6 rating among adults 18-49 and 20.0 million viewers – a rare rise in a year of award-show ratings declines. It’s a rare rise we might see repeated this year based on the MM results, which were the second best for the Globes in the past 11 years. Only the 2014 ceremony hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler performed better than last night’s show popping a 14.1 rating for the Comcast-owned network. Although small, a rise is a rise, with the Globes up incrementally for the third year in a row in metered market ratings. Only 2014 had a better rating in the history of the show.... and all award show viewership are down. ------- There is a not so short list of people that apparently do not care about awards and find time meaningless that talk about them, make prediction, complain about winners... almost on a weekly basis all year's long, what up with that.. ?
  13. The issue here, it seam you have a VOD available only in part of the country where the movies will not play in theater, not sure how possible it is (you do not know if you will not get theater ever if you are a nomination and have a shot at award) or if it would not be confusing to customer marketing wise. Chance are, it would be available everywhere, including the markets were it play in theater and you would need the theater chain to accept it (and you to accept the condition they are ready to let the windows down). I think you are right and studios want to push those movies as soon as possible every where and they are always trying all the time to do it, but they need to respect every players windows and cultivate that symbiotic relations respectfully, maybe streaming will change thinks, but in the past industry that went away with the theatrical windows (like Italy that started to play movies on tv really fast ?) destroyed their movie industry and never recuperated. Every year's or 2, you see that news coming up, MPAA attempting to make movies available right away to all customer: this year http://variety.com/2017/film/news/studios-premium-vod-early-1202013205/ 2016: http://variety.com/2016/film/news/studios-exhibitors-consider-revolutionary-plan-for-day-and-date-movies-at-home-exclusive-1201725168/ 2014: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-sony-hacking-interview-vod-20141230-story.html https://celluloidjunkie.com/2014/06/03/premium-vod-just-killed-cinema-release-window/ http://www.shericandler.com/2014/09/18/day-and-date-film-release-conversation/ 2011: http://deadline.com/2011/03/nato-responds-to-premium-vod-plan-between-directv-studios-119060/ 2009: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/reel-time-the-incredible-shrinking-window-for-movie-releases/ 2008: https://www.engadget.com/2008/05/16/mpaa-dangles-early-hd-vod-releases-in-exchange-for-closing-that/ A mix of fear, complication with theater chain, not finding a solution or viable price point (that family of 4/couple night out is sometime spending a lot of money on a movie night out, something really hard probably impossible to reproduce on VOD) make it never really happen. Awards movie would be one of the best to ever happen during the season for sure (say a Fandor special package of all movies with award attention available for 2 months for 50$ or something) and I am sure some studio are looking hard at it, but it is not easy to do.
  14. Well yes if you are talking about wide theater release I imagine that the week of those shows studio would want for most of those nominated movies to be in all the movie theater that would accept to play them, but most theater would not want to play them I imagine, except for the BP winners and some other exceptions. Has for the why not make it available movies that are still playing in theater (or just out of them), well I seem to be repeating myself it is because that it would not respect the theatrical window. Look how theater chain treat an Amazon release vs a netflix release that do not respect it for example or what Snowpiercer did and other movies not respecting it. It is one things to have torrents/stream outthere, but an easy to access to older people (the people that go to theater see those movies) on their TV directly without having to do or know anything about computers, would have a different effect. Yes some would still go in theater (some still went to see Snowpiercer or beast of no nation in theater, but not that many): http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=snowpiercer.htm Domestic: $4,563,650 Or http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=beastsofnonation.htm Domestic: $90,777 And those were some of the most acclaimed movies, trackrecord of movies available on video at the box office is not that great, specially for that type of movies. I am not sure why bring the part of lending them to 200k people argument has being relevant that is 0.0058% of the domestic market population, it is not a large group of person it is about no one (if it was not of the fact that it leaked it would be absolutely irrelevant no ?)
  15. Leak quality is really important, VOD here would be high HD, 5.1 type of product. Worked is a generous term, having almost all music freely on youtube and spotify being free obviously reduced piracy, it is now pretty much fully legalized to listen to music for free and almost free if you want some options like on data-mobile music.... It destroyed that industry revenues: It went from 34.29b in 2016 dollar industry to a 15.7b in 2016 industry, a 54% revenues drop while music is still quite popular if not more than ever, it is not necessarily a good model to follow if you are not absolutely forced too like the recorded music industry was, obviously if the movie industry is ready to cut is revenue by half they could easily remove most piracy (that would be what would happen if the netflix model becoming popular and with no windows at that price point), but at a big cost.
  16. Could definitely see a 390 to 410 result, that said I didn't saw the first one success coming at all, not a second, so I am quite out of touch with that fanbase/target audience I think.
  17. Possible. TLJ from Awaken drop (if TLJ make 632m) would put the 652,270,625 * (632/936) = 440m Jurassic Park first run to Lost world drop: 652,270,625 * (229/357) = 418m Split in the middle and you get around 430m, that would be my possible made up just from those predictions for Jurassic World 2. Now Jurassic Park was a much more loved film, so the sequel of World could go down harsher if it does not deliver... but a mediocre 60% retention rate push it at 390m already.
  18. Because theater chain would not like it, it would be much harder for them to sell tickets if the movie is available on VOD no ? It would either require the VOD/package to be expensive enough that people would still watch it on piracy or if cheap enough, theater will probably refuse to play those movies. It is not purely in the studio hands decision and there is consequence to not respect the theatrical windows to weight in.
  19. With Awaken doing 45.3%/54.7%, if it end up with 47/53 the drop for W7 was worst overseas than domestic no ? Or is he exchange rate worst and those numbers were expected or are people correcting for China factor drop or something else I do not get ? Is that base on Rogue One 50.4%/49.6% performance and people expecting more Rogue One type of split than Awaken ?
  20. That almost sound like you expected an 50/50 if not even a bigger domestic than intl split.
  21. The Post (if it was seen & eligible) took a really big one also 0 mention, has good is the subject and interesting City of Ghost is by moment, it was terrible film making....
  22. Irony is that if the movie would have been a 55-60m breakout we would probably be speculating that it was helped by the Spacey allegations and re-cast news publicity.....
  23. Avatar was not too far with 68 vs 77, 6th sense 23.95 vs 26.68. Looking at that list: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/weekends/moreweekends.htm?page=3&p=.htm It could be The Ring in 2002 (18.11 vs 15m) but it gained a lot of theater even if it openned wide, from 1,981 to 2,808 TC. Titanic in 1996 (33m vs 28m) among those who had big numbers at least and without gaining much theater.
  24. Netflix can approve them and with a director with that track record they said yes I imagine, Fury/Suicide Squad were also 2.35:1 : https://backlothelp.netflix.com/hc/en-us/articles/217237077-Production-and-Post-Production-Requirements-v2-1 The only think they seem to never backtrack is digital camera, except for Scorsese.
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