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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. I think majority here will recognize that the Raimi films at least DOM were bigger events than the Tom Holland Spidey films have been so far. That doesn't mean you have to disparage the performance of FFH especially when it's having a very healthy increase WW from Homecoming. Also important to note the Tom Holland Spidey films are the only ones that have increased from the previous DOM while before each of the previous Spidey films was lower DOM than the predecessor.
  2. Thinking we're reaching saturation point with franchise films that even though so many of them underperform they still make some money which just sucks up the potential dollar that could be given to non-IP films instead. A bit unrelated but it's also important to note how we in the past 5 years we haven't really had many new franchise starters. All the major franchises today are at least 10 years old (thank goodness one exception is John Wick).
  3. They could of and I suspect they may do that in the 3rd one but once you put an idea like that in the public's mind might be very hard to get rid of their suspicion of Spider-Man whetehr they believe Mysterio or not.
  4. The post credits scenes recently have definitely been important developments for the films. Heck Captain Marvel's intro in Endgame doesn't make sense without Captain Marvel's mid credits scene and Ant-Man's intro makes no sense too. Though I agree FFH's end scene is slightly different as it recontextualizes a character and therefore the film itself. I think Marvel prefer to leave the "setting up" for the next films to post credits scenes rather than in the main body of the film so the films feel a tad less serialized.
  5. Yeah for me the Talos as Fury reveal it was more of a "Oh phew there's a reason for this" rather than a "omg what a surprise"
  6. It's funny cause that's been a recurring thing with all Spidey films. The Raimi ones the main villains all were connected to Peter's personal life, TASM all the villains were involved with Oscorp and the MCU the villains' origin are Tony Stark based. Though yeah definitely will hope that changes in the 3rd.
  7. The teen aspects is what makes the Spidey films stand out from the other MCU films. Literally the 1st Act is all just teen romance hijinks.
  8. Yeah loved that while both had their origin stories come from being screwed over by Tony Stark Mysterio is a completely different character to Vulture.
  9. Guy Ritchie managed to work out for Aladdin despite all the naysayers but yeah Rob Marshall is definitely a safe and boring choice.
  10. Let's just see how long the Sony/Marvel deal is extended post FFH. They might have Peter and Miles be Spider-Man simultaneously. But yeah I really don't see them killing off or getting rid of Peter Parker since Tom Holland is still young enough to play the character and his iteration is only getting more and more popular each film. They're definitely taking the Harry Potter route with the Spider-Man franchise.
  11. A multiplier better than TASM is certainly possible since TASM didn't particularly had glowing reception. Seems like people are once again jumping too soon to conclusions about a Spidey film. Though we'd learned a lesson from Homecoming.
  12. They definitely can just say he faked his death but pretty sure at this point in time they intend for his character to be dead. But yeah he's fantastic and the Spider-Man films are 2/2 when it comes to villains. I'm actually really looking forward to the MCU's interpretation of the Osborns when they do eventually appear.
  13. Hmm I think many people would agree with you tbh. This Spider-Man is built to interact with the other Avengers while on his own it becomes a bit more "been there done that". Though I personally think Holland gives his best performance as Spidey in Far From Home.
  14. Man I shouldn't be surprised after all the reactions to Endgame's spoilers without even actually seeing the film but eh guess some prefer to judge a film by reading spoilers instead of you know......watching in the movie. Peter Parker's identity being known is not gonna stick but it does up the stakes of the third one massively and Spider-Man in the MCU will finally be a fugitive and a known menace to the public like in the comics. Perfect for a certain Norman Osborn to take advantage of probably.
  15. It's just gonna be awesome to see a Spider-Man film finally reach the massive box office heights not seen since the Raimi days.
  16. Pixar barring Coco never does well in China (heck American Animation as a whole usually does meh numbers). Aladdin would have done way better had Disney put more effort into advertising there.
  17. Yeah Disney definitely wants to the record and they'll do um.....whatever it takes to get there. Might see some interesting fudging in the next month.
  18. We could be in for something special if FFH increases in other territories the same way it's increasing in China. $600M OS got to be the floor now heck maybe even $650M OS
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