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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Everything this weekend looks like it got absolutely creamed vs last weekend, so I don’t think it’s a TS4 issue so much as some special circumstances in the country. Not sure what that would be though.
  2. (I don’t actually know what these imply yet, it’s just awesome to have an update)
  3. OW ranked 68th (now 69 after TS4). 2nd weekend ranked 81st (now 82nd after TS4). 3rd weekend ranked 76th. 4th weekend ranked 58th. 5th weekend ranked 36th. 6th weekend ranks 40th. Next weekend only needs 7.5 to rise again in rankings. Heading to over Zootopia DOM, over TDK WW.
  4. End of an era. Be interesting to see how accurate the replacements we can find are. I’m particularly interested in Menor’s Cinemark scraping.
  5. When the actuals adjustment is larger than the weekend 🤣 With DOM actuals ending the weekend about 2.765. I was on the fence before, but it does seem a bit hard to believe that Disney would let it miss from here. Obviously legs are volatile here, but it just made a 14M week and is 23M away...
  6. I guess we need @Deep Wang more desperately now than ever before. It was a bit strange to me how Fandango was just spewing so much of their data out into the world for us — the weird thing is how they let it be for so long.
  7. Last 3 months have been wiggity wild over here. Endgame, TS4, to lesser extent Aladdin
  8. ¥4B target for me as well. I’m not too surprised, between Endgame, Spider-man being the one big solo superhero character over there, and it apparently being a pretty good movie.
  9. Should have slept hours ago, FFH midnight show is tomorrow night 😛 Well, I’ll just catch a nap in like 15 hours. 18:00 will be last from me, just see where things end up in due time.
  10. Wow, +60k in 4 hours. Looks like final PS will just straight up beat CM. Midnight debut helping, I think.
  11. That was with the night extrapolated from Fri, right? I thought using Sunday for later hours might make more sense since it’s the other night before a weekday, went down to 80ish. Eventually we’ll have a nice stockpile of MCU first Monday’s to use as a reference instead. P.S. Let me know if you’d rather I not fiddle with projections like that.
  12. 13.92, barring some form of future rerelease/expansion.
  13. At just 14:30, nice. Seems like it won't end that far behind CM PS, expecting a better multi -- though not sure how Tues opening is likely to affect either of those.
  14. This Forum will have like 3 months of unbearable nonsense that would have been avoided if Endgame did 2% less or more. The darkest timeline.
  15. The only worthwhile 2nd expansion of the first run would be in IMAX, since home video will be out already. That’s up to IMAX more than it’s up to Disney. That said, there are no IMAX releases between Hobbs & Shaw and It2, so IMAX will be freaking dead in late August. Same situation last year led to Marvel 10 year anniversary film festival, where they showed all 20 movies on the week of Aug 30-Sep 6. This year it’s pretty easy to imagine them deciding that Endgame returning to IMAX would make more money than Hobbs and Shaw5th weekend IMAX. They’ll probably announce something for that week by Aug 12 or so.
  16. Relatively rare big movie that might have China gross in ¥ and WW in $ be pretty close to each other. Age of Ultron and Civil War will probably be closer though.
  17. I’m pretty sure it’s midnight of Monday, like US.
  18. At this point DOM, SK, and Japan will be the bulk of remaining gross. Weathered FFH in Japan this weekend without issue. If it does miss, will be because FFH hits it more DOM and SK, but I’m optimistic.
  19. ¥1.54 or so needed to be a top 10 HW film, that’ll be my goal for now.
  20. All that, for a drop of blood. Like @Charlie Jatinder and I were saying, this won’t get it to 2.788B on its own. What it does do is get it a lot closer, so it’s more plausible for some kind of second maneuver to get there if Disney wants to go after this hard.
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