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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Posting to note I was on the 1 Billie train before it was cool.
  2. Wow, Sat and Sun doing some heavy lifting, OW won’t be nearly as far behind SMH as I was thinking a couple days ago.
  3. It’s interesting how the % growth needed goes down each time but the temporal gap hasn’t (yet) gotten any smaller. Should see 300M before 2023 imo, but not sure what movie it’d be if not Endgame.
  4. Ugh, just realized that stupid daylight savings time will put me an hour further away from China numbers. At least there’s usually a pretty decent idea of where the day is headed by 15:00.
  5. The PS to total multiplier will be really low for an 8.8. The PS were insane, so the total is still solid — but it looks like it may underperform in China relative to OS-C.
  6. “Less than 90” as in 89.5+ 😛 I still think it will beat that, low 90s. But anyway that was accounted for in my range, the OS-C gross overperformance more than compensates forChina coming in slightly below I hoped.
  7. Hey! If you're going to subtweet Quigley and I, get the facts right at least. It’s 1B that was not that impressive anymore, not 1.1. I dunno how anybody can look at the 42+ Billie films we’ll have by end of year vs the 2 we had a decade ago and not realize that they’re becoming much less impressive (though still great and uncommon accomplishments).
  8. Headed for the 4th highest MCU OW at best in Mexico, as I understand it. Should be 1st or 2nd best in the other countries I mentioned, which was my informal threshold for “what the hell is going on.”
  9. Hopefully beats this by a good amount. If not is ¥605 wknd, just 8.3x final OD PS. Important to keep in mind if CM2 also opens Women’s Day
  10. I know this is super early, but what range of legs seems reasonable considering similar movies, upcoming competition, and early indicators of reception?
  11. Thursday previews will start Wednesday midnight and still get rolled into Friday. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
  12. ... WAT!? Guess I’ll add HK to Indonesia, India, Vietnam, and Brazil as a territory where CM is doing numbers I still can’t fully get myself to believe.
  13. We have no idea what the level of plot connection between AEG and FFH is, so no one can really answer your question for another 7 weeks. But FFH doesn’t have to bump much from SMH for a Billie, really quite realistic.
  14. Quite likely now that the average phase 3 WW gross will be over Civil War. I’m not one of those “MCU will decline after Endgame and never recover” people, but the 2016-2019 run is something that could be difficult for it or any other franchise to replicate for a long, long time.
  15. Hmm, this appears to be a classic case of 15+15=40. I’m sure we’ve all been there before Thanks for the catch, but the basic conclusion that it’s quite hard to fall below $90M still holds
  16. Oh, for sure. 90USD only needs 605¥, already 230¥ so just 375 needed from Sat+Sun. A 225 Sat would get there even with a whopping 33.3% Sun drop.
  17. 139.3/41.3 Pure Frday:Pure FSS multiple would be about 3.37. A bit high seeming, but Saturday’s have been strong recently, might continue.
  18. Hourly gain will be about 10% above the projection from 13:00, new projected total from the sheet likely mid-high 250s. Still early, large error bars in both directions but seems healthy enough to me. Edit: Yup, 259
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