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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I just can’t picture Netflix being willing to fork up the cash for something like that, and considering their general lack of interest in theaters, them buying a major studio would likely be met with a more significant backlash compared to the other potential buyers. If Amazon is out of the question, then I guess it’ll all come down to Comcast and Apple.
  2. I doubt Netflix is going to buy WB. It’ll most likely come down between Comcast, Apple and maybe Amazon, although they did already buy MGM.
  3. I can picture WW84 having a strong OW in a non-pandemic environment, but poor legs once word of mouth kicked in. As for TSS, yeah, I don’t think there’s any scenario where that movie would’ve performed well. Interest simply wasn’t there. GvK did significantly better than TSS, despite having come out at a worse point in the pandemic.
  4. The decline of the DCEU films at the box office started with Shazam!, and only escalated from there. BoP came out a month before lockdowns, and its low OW numbers were a shock to pretty much everyone. All in all, I think the DCEU’s decline was a result of it not having any real sense of direction. There was no big event for people to get hyped about, and the movies themselves didn’t look exciting enough for the average moviegoer to rush to see them. It doesn’t help that they kept playing coy about the fact that Henry Cavill was fired because Toby Emmerich didn’t like the guy, and didn’t have any real concrete plan on how they were going to replace him.
  5. In other words, Zaslav was concerned that WB alone might not have been enticing enough for other companies to buy, so he considered merging the company with Paramount to juice it up more. Got it.
  6. Maybe someone can explain this to me, but if Zaslav’s plan is to sell off WB, why exactly was he considering a merger with Paramount? As far as I’m aware, that merger wasn’t going to be a simple case of Paramount buying WB (they didn't have the cash for that), so what was that all about?
  7. That reminds me of that extremely brief Marilyn Monroe musical number in the Birds of Prey movie, except this one presumably won’t get cut to ribbons in the editing room.
  8. I don’t see how this most likely winning Best Picture would be a sign of things to come. The subject matter is a lot more fit for the Oscars than most of the other big moneymakers nowadays.
  9. This looks like the safest bet to win Best Picture, so if that doesn’t happen, it would be the biggest upset since La La Land lost to Moonlight, although hopefully without an awkward mixup.
  10. Hopefully this’ll be the last one of these Sonyverse movies.
  11. God, that Harry Potter reboot thing still sounds extremely stupid. Who is it even supposed to be for? The films are easily accessible for young fans to watch. Who are the actors even supposed to be?
  12. One can only hope that anti-trust laws will prevent all these planned sell-offs and mergers, but I’m not optimistic about it. The AT&T and Disney buyouts set a very dark precedent.
  13. How does a budget inflate so much to the point where it’s nearly double what was intended?
  14. Could this and Kraven potentially swap release dates?
  15. At this point, I don’t even know why method acting is still a thing actors want to brag about. Did they not see how badly that backfired with Jared Leto?
  16. We always hear conflicting reports about a movie’s budget. I imagine there’s some Hollywood accounting nonsense going on.
  17. That cult film is itself based on a comic.
  18. Oppenheimer is a historical biopic framed around one of the most significant events in human history. That alone makes it more primed to win Best Picture than a movie based on a sci-fi novel.
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