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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Wait, is that how they’re counting it? Edit: Never mind. I saw the tweet
  2. Her character wasn’t supposed to get killed off permanently. She was going to be in the scene outside the courthouse along with Michael Keaton after the Flash changed the timeline again. The scene was reshot with the George Clooney cameo.
  3. The 2017 Power Rangers movie at least has its fans, and I don’t think anyone was expecting it to get great reviews in the first place. It just flopped because Power Rangers is too niche for a $100 million+ movie. But yeah, that’s not a good resume.
  4. Personally, I just feel bad for Sasha Calle. She was cast as Supergirl a mere three years ago, and WB pretty much made her handle the promotional tour for The Flash by herself on the count of Ezra Miller’s controversies, and she has practically nothing to show for it now.
  5. My problem isn’t that they gave away the fact that Wolverine is in the movie. My problem is that it’s a really lazy title that treats the audience as if they’re morons who otherwise wouldn’t have known that Wolverine is in it. As I said, they could’ve at least chosen some kind of wacky subtitle. Here’s a different comparison; Civil War didn’t need to put Iron Man’s name in the title.
  6. That’s my point though. NWH didn’t need to come up with some dumb title like ‘A Tale of Three Spider-Men’ to sell tickets.
  7. But why is putting Wolverine’s name in the title necessary for that? No Way Home was a very vague title, but it still generated an insane amount of hype. I just don’t like this notion that moviegoers are complete morons who wouldn’t be able to tell that Wolverine is in this movie from the trailers and posters.
  8. Are you trying to claim the record for most posts in this thread or something?
  9. I can’t believe Illumination is the most vocally anti-A.I. animation studio in Hollywood. I’m not complaining, but damn.
  10. Wild would be if this somehow ends up being the highest grossing movie of the year. Boring would be if Deadpool or Joker take that title. I just really hope it won’t be Beetlejuice.
  11. I don’t disagree. ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ not only comes off like a cynical studio mandated title, but it also makes it sound like it’s not really a Deadpool movie first and foremost. I’m not really crazy about Deadpool, but this is supposed to be his movie, not Wolverine’s.
  12. Since we’re apparently still talking about this movie, I guess I’d say that it’s interesting how far the general narrative around Marvel shifted since then. At the time, most everyone assumed this movie’s poor reception was a one-time fluke. An oddity. Marvel was still generally seen as a mostly invincible juggernaut, especially after NWH came out a mere month later. I figured that the problem was that this was too different tonally and visually from what people were used to. That it’s more somber and quiet tone and less saturated color pallette made people uncomfortable. Since then though, Marvel has hit many more roadblocks, and even more “traditional” Marvel movies since then have been getting lukewarm, if not outright bad reception. We’ve had two MCU movies since then that have had B Cinemascores as well, the latest of which was The Marvels, which is an incredibly short movie that hits all those typical Marvel beats. What seemed like a fluke at the time turned out to be a warning sign that the superhero bubble was finally getting ready to burst.
  13. I think it might be worth pointing out that NWH didn’t need to convey through its title that it was a multiverse crossover movie to get people hyped. Hell, the advertisements completely left out Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, and that was hardly an issue. We already know for a fact that the marketing for this film won’t shy away from showing off Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, so what’s the need to put his name in the title?
  14. If they want to make it clear from the title that Wolverine is a major character (not sure why that would be necessary, but whatever), then just give the movie a wacky subtitle like ‘Adamantium Boogaloo.’ Or hell, just go with ‘I Will Always Love Hugh.’
  15. David Leitch is hardly someone who could be classified as an auteur, so the fact that he wasn’t willing to take the job seems like a pretty damning indictment about what a cynical corporate product this thing is.
  16. Just get Ron Howard or something. He’s the quintessential studio yes-man, and his daughter was already involved in this franchise.
  17. Wasn’t it the Rock’s idea to do a live action Moana after his DC plans didn’t work out?
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