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Everything posted by YLF

  1. AIW losing its lead rapidly. BP made 6.258 the same tuesday. Edit: Actually BP made 5.1.
  2. LMAO that would be funny. but she's like promoted movies she's in for 45 seconds so it just seems odd to not do this one where it seems like shell have more than 10 mins of screen time.
  3. Does anyone know why rihanna isnt promoting the movie w/ everyone? She hasn't even posted about it at all lol. She usually posts about the movies she's in.
  4. BP made 4.03 on this same Monday(after the 4th weekend), so this is when the lead AIW has against BP starts to diminish.
  5. Idk presales dont look so good domestically either at least anecdotally for me. And rotten tomatoes score isnt helping either.
  6. It sucked. There was a guy sitting near me that just started looking at his phone half way through and I saw another person that was asleep at the back of the theater when I went to the bathroom. Its a pseudo-intellectual film.
  7. Yikes. Its not looking good almost anywhere pre-sale wise.
  8. I dont want to be on this forum when Black panther 2 comes out. theres no way it tops the first especially domestically.
  9. Why does Kathleen Kennedy refuse to do ANYTHING the fans want? She botched this opening too. Why release the embargo the same week/close to DP embargo date? The presales look terrible for solo
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