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Everything posted by YLF

  1. Oceans 8 10:45PM AMC fall brook 7 35% full Trailers: Operation finale(The person next to me laughed at it... not in a good way. This one person takes on a major drug cartel gang just by training for a couple months? OKAYYYYY) El Royale( People seemed interested in it. there was laughter and gasps... is this a horror movie? I can't tell. Also, the women next to me said to each other "who's that" when chris hemsworth was on screen and was shirtless.) MI:6 (Can this stop playing in front of every movie? Please?) Crazy Rich Asians(There was a lot of laughter for this. pple actually seemed semi interested) A star is born( Murmurs) *There are a couple trailers I can't remember. They were for movies I never heard of until seeing them here. There was fucking 25 mins worth of trailers. There was some laughter throughout, although it seemed like everyone in the theater found different things in the movie funny. You would hear only a couple people in the back laugh at a joke, then just the people beside me laugh at a joke, etc. It seemed like no one found the same jokes funny lol. About 45 mins in the woman next to me fell asleep and was snoring so loudly. I think she eventually woke up towards the end because the snoring ended.
  2. They played bossy by Kelis and I was sold. A-
  3. This thread is now reminding me when some were claiming that infinity war was locked for 750-800M Dom based on the first weekend. I said it was absurd then and people shot me down. Its the first weekend. At least wait until you see the second weekend drop. Its not like the incredibles doesn't have any upcoming competition.
  4. When I was a kid I didnt see ANY of the disney animated films in theaters. IDK why. I remember seeing the live action inspector gadget movie, the first spiderman(i loved the cartoon), xmen, chicken run, wallace and gromit, dragon ball (live action... it was such a disappointment :/)
  5. Im fairly new so dont know of the struggle days lol. so im an impatient millennial
  6. A month ban, though? didnt others get like a week for similar offenses? Its the summer the numbers are important and exciting lol
  7. Wont you be my neighbor is getting showings this weekend at the local AMC with recliners and isnt selling as well as when RBG first opened at that theater which I find odd.
  8. Dang no ones getting the spider verse trailer lol. it wouldve been perfect to play before this movie.
  9. As I said I wasn't apart of the thread it was in so idk what was said. Im going based off of what I was told. Idk the severity of what was said.
  10. he's banned for a month for being "mean" to other members I think? I wasn't apart of the thread that it happened in. but he apparently wasn't being nice. It sucks because he's the only insider that consistently updates us with numbers. RTH is great but only gives numbers every so often. EC is way more active.
  11. Great documentary. I knew vaguely of RBG's record, but not extensively. It was good to get a fully fleshed out idea of her mindset and how it was growing up in the era she did being a woman lawyer facing sexism and how she came to have progressive values. I can't wait for the movie that isnt a doc about her!
  12. Theres a drive in in CA that is doing incredibles 2 and AWIT. How annoying. Can they please give up on that BP needs to get to 700M lol.
  13. What? Avengers 4, Captain Marvel, Aladdin, Lion King, Star Wars episode 9, Dumbo, frozen 2, kim possible. Its hard to even see which of these could even be a flop
  14. lol yeah i feel you. I checked my theater today... only a couple tickets sold for superfly. I wonder why they decided to release it today instead?
  15. 10M TOMM? no way it'd be lucky to make that over the 3 day.
  16. UPGRADE SATURDAY 9:35PM AMC promenade 30-40% full Trailers: Unfriended(sequel not sure of the name) people seemed scared by it The First Purge( some dude yelled white people bad black people good! sarcastically bc of the premise of the movie... he was white lol) and another person said it looked scary MI:6 No response really. im sure everyones seen this trailer bc its played in front of every fucking movie ive been to The Darkest minds: no reaction I can't remember the rest of the trailers :x some people clapped at the end of the movie. People laughed throughout. it seemed like everyone enjoyed the movie
  17. true. it seriously looks so bad lol. it probably wouldve done ok in the 90s. it looks dated.
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