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Everything posted by YLF

  1. superfly is going to flop. if you want to see that type of content empire is still on air.
  2. I like how almost no one brought up inflation for infinity wars opening weekend but people won't shut up about it in regards to Oceans 8 and Black Panther.
  3. I wish upgrade was doing better. What a phenomenal film. Still surprised how good it was for that budget. What are these "blockbusters" doing spending 200M and looking like shit. I loved black panther but will not forgive marvel for not making sure all the VFX were perfect before releasing it to theaters.
  4. My card swiper stopped working about a month ago. I contacted moviepass right away to send a new card they said it would take 7-10 days to get it. It didnt get here of course. And I messaged them again. They said they would be resending it again. We continued this process for weeks. They allegedly sent me 4 cards over the past 5 weeks. I finally fucking got my replacement card yesterday. Im surprised one ever came. Such shit customer service. I missed so many movies because of this.
  5. Upgrade is a good movie! just got out of seeing it. For some reason all the trailers before the movie were extended versions.
  6. This movie is amazing. How can this movie on a budget of 3-5M look so good? It is a shame that blockbusters that have budgets of 150-200M dont even look this good. The CGI/VFX to me were flawless. This movie was great from start to finish. A
  7. Widows not playing in front of that movie is a crime
  8. I remember I got fooled into thinking goodnight mommy would be a good horror film based on reviews. it was crap. I feel like every high rated "high art" horror film ends up being that way.
  9. Aquaman trailer never coming james wan is too scared about bad CGI lmao
  10. I heard that marvel is heavily involved in the film, too. They put it up on their verified marvel entertainment page and they didnt put the venom trailer on there. So that might indicate that too. They also said no black spiderman in their contract with sony too lol so the contract has obviously been amended...
  11. What do you guys think the budget is on this movie? any guess for domestic/WW gross?
  12. I haven't seen any of the transformers movies. It doesn't look like that will change anytime soon lol
  13. They know this isnt going to play well in the US dumping the trailer at midnight whereas its morning/afternoon in some places around the world.
  14. why was he banned for a month? he's one of the only insiders on here. RTH only comes on for blockbusters
  15. Yikes. way worse than AWIT. Even if it did just ok making 700M it wouldve been fine, but this is a BOMB
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