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Everything posted by Cochofles

  1. Well, I wasn't trying to imply that she has had flop after flop (that's @Kingp0va's job apparently ); what I am saying is that I sense that Red Sparrow will be the first Jlaw film that will be a smash hit without any asterisks used (no insanely successful YA novels, no big-star male co-leads to "share" the box office draw title, no comic book brands). This, I think, will be the first Jlaw film that will be perceived by Hollywood as an unqualified, large-enough smash based on her name alone (and nobody will be able to say "meh...it was the bestseller/the co-star/the comic book brand/the whatever that sold the film"). I also think that the movie will be solid enough to break out with audiences in a way that Joy or Passengers (or Atomic Blonde, for that matter) never did. I love me some Charlize Theron, but Lawrence conveys a certain warmth that is more relatable, I think, than Theron's ice-cold blonde bombshell image.
  2. That would be a fantastic OW...more than half of what BR's entire original run adjusts to!!!
  3. I want a male version of Bound with Idris Elba and Bradley Cooper.
  4. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor is just a misunderstood, criminally underrated Oscar-caliber performance. Lesser mortals, weaned on MCU's crappy superhero comedy and Waikiki's Oh-I'm-So-Funny-ha-HA Twitter feed cannot even begin to comprehend the sublime nuances and depth of Eisenberg's work in BvS.
  5. I keep saying this, and you can quote me: this movie will put Jen back in the good graces of the box office gods.
  6. It's ok, MCU fans. There is still hope for you. You still have this to look forward to (Cate the Great!): Although... You know what...never mind...
  7. MCU fans are so easily... Don't hate because the MCU can't do anything but Sandler-meets-Gilmore-Girls-type superhero comedies. Was that shade?
  8. But the MCU fanatics will dismiss it with a "meh...WW and JL are iconic properties...why would they not gross that much?" (conveniently forgetting how they totally underpredicted those before)...
  9. LOL They should've written "increasingly nervous under-employed, once-promising movie-star-in-the-making..."
  10. In other words, the same thing MCU always fans do with DCEU: Remember how most of the usual MCU-fanatics here underpredicted all the DCEU films? Remember when Suicide Squad was supposed to be horribly impacted by how BvS was received? Then it ended up grossing only 5 million less than BvS! Remember when Wonder Woman was supposed to be impacted by how MOS/BvS/SS were received? Then it ended up being the highest-grossing domestic DCEU movie. Rememeber how Gal Gadot was supposed to bring down Wonder Woman with her 'awful acting and lack of charisma'? Then she got all kinds of superlative reviews for her *gasp* solid acting and supernova-level charisma in Wonder Woman ? Yeah, man...that's what stans do... Stans will stan... MCU stans or DCEU stans...it's all stanning to me!
  11. The CGI in the "hulk talks!" and the "hulk v giant Wolf" scenes is absolutely awful. I understand liking everything else in the trailer, but seeing those two scenes and calling them anything but the dreadful visuals they are shows the blind pro-MCU bias.
  12. See, on that I can totally agree with you. At this point, I have made peace with the fact that MCU films will always have tons of [imo stupid, unfunny] jokes; it's a formula that works for them since they always make bank and critics always love them (especially post-GOTG). I am just going to watch for Cate and Valkyrie/the Valkyrior, but maybe I will love the film. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  13. LOL I can see that, but I am willing to give the film the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it will be have of those movie tropes like "you have to lose your way to find home," you know? Like, maybe Hulk learns to appreciate earth after realizing that all the awesome things he gets on the other planet can't compare to an earthly sunset or his friends back home
  14. To be fair, maybe the marketing has chosen not to focus on that. Maybe the film itself does have an emotional core. Who knows? Maybe it will be about Thor and Loki's brotherly bond, or maybe it will be about Thor and Hulk's friendship (or about their missing home [earth]).
  15. After re-watching Wisegirls and Precious , I was utterly shocked at how good she was. Mariah was funny, charming, and absolutely captivating in the former, and she truly acted the heck out of the latter. That's why her work in Glitter was the biggest WTF performance I've ever seen.
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