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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I can't entirely agree with that. I can argue the Star Wars part, but not LOTR. I love that series, but yeah Potter is more in pop culture than LOTR has ever been. With the books, merchandising, etc, it is hard to deny that it has had a bigger impact than LOTR.
  2. I am not rooting for any movie to win, but yes I think Hugo is the best movie I saw last year so I agree it is deserving of the nomination.
  3. Agreed. Just 2 seemed weird. I think the Muppets have this one. I thought they did anyway, but with it only being 2 choices, I think it is pretty certain now.
  4. 1931/32 Fredric March Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde1934 Clark Gable It Happened One Night1940 James Stewart The Philadelphia Story1941 Gary Cooper Sergeant York1942 James Cagney Yankee Doodle Dandy1948 Laurence Olivier Hamlet1950 José Ferrer Cyrano de Bergerac1951 Humphrey Bogart The African Queen1952 Gary Cooper High Noon1954 Marlon Brando On the Waterfront1956 Yul Brynner The King and I1957 Alec Guinness The Bridge on the River Kwai1959 Charlton Heston Ben-Hur1961 Maximilian Schell Judgment at Nuremberg1967 Rod Steiger In the Heat of the Night1969 John Wayne True Grit1970 George C. Scott Patton1971 Gene Hackman The French Connection1972 Marlon Brando The Godfather1975 Jack Nicholson One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest1976 Peter Finch Network1979 Dustin Hoffman Kramer vs. Kramer1980 Robert De Niro Raging Bull1981 Henry Fonda On Golden Pond1982 Ben Kingsley Gandhi1983 Robert Duvall Tender Mercies1984 F. Murray Abraham Amadeus1985 William Hurt Kiss of the Spider Woman1986 Paul Newman The Color of Money1987 Michael Douglas Wall Street1988 Dustin Hoffman Rain Man1989 Daniel Day-Lewis My Left Foot1991 Anthony Hopkins The Silence of the Lambs1992 Al Pacino Scent of a Woman1993 Tom Hanks Philadelphia1994 Tom Hanks Forrest Gump1995 Nicolas Cage Leaving Las Vegas1996 Geoffrey Rush Shine1997 Jack Nicholson As Good as It Gets1998 Roberto Benigni Life Is Beautiful1999 Kevin Spacey American Beauty2000 Russell Crowe Gladiator2001 Denzel Washington Training Day2004 Jamie Foxx Ray2005 Philip Seymour Hoffman Capote2008 Sean Penn Milk2010 Colin Firth The King's Speech47
  5. Out of those the only real surprise is the EL&IC inclusion. Possibly the Fassbender, but that wasn't a given either. I don't see any major, out of the blue things other than the EL&IC which I completely agree with you on.
  6. Yeah overall, the nominations were about what was expected. But a bit surprised that The Help didn't get more and no Tintin for animated movie either. And to follow up on Impact's point, yeah, what is with just 2 song nominations?
  7. New episode was pretty good. More info on "Doc" was good. Seems like everyone has some decent backstory.Wonder what the blood is all about?
  8. Pretty much. I was going to just to do the ones in the first post, but once everyone did more, it was easy to do the same thing.
  9. I think the last one I bought was the Spider-man Broadway show soundtrack since it was a 2 for 1 and my friend wanted it so I went in half.
  10. Yeah I haven't bought a CD in years, even before I got the iPod. But yeah, now there is zero reason for me to buy one
  11. Same here. The idea is great, but I can't see myself needing access to hundreds of books at the same time. But if I ever got one for a gift, I am sure I would like it. That is what happened to me and the ipod. I never had any desire to buy one, but got it for a present, and now I use it.
  12. I may not be always able to contribute, but I would still be in
  13. I hope that isn't the case either, but I wouldn't be surprised. I can see people having to buy "hard drive" type things and that holds all the movies and such by downloading. I won't like that at all. Of course, I would have to go with it, but won't enjoy doing so. :PIt's basically the same reason I don't have an e-reader. I like the idea of the actual book. Plus I don't read as much so it isn't practical for me yet.
  14. I agree. Although, I have a feeling they are going to be going to completely streaming or digital copies at some point. I think blu ray may be the last disc format. But like you, I want things on my shelf. ;p
  15. Finally have something to post for this year. :PThe ArtistRed TailsHaywire
  16. 1. The Dark Knight Rises 2. The Phantom Menace in 3D 3. Titanic 3D 4. Amazing Spiderman 5. The Avengers 6. The Hobbit 7. Prometheus 8. Skyfall 9. Dark Shadowns 10. The Expendables 2
  17. I didn't do all the series I have seen, but here are a lot of them Star Wars: TESB ANH ROTS ROTJ TPM AOTC Lord of the Rings: FOTR ROTK TTT Pirates of the Caribbean: COTBP AWE OST DMC Twilight: Twilight Eclipse BD1 New Moon Indiana Jones: Raiders Last Crusade Temple of Doom Crystal Skull Transformers: TF: The movie (animated) TF1 TF3 TF2 Godfather: GF1 GF2 There is no 3 Spiderman: SM2 SM1 SM3 Die Hard: DH1 DH2 DH4 DH3 Mission Impossible: MI1 MI4 MI3 MI2 X-Men: X2 X1 XM:FC X:O X3 Batman: TDK Batman 89 BB BR BF B&R Terminator: T1 T2 T3 T4
  18. I was taken to see this film by my Honors History teacher at the time. She took the history club, which I wasn't a part of, but since I was the only student in her class not part of the club, she let me tag along anyway. I do enjoy the film. It is well made and acted. I am not going to get into the inaccuracies or anything as they are well documented, but that doesn't change how good the film really is. It didn't affect me as much as some as my dad was heavy into the whole thing so I had books and such all around when I was a kid. So I read up a lot before the movie was even being done. But I can definitely see how this movie could influence people. Overall, if people were influenced in the right way, then that is a testament to the movie. Giving this an A is easily done.
  19. I probably enjoyed this more than I should have. Maybe I was expecting worse. But overall, the story was good, the action and effects were very good, but something kept it from being more than just a decent to good film. Although I do have to admit that for maybe the first time, I heard a woman behind me sobbing when Joe "Lightning" Little died. I mean, the sniffing, balling, snot inducing crying. I was shocked but I guess the movie really worked for her. I give the movie a B
  20. I just saw this last night. Decent movie, but really it was just a "remake" of the films from that era so yeah I can see how people take it as a gimmick and not like that. It's a very valid point. I did enjoy it for what it was. However, it did seem to go on forever. It didn't drag per se, but it just seemed so much longer than the couple hours it really was. I don't think it is the best movie of last year and don't get all the love for it. Not that I don't like it. I thought it was pretty good but seems to be getting overly praised. Overall I would give it a B+/B
  21. This was one of the 3 movies I saw this weekend and it was probably the least of the 3. About 8-10 minutes in, completely forgetting who the director was, I literally said out loud to the girl I was with, "this looks like Oceans 11". Of course, about 10 seconds after that I remembered that Soderbergh was the director and that answered my own question. It literally was shot just like the Oceans movie. Right down to some of the scenes with no sound, just the same kind of music playing. The fights were ok, and the very end was ok, but other than that, there really wasn't much else. Overall, it was just a blah movie. No real personality at all. C+
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