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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. I enjoyed it. The jokes mostly landed and Paul Rudd was the perfect choice for the role and having Michael Douglas in it doesn't hurt either. Not sure where I place this with other Marvel movies, it has the same bland villain, but I found it entertaining enough. ***¾, (B+, 7.4/10, 3/4)
  2. Thought it was alright. I liked the look of The Vision and some of the scenes were well done but there's nothing all that memorable, including the plot. I get with these kind of movies, and I'm certain we'll see the same thing in the eventual Justice League movie(s), but the whole destruction of the world is tired (though as has been mentioned, it at least wasn't predictable and there were nice character moments) so one has to rely on other elements which weren't there. I did enjoy James Spader however and on the whole it was still entertaining enough, but it was a step down from the previous movie. ***½/*****, (B, 7.1/10, 2.75/4)
  3. Thought it was great and like others said, the action stunt work were fantastic. I also enjoyed the teamwork and hopefully Ferguson does return (and apparently the studio does have an option on her). I probably still prefer Ghost Protocol but this one another solid entry. ****/*****, (A-, 8.2/10, 3.25/4)
  4. I agree. Well made and even clever comedy. ****¼/*****, (B+/A-, 8.4/10, 3.25/4)
  5. I liked it OK but especially for Pierce Brosnan even with his limited screen time. I don't get all of the Xenophobia issues, like any country, there's good and bad and they showed both, heck, the people responsible for the overthrow were the Brits and Americans. Anyway, good tension throughout and the acting by Bell and Brosnan were good. The kids, however, like many kids in movies, were annoying. With some editing, this could easily air on TNT. ***¼/*****, (C+, 6.4/10, 2.5/4)
  6. Oh, her head gets squished by elevator doors! Classic. I think based on what this is parodying, it'll open like $15-20M and then like all spoof movies, fall off the face of the earth.
  7. Not great but certainly enjoyable. Cavill and Hammer are charming, Cavill especially. Nothing I'd say was noteworthy but a fun way to spend a couple of hours with well shot action scenes and the cool 1960s factor that isn't obnoxious, though if I didn't see Guy Ritchie's name in the opening credits, I swear this was directed by Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney and Brad Pitt were going to show up at some point. ***½/*****, (B, 7.2/10, 3/4)
  8. Anger. But probably because I like Lewis Black's style, such as it is.
  9. I can confirm. Actually came on here that The Gift (2015) needs to be added to the archives but those links needed to be sorted out first.
  10. For the most part it was enjoyable but logically made little sense. I actually found the middle portion (road trip) to the best part. I actually didn't have much sympathy for Margot if only because it came off as first world problems with what she was dealing with. Perhaps her parents were jack asses but come on, to leave without saying a word is just cold. Even colder leaving these elaborate clues though in fairness, I too would be surprised if someone went to that extent to actually follow them. Still, I didn't care for her though it wasn't Cara Delevigne's fault. Still, I did kind of like the movie and the other characters and I agree with Baumer, there is a tinge of John Hughes in there. ***/*****, (C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4)
  11. I agree, it's a nice flick (just watched it the other day). Lot of funny scenes and Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn are great together. ***½/*****, (B, 7.2/10, 3/4)
  12. Haha, this is actually a direct sequel to the 2010 remake. These can also be added: I Spit on Your Grave (1978) I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Also: Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)
  13. Eh, I'm not a Melissa McCarthy fan and this is just the latest example. I thought it was way too long, there were times I almost dozed off, and I laughed maybe once. Like Gautske, it's apparent the comedy style for Feig and McCarthy is not my thing. Statham at least was OK I guess, though his schtick was a line-O-rama and Byrne is hot and was the most interesting person of the bunch. I will say, McCarthy at least wasn't as annoying and not nearly as obnoxious so the movie has that going for it... **/*****, (D+, 4.0/10, 1.75/4)
  14. Kind of liked the show, for the first few seasons before dropping it, and I thought this was pretty bad. Like the show, it's a bunch of rich people having rich people problems, and said rich folk banging hot chicks, with some pointless and humorless cameos thrown in for no effect. There's honestly no reason for this movie to even exist let alone get a theatrical release. Probably was better off just airing on HBO to begin with. Jeremy Piven probably was the best thing about it. **/*****, (D+, 4.0/10, 1.5/4)
  15. Didn't care at all for it. The cast had zero chemistry and it was an all around dull film with no life behind it. **/*****, (D+, 3.8/10, 1.5/4)
  16. Thought I had written a review but can't find it. Anyway, watched it for a second time today (on Blu-ray) and basically have the same opinion: insane all through with a fitting ending/tribute. I don't think it's as good as Fast Five or Fast and Furious 6 but still wildly entertaining and can't wait to see what they do with Mr. Nobody with the next installment. ***½/*****, (B, 7.2/10, 3/4)
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