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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. So blasé through and through. Dakota Johnson actually wasn't bad, it had a slick production design and cinematography and I actually liked the music, but otherwise it's such a terrible and forgettable film. And yeah, Jamie Dornan and had zero chemistry with Dakota. That said, I can't give him too much crap since the source material, from what I've read and seen (people reading on YouTube which is hilarious) is awful. But Universal got its wish with a cash grab, but I have to wonder what the sequels will offer if the first is just so uninteresting... **/****, (D, 3.9/10, 1.5/4)
  2. Um, I doubt a $200M OD is going to happen... to any movie.
  3. Link? I checked their Twitter feed and not seeing it.
  4. lol, how so? 3.25/5 = 6.5/10 (but I upped it to 6.6/10) and it was between 2.5 and 2.75 out of 4 so I just went with the latter. Grading is a bit more subjective as it could easily be a C but generally I go with C+ with that rating. About 2.5/5 is a C grade. See, quite simple!
  5. The Gambler needs to be added to the archives http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/index.php?/topic/17208-the-gambler-2014/
  6. Am I the only one who hates that smilie? Seriously, recasting a role that was barely seen in the first is hilarious?
  7. Snake Eyes needs to be added to the archives list: http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/index.php?/topic/14156-snake-eyes-1998/
  8. When I saw this for the first time years ago, I didn't care for it very much but when I watched last night on Blu-ray, I actually enjoyed it a lot more, though it does fall apart in the third act. Still Cage seemed to have a good time and Sinise makes for a great villain. ***/*****, (B-/C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4)
  9. I think it's safe to say you're not a fan of the series... I wouldn't bother seeing the seventh one if you didn't like #5 or 6. Personally, Fast Five is the best of the franchise but I enjoyed this one quite a bit. The action also well done and I especially liked the ensemble element carried over from F5. ***¾/*****, (B+, 7.6/10, 3/4)
  10. Not only was he busy with Hercules, but he also had a ruptured Achilles and opted to cope with the pain rather than surgery which would've delayed filming (Hercules) and risking the studio cancelling the project (which was a passion of his for years apparently).
  11. Liked it a heck of a lot more than I thought I would even though I've pretty much liked everything Nolan has done (even TDKR as flawed as it is). I also thought that unlike his other films, the emotional elements resonated much more thanks to McConaughey and Mackenzie Foy (younger Murph) and to some extent Jessica Chastain especially when her anger toward her father came through. Oh, and the scene as McConaughey watches video 23 years later was heartbreaking. Not sure if this is Nolan's best, though I suspect it's his most complete film and seemed to tap into his inner Spielverg and Kubrick, though there was a fleeting moment of M. Night Shyamalan (not the Sixth Sense/Unbreakable Shyamalan either) with the "ghost" element earlier in the movie. Having just watched it, will need to digest some more but right now, it's a finely acted (with an incredible cast) and fantastic visual effects aiding a well crafted story (which is thanks in large part to Jonathan Nolan). ****½/*****, (A, 9.0/10, 3.5/4)
  12. True and one has to remember, this was supposed to showcase Paul Walker but instead Diesel stole the show.
  13. An Unexpected Journey (Theatrical) - 54/100 An Unexpected Journey (Extended) - 60/100 The Desolation of Smaug (Theatrical) - 62/100 The Desolation of Smaug (Extended) - 67/100 The Battle of the Five Armies - 51/100
  14. Nope, but I really didn't care for the trilogy as a whole, though the extended version of the Desolation of Smaug was a minor improvement, so I am intrigued to see what the EC will be for Battle, though I suspect Bilbo will still be a side character.
  15. To be fair, there's questions whether he committed suicide and its connection with the hormonal "therapy." (Edited: That said, it's entirely possible, so not discounting it completely). After watching it, I found a link pointing out some of the historical inaccuracies: http://www.hypable.com/the-imitation-game-historical-accuracy/ I understand movies based around real events and people have to take liberties, Argo did especially with the finale, but some are hard to ignore with this one. I can forgive the naming of the computer Christopher. Like Argo did to bolster its thriller aspects, Imitation Game did so for the dramatic elements, yet other parts, like leaving out Gordon Welchman, were a bit unforgivable. As for the movie itself, it is well made but Benedict Cumberbatch takes it to whole other level, though at times it seems he was playing Sherlock, just an even more anti-social version. In any case, everything is well done unfortunately, as has been for other "true stories," this one fails to have good accuracy in key areas. ***¼/*****, (C+, 6.6/10, 2.75/4)
  16. Great and vastly entertaning 1980s movie with one of the more memorable characters. Kudos to the cheesy electronic score by John Carpenter... ****/*****, (B+, 7.9/10, 3/4)
  17. That was my initial thought but perhaps not. She did have a couple good scenes yet IDK, I thought she was better in CF.
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