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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. Was this one added? It comes out on DVD/Blu-ray on January 6th (http://www.amazon.com/88-Blu-ray-Christopher-Lloyd/dp/B00N1JQ3P8)
  2. Found this one: http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/index.php?/topic/13731-i-frankenstein-2014/
  3. A bit uneven but effective sci-fi/drama with two good performances with a spooky atmosphere. ***½/*****, (B-, 6.8/10, 2.5/4)
  4. IDK, instead of finding it rediculously awesome, I thought it was rediculously stupid. That said, I did love the soundtrack (bought it off of iTunes immediately afterward).
  5. As noted by Jake Gittes, there are two "The Guest" review threads, one created in September, the other in November.
  6. Interesting and this one is listed in the master review thread. Edit: Which makes sense since it was created first (the other was November).
  7. Reposting from the duplicated thread. As with Wingard's You're Next, The Guest had plenty of potential and actually starts out well enough but 20-25 minutes in, it veers off course from suspense thriller to spy thriller then it mixes in some Nancy Drew (darker in tone I'll admit) and then horror for the cliched finale. I will give it some props for its brutality, it is certainly no holds barred at times but by the same token, it just goes into rediculous territory offsetting anything the film had going for it. **½/*****, (C, 4.8/10, 2/4) (and that's being generous)
  8. As with Wingard's You're Next, The Guest had plenty of potential and actually starts out well enough but 20-25 minutes in, it veers off course from suspense thriller to spy thriller then it mixes in some Nancy Drew (darker in tone I'll admit) and then horror for the cliched finale. I will give it some props for its brutality, it is certainly no holds barred at times but by the same token, it just goes into rediculous territory offsetting anything the film had going for it. **½/*****, (C, 4.8/10, 2/4) (and that's being generous)
  9. Well, finally watched this and I thought it was alright. Aside from great performances by Colin Firth and Emma Stone, it's a pretty dull movie with poor pacing. It's an admirable and good looking film but a pretty weak outing from Allen. ***½/*****, (B, 6.7/10, 2.75/4)
  10. Just got done watching it (on Blu-ray) and for the most part did enjoy it, but as with others, the first 20-minutes were incredibly slow and there were portions in the second act with pacing issues. However, thanks to Denzel Washington and some well choreographed fight scenes, I was able to overlook those flaws. I just hope when a sequel happens, they get a new director, though one wonders if Washington would appear in one without Fuqua. ***½/*****, (B, 6.8/10, 2.75/4)
  11. It's like any other Bay production, lots of CGI which leads to no real danger. It's one of the (many) problems I had with the Star Wars prequels. I don't expect much from a plot involving fighting and talking turtles, but this one was half-assed not to mention shoehorning April into the Turtles' origin. I can't say I hated this movie unlike Transformers: Age of Extinction but it's not good and utterly forgettable. *¾/****, (D-, 3.4/10, 1.25/4)
  12. Cute if not simple romantic-comedy/drama that excels thanks to its two leads (Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan) rather than the script. ***¾/*****, (B+, 7.6/10, 3/4)
  13. Already posted 3 or 4 pages ago (given the post rate of this thread)
  14. Not bad, not great, kind of just there. I will say one thing, I at least don't regret watching it and having Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep certainly helps things. Not sure if I'll ever watch again, but it's passable entertainment especially given the refreshingly short running time. ***/*****, (B-/C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4)
  15. Eh, harmless movie that doesn't challenge the viewer, has no danger for the characters and is all around just a safe, if not good-looking, movie. If not for Angelina Jolie this would've been a complete throwaway but as it stands, it's harmless. ***/*****, (C+, 5.8/10, 2.25/4)
  16. Maleficent needs to be added to the archives: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/15001-maleficent-2014/
  17. 22 Jump Street needs to be added to the archive: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/15109-22-jump-street-2014/
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