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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. Eh, whatever. Not going to ever watch it again but it's harmless enough, though only young kids will get anything out of it. **¼/*****, (C-, 4.6/10, 2/4)
  2. Been a while since I saw it, but I do remember liking it quite a bit. Really creepy thriller. ***¾/*****, (B+, 7.5/10, 3/4)
  3. Found this mostly entertaining and unlike the clusterf that was The Legend of Hercules, this one had a charismatic lead in Dwayne Johnson (wouldn't have said that 10+ years ago when The Scorpion King came out). It's nothing fantastic but like many other Brett Ratner directed films, it's merely fun and nothing more. I did like the fact Rufus Sewell was one of the good guys, when I saw his name in the credit block, thought for sure he'd be playing the main bad guy or something. ***½/*****, (B, 6.9/10, 2.75/4)
  4. This is the Fast Five of the Step Up franchise... that is if Fast Five didn't have Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. No Step Up movie is complete without Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan! Anyway, mostly hated this movie aside from some of the music. Everything else was atrocious. *½/*****, (D, 3.2/10, 1.25/4)
  5. Outside of the scene in Lowe's home, this was a downright boring and unfunny movie. Scenes drag on with little or no payoff and it feels like a one-note joke that was probably more suitable for a CBS sitcom more than anything. *¼/*****, (D-, 2.6/10, 1/4)
  6. Dumb but a lot of fun and some great cameos and funny in-jokes, especially in the opening with Robert Hays.
  7. Decent movie with great visual effects but not enough Godzilla, seemed to be a supporting player in his own movie, and the human element was dull, though I could go along with the opening/set-up but after that, I couldn't care less about any of them and the plot seemed to get bogged down with unnecessary devices. All in all, not bad but a bit underwhelming. Not good enough to praise but not bad enough to mock either (a la the 1998 version). ***¼/*****, (B-, 6.6/10, 2.75/4)
  8. Well, at least there was a plot (unlike the awful Grown Ups 2) and I did smirk a few times. Plus, Sandler and Barrymore still have nice chemistry. Still, there were plenty dumb moments and strangely Terry Crews kind of ruined a couple moments. **½/*****, (C, 5.2/10, 2/4)
  9. Blended needs to be added to the Archives page: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14948-blended-2014
  10. Not quite as good as previous DCUA movies, but has an OK story, the animation is alright (especially crazy 'ole Harley Quinn ) and the voice casting was good especially with the return of fan favorite Kevin Conroy, even if Batman is a supporting character with the Suicide Squad taking more of a center stage. ***½/*****, (B, 6.9/10, 2.75/4)
  11. Curious to see what the average is, and assigning numbers to the letter grades (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D, 0-F), the average rating is a 3.15/4.
  12. Great movie. And class A Jack Nicholson. You NEED my on that wall!
  13. So, my second viewing (on Blu-ray) only highlighted what I didn't like it the first go-around (and primarily afterwards as I thought more about it). The plot is non-existent, the villains are a complete waste, the lines are cheesy but not in a funny way and at 140-minutes, it does feel a bit too long, though not helped with additional characters. Then there's Harry. While I liked Dane DeHaan, that character should've just been introduced in this one and THEN become Spidey's archnemesis in the third, though I suppose they wanted to avoid the comparisons with Spider-Man 3... As it is, his character, and subsequent development (which is a whole other can of worms*), is rushed. Now, I do admire the visual effects, costume designs (save for Electro's imprisoned part where he looked like Mr. Freeze) and although the character wasn't well written, Andrew Garfield wasn't bad and his scenes with Emma Stone were great. **¼/*****, (C-, 4.6/10, 1.75/4) * Why Peter was such a dick and didn't give him his blood still makes no sense. He's afraid it'd kill Harry? Well, Harry was already on his way, although he seemed to deteriorate, mentally, at a faster rate even before he took the venom.
  14. Amazing Spider-Man 2 needs to be added to the archives page: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/14481-the-amazing-spider-man-2-2014/
  15. Enjoyable enough YA thriller (and one of the better ones out there) with Shaliene Woodley turning in a fantastic performance and even Theo James was good in his role and had some decent chemistry with Woodley. As others said, the plot structure is a bit odd with the ending feeling too rushed, but even so, I was at least entertained and never bored. ***½/*****, (B+, 7.2/10, 3/4)
  16. Found this to be surprisingly funny. After a rough start, once Diaz and Mann teamed up, Upton's role is take it or leave it she doesn't really add much, the film really took off and although I can't say this was side-splittingly funny, I did find the film to be all in all enjoyable and this is coming from somebody who isn't the biggest fan of Diaz (but I love Leslie Mann). ***½/*****, (B, 7.1/10, 2.75/4)
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