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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. Kind of the same way (in that not sure what I just watched), though I actually don't think I liked it. This movie was all over the place. It's a Luc Besson film via Terrence Malick and Darren Aronofsky (with a hinge of Transcendence as well of all things). **¼/*****, (C-, 4.6/10, 2/4) Edit: On a side note, I did like the score, so much to the point I bought when I got home.
  2. Lucy July 24, 8:00PM, 65-70% Full Trailers: 50 Shades of Grey (quite bit of murmuring and a few quiet chuckles) Dracula Untold Interstellar November Man The Movie:No clue at what I just watched. It's as if Luc Besson tried channeling Darren Aronofsky or something.
  3. Alright, first thing's first: This is a dumb movie. Really dumb with a weak script and spotty acting. It's also a movie that DreamWorks hoped to be a cash-grab considering the success of the Fast and the Furious franchise. However, after a rough start I have to admit, I was relatively entertained in a Gone in 60 Seconds (remake) kind of way where the racing and action scenes are well filmed and despite some of the stupidity, in the end I didn't feel like it was a waste of time. Aaron Paul and Immogen Poots are both quite charming, Dominic Cooper is a waste though playing a one-dimensional villain (douche-bag) and Scott Mescudi is a poor man's Tyrese Gibson with a smidgen of the charisma. I can't say I fully recommend the movie, but perhaps as a rental, it might be worth it. ***/*****, (C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4)
  4. Yeah, the OJ scenes do get a bit awkward but I still enjoyed it otherwise.
  5. One of the more dreadful and excruciating movies I've experienced in quite some time. It was dull, bloated and just all around a pain to even get through. I'll give it credit for some of the visual effects (note on some) and the production/costume designs were both admirable but otherwise this is a bad movie that even a respectable cast couldn't overcome. Oh, and they tried their hardest for me to root for the bad guy to kill Noah. *¼/*****, (D-, 2.8/10, 1/4)
  6. Didn't go over me head and I found it to be incredibly dull, uninspiring and lifeless. Sure, the concept behind it was something but otherwise the dialogue was often laughable ("We're not going to fight them, we're going to transcend them") and the performances were mostly forgettable. It's a mess of a film where a lot of words are spoken but very little actually behind it. What a waste of potential and some of the fault lies with first-time director Wally Pfister, the other part on the studio for giving him this kind of film rather than something smaller to get his feet wet since there is a vast difference between being a cinematographer and a director. *½/*****, (D, 3.1/10, 1.25/4)
  7. Good conclusion to the trilogy and I loved how the weaved in the events from Supremacy into this. Nice job reworking the timeline. The only thing that kind of bugged me was how they retconned the Nicky (Julia Stiles) character so that she had some sort of past with Bourne. If you watch Identity (which I had a couple nights earlier), it's obvious she had no connection with Bourne when she sees his picture, along with Marie, come across her computer screen. In any case, good action and although the shaky-cam was a bit much, but I enjoyed it even if it's a slight step back from Supremacy. ****/*****, (A-, 8.2/10, 3.25/4)
  8. Still a huge fan of this one and as good as the first one was, this was better between the action and expanding the characters. Joan Allen makes for a good (quasi) adversary and Damon further owns the role. ****½/*****, (A, 9/10, 3.5/4)
  9. Just watched the Bourne movies (sans Legacy) again over the course of 3 nights and appreciate this one if only for its efficiency and excellent action sequences... ****¼/*****, (A-, 8.5/10, 3.25/4)
  10. Although not great, and could've been better, this was an entertaining horror/comedy/musical with what I hope is a star-making performance from Allie MacDonald, if not in movies, at least in TV. Meat Loaf for his limited role was fun and Minnie Driver in a more or less cameo role was memorable. ***/*****, (C+, 6.0/10, 2.5/4)
  11. I know. And as I said in another thread, TF is completely immune to critics. I am surprised by that A- score, though. Thought for sure that running time would've killed it. Apparently not, lol.
  12. Campy fun. The characters are thinly written but I still enjoyed this one well enough. ***/*****, (C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4)
  13. Didn't care for 300 and didn't care much for 300: Rise of an Empire either. The plot is thin, the characters aren't very memorable and the acting is fairly mediocre, though the script and dialogue didn't give them much to work with. That being said, and the exception in terms of acting, Eva Green was fantastic and seemed to be in an entirely different movie from everyone else; she is the only reason the film is at least watchable. **¼/*****, (C-, 4.6/10, 2/4)
  14. Strange, didn't realize Jim Carrey even had a movie opening this weekend...
  15. Thoroughly enjoyable, created and fun from beginning to end. I was never big into LEGO's as a kid but I still had a lot of fun with the film and the voice casting was great with spot on comedic timing. ****/*****, (A-, 8.0/10, 3.25/4)
  16. Ever watch MSNBC or Fox News? And to be fair, we also don't have robots patrolling the streets (yet) or humanoids like RoboCop. Also, it's not like the original was subtle (beyond the violence even). Over the top? Yep, but there are plenty of those types on TV even today let alone in the year this takes place.
  17. That was the point, he was supposed to be an over-the-top talking head.
  18. The ultimate shoulder shrug movie where I can't say it was bad but it wasn't great either. The cast was good but nobody stood out, save for Jackson who was playing his usual loud persona. The production design was well done and I actually didn't mind the suit or the changes made, at least the writers didn't do a scene for scene remake and added their own little twist, particularly with his family. While Joel Kinneman was decent, he has nothing on Peter Weller who still is RoboCop. In the end, it's a harmless and entertaining flick that, like Total Recall (which I kind of liked), won't be remembered in 5-10 years. ***¼/*****, (B-, 6.6/10, 2.5/4)
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