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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. Still not liking Jason O'Mara's voice as Batman (he debuted in Justice League: War and this one apparently is at least set in the same universe) but this movie wasn't bad and has some good action and adventure elements even if the kid was a little shit I wanted to smack.
  2. Not Nolan... That is the Dark Knight Rises. This is the animated movie which was excellent, btw.
  3. Also, under the new rules (just read it now), can the various DTV DC Universe animated movies be added? Here are the ones released within the last couple of years: The Dark Knighr Returns (2013) Justice League: Doom (2012) Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)Justice League: War (2014) Son of Batman (2014) Superman Unbound (2013) There are many more but figured keep it small right now depending on interest...
  4. Thanks. Also, Devil's Due needs to be added to the archive: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/13621-devils-due-2013/ There was another one that I mentioned needed adding in the reviews thread, but can't remember which one right now...
  5. Outside of a couple cool shots, I hated this movie. The first 30 minutes or so were absolutely boring and the rest is just stupid add to that scenes that are supposed to scary were instead laughable. I'm done with the found footage gimmick. */*****, (F, 2.0/10, 0.5/4)
  6. This has been making the rounds: http://io9.com/the-amazing-spider-man-2-the-amazing-spoiler-faq-1572405038
  7. Didn't start off very well as it felt like going into the second movie of a trilogy without seeing the first film, but slowly it gained momentum and although the series has ended before it really began thanks to a dreadful box office, hopefully Zoey Deutch has a career going forward as she is great in this and probably the only saving grace. **¾/*****, (C, 5.4/10, 2.25/4)
  8. Muddy screenplay with no real plot or solid motivations for the villains (other than hate for Spider-Man) but I suppose it's passable, and forgettable, entertainment if only for Emma Stone. Jamie Foxx and Paul Giamatti were completely wasted, though with Giamatti they're setting for a Sinister Six spin-off movie, so his appearance is a bit more forgiveable versus Foxx. As someone who did like the first movie, thinking it was better than Raimi's first outing, I was a bit disappointed but not surprised considering some of the reviews. Hopefully for TASM3 they bring in some actual screenwriters to give a more concrete and concentrated plot... ***/*****, (C+, 5.8/10, 2.25/4)
  9. Not terrible, not great just anothe movie that's just "there". At least Underworld, as bad as it is, has Kate Beckinsale in PVC outfit... **¼/*****, (D+, 4.4/10, 1.5/4) Note: This title is not in the reviews archive...
  10. Eh, didn't really care for it and the constant advertisement really took me out of the movie. Still, it's a safe and enjoyable enough film I guess and a decent time waster, though it's not something I'll remember in a week's time... ***/*****, (C+, 6.2/10, 2.5/4) PS: This needs to be added to reviews archive page...
  11. Still one of my favorites and that ending is perfect. Really need to re-watch it soon.
  12. Lazy script, bad dialogue, hammy acting and terrible editing. Just an all around bad film and yet another attempting to duplicate the style from 8 years ago (i.e. 300). Not the worst film I've seen in the past year or so but it's really bad and I have to wonder where the hell the $70M budget went because they skimped on the casting and the costumes could've easily come from some warehouse used in other productions (heck, maybe even 300!). *¼/*****, (D-, 2.5/10, 1/4)
  13. Slow, plodding rom-drama with an inane storyline (fall in love and willing to go on the run all within 5 days!). Despite the best intentions from Reitman and cast members Brolin and Winslet (both of whom share some good chemistry) Labor Day just doesn't work on any level. **½/*****, (C, 5.2/10, 2/4)
  14. Awful movie on every level trying to both make fun of yet also emulate The Fast and the Furious and woefully failing on both fronts. Add to that a ridiculous, and not in the fun way either. */*****, (F, 1.9/10, 0/4)
  15. Parents today are pussies though and kowtow to their kids very whim. So if they want to see Rio 2, they're going to see Rio 2. Besides, got to factor in those families who already saw CA2 last week and decide to see Rio 2 this week.
  16. August: Osage County Grudge Match Labor Day Ride Along Star Trek: Enterprise: Season Four Get Carter (1971) Get Carter (2000) Rock Star
  17. Entertaining and easily one of the best solo MCU movies, second behind IM1. But it does lag some in the second act and the action-fest at the end felt a bit off, but still it's a good, solid sequel especially considering the first was a chore to even get through. I won't put this on the same pedistal of great comic movies (gold standard for me are TDK, Spider-Man 2 and The Avengers) but it's a fine entry. ****/***** (B+, 7.9/10, 3.25/4)
  18. Dammit, I must've clicked into the Stuffed Oreo Discussion Thread...
  19. Box Office: Friday Shows 'Captain America: Winter Soldier' Headed for Record $93 Million-Plus Debut http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/box-office-captain-america-winter-693851
  20. I guess, but if there's historical precident... Anyway, just always is strange. I'd understand for a movie like Noah or Divergent where you don't know how it will perform during the weekend, but these Marvel movies tend to follow the same pattern.
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