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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. Awful and easily the worst so far in the series (making my way through it so I haven't seen 9 and 10 yet). Wow, everything was bad from the acting to the effects. Hell, the title should've been Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason on a Boat... And maybe I missed it in the other movies, but has Jason now transcended time and space being able to be in multiple places AND anticipate people's every moves to be in the right place??? Ugh. *¼/*****, (F, 2.4/10, 0.5/4) And only because the lead chick was cute.
  2. Carrie vs. Jason. That is all. **¼/*****, (C-, 4.4/10, 1.75/4)
  3. Slightly better than the original, solid scares and a great introduction to Jason. ****/*****, (A-, 7.9/10, 3.25/4)
  4. Classic horror film with great thrills and a fun twist ending ***¾/*****, (B+, 7.7/10, 3/4)
  5. This was a completely and utterly boring and, surprisingly, vapid movie. I would say the characters are unlikeable but that would mean they had anything to offer other than staring off into the distance (when Kurylenko isn't frolicing) or, in the case of Affleck, wandering around a barren yard or empty rooms. On the plus side, Javier Bardem's side story wasn't terrible and I didn't fall asleep, though I watched this in the morning. Despite some stunning cinematography, the whispering of nonsense and lack of an interesting story or coherent characters makes this a one-time viewing for me. And at 113-minutes, I shudder to think what this movie would've been had Malick kept in Rachel Weisz and Jessica Chastain's characters... **¼/*****, (C-, 4.4/10, 1.75/4) (and that's only because of Lubezki's cinematography).
  6. Well, I thought Luke Evans was good, but yeah, on the whole not a great movie. It did have a few good pieces of dialogue amongst the rest which was poorly written.
  7. Yeah, I don't understand where that money went because certainly that cast didn't cost very much. Maybe rolled into that budget was the advertising? I know Warner tried selling the hell out of it...
  8. Unless there's another one, it's already in the archive: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/10578-twister-1996/
  9. No One Lives (2013) It did get a limited theatrical release: http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=noonelives.htm
  10. Really interested to see how he does in the director's chair with Transcendence starring some Nolan alums (Morgan Freeman, Cillian Murphy, Rebecca Hall and Josh Stewart -- Bane's right-hand man in TDKR).
  11. Easily the worst and rivals anything Friedberg and Seltzer has done thus far. ZERO/5, (F---, 0/10, 0/4)
  12. Dull and tired series by this point and I have to wonder what the heck happened to David Zucker and company. *½/*****, (D, 3.2/10, 1/4)
  13. Not as awful as Scary Movie 2, but pretty close. Some jokes worked but like the first movie, referencing, for its time, recent movies only further dates this movie. **/*****, (D+, 4.0/10, 1.5/4)
  14. Really bad and the only good thing I can say is, it's not as crappy as the spoof movies that would come later. *½/*****, (D, 3.0/10, 1/4)
  15. Used to really like this movie but unsurprisingly, and unlike Airplane, it has not aged well. **½/*****, (C, 5.2/10, 2/4)
  16. Safe Haven The Last Exorcism Part 2 A Good Day to Die Hard Movie 43 Scary Movie 5
  17. Scary Movie (2000) Scary Movie 2 (2001) Scary Movie 3 (2003) Scary Movie 4 (2006) Scary Movie 5 (2013)
  18. Pretty solid thriller... until the end which seemed to turn into a Saw movie or something. But what irked me the most out of the ending is: Still, it is mostly entertaining. ***½/*****, (B, 7.2/10, 3.5/4)
  19. So bad it's good 90s action movie. It's also incredibly short at only 82-minutes for an action movie (and even shorter when taking out the credits). **½/*****, (C, 5.1/10, 2/4)
  20. Finally saw this for the first time today and really liked the hell out of it. Tense from beginning to end and a good ghost story all around. This just might become something to watch every Halloween along with, well, Halloween. ****¼/*****, (A-, 8.5/10, 3.5/4)
  21. I remember that. Wasn't it the address of an elderly couple?
  22. The movie holds a special place as it came out my senior year (1999). ****/*****, (A-, 8.2/10, 3.5/4)
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