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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Of course it is, WOM is unusually good for it. And now we will start to see that.
  2. Well it certainly deserved terrible WOM. There's a right way to do brainless action (Expendables 2) and a wrong lazy way to do it (Taken 2). Too bad audiences rewarded the latter instead.
  3. Thank you. This is exactly what I've said since I saw it a week and a half ago. People who haven't seen the movie and experienced the reaction audiences are having to it simply can't sit there and treat it like any old run of the mill animated movie. The WOM for this is something special, and legs should reflect that.
  4. Most Nov animated movies don't get amazing WOM. And the last time one did get good WOM (Tangled) it got a 4.2x multi. At the very least WIR will have Tangled WOM, I think better.
  5. I think it can pass Mad/Lorax. Both times I saw it my whole theater clapped and all early signs point to audiences loving it.
  6. Very strong weekend overall. Wow for Flight at that TC. Denzel would've nabbed his highest OW ever I think with a proper release. Was hoping Ralph could hit my $55m mark or OW but 50m is still great and I think it pretty much locks 200. Argo is having the killer WOM I thought it would. Its holds have been insane.
  7. Don't worry we'll have plenty to be optimistic about when Ralph's WOM starts spreading.
  8. Ralph, Flight, Lincoln, Skyfall, BD2, and Guardians? What on earth is there to not be sure about this month???
  9. I think this weekend officially marks the start of what will be one spectacular grand finale for 2012 at the box office. This month should be a huge record breaker. Hope I'm not getting my hopes too high.
  10. I'm sure Flight will hit 100 if it opens above 22m or so. WOM will be good. The movie's not terribly special but I think people will eat up Denzel's performance. His best in years, I'd say one of his best ever.
  11. Yes for Ralph! I say 55m for sure with a 15m Friday. Knew it had appealed to a lot of people. And with good WOM and the east coast theaters that are shut this weekend it should have a phenomenal hold next weekend.
  12. I don't see why people think Moonrise wouldn't make it over Beasts. Better received, better box office, less divisive. If only one of those 2 gets in I say it will be Moonrise.
  13. Surprising anything is getting bumps now with Sandy aftermath. But as some have already said a lot of people do like to escape from reality in times like these.
  14. I'm still waiting for you to give me a real sig change Fake from our TASM bet....
  15. I just need it to beat The Town at the box office. It's a million times over the superior film.
  16. Argo is an awesome movie that I can't find much wrong with but there just seems to be that certain something missing from it that would give it BP. It just doesn't seem like a BP winner.
  17. Thrilled for Argo, especially that CS! Wow!!! Glad to see most people seem to be liking it as much as I did.
  18. When did everyone become so sure of SLP as a lock? Last I heard it was a dark horse at best. And what the heck is The Impossible and Promised Land? Everyone's predictions sure are looking a lot different lately. Glad to see more people coming around to the idea of Les Mis sweeping though. That's been what I've had my money on all along.
  19. Well unfortunately some friends dragged me to Taken 2 and I really don't see what else that movie could be classified as. At best it was a pointless rehash, and at worst it was garbage. Admittedly I haven't seen Transylvania but the trailers looked pretty bad and reviews seem to back that up. I should see it myself though before I call it that in all fairness.
  20. Truly great to see the BO rebounding after a dismal 2 months, even if it is with the likes of generic garbage like Hotel Transylvania and Taken 2.
  21. Finally a semi-decent weekend. Although it's sad when Friday numbers like $5m and $8m have become something to be happy about. Awesome for the Master though. Get that PTA, PTA.
  22. I've noticed that the paranormal subgenre of horror tends to go against the grain of huge second weekend drops most other horror movies have (obviously not counting Devil Inside which had some of the worst WOM in recent memory). But as long as WOM isn't toxic these supernatural horror movies almost always have decent legs. I personally don't get the obsession the NA audience has with them. But obviously it goes back a long way cause look at The Exorcist.
  23. This is just too sad for me to even want to discuss. Expected, but sad. The box office is actually so dismal lately I haven't even cared to keep track of it, and for a box office fanatic like me that's just downright scary.
  24. Sounds awesome, I'm in! I've always thought a winter game would be fun.
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