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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yeah give it another hour or so and I'm ready to file a real missing person's report here. What the hell is going on!
  2. Yeah I'll be mad as hell I didn't stick to my original instincts which honestly were that TA would go 4 for 4 and MIB would disappoint. But I changed my mind after last weekend's drop for TA was quite a bit harsher than I expected. I think WOM for MIB will be really good though and spread right away so even if it disappoints today it may have a great Sat-Mon.
  3. If it's past TDK after Monday then yes 600 is locked. The better question will then be can it pass Titanic re-release included.
  4. I predicted that could be in store in the Wednesday daily thread, and it looks like it really might happen! :DTA may also pass TDK on Memorial Day!
  5. Lol, sorry yeah it's not for everyone. Once is definitely enough cause it's a true epic and tedious at points but I thought it was pretty good and something someone who liked The Departed might like. I just didn't wanna say the obvious with Godfather.
  6. That's what I was trying to figure out. That's a terrible prediction if so, cause it ain't making only $50m for the weekend and then doing over half of that on Memorial day alone. Movies almost always drop on MD.
  7. Hmm, even lower than my initial lowball $20m OD prediction for MIB which I raised recently to $25m. No idea how they're projecting $75-85 4 day on that. I see more like $60-65m. Guess my initial instincts about this may have been right all along as far as opening was concerned. WOM will be great though, so maybe that will kick in really fast.Also where the hell has Nikki been today? When's the last time she's left us hanging this long on a Friday? Especially a summer weekend!
  8. I actually haven't seen any of the Connery Bond films all the way through.
  9. I'll second that. Anyone who thinks they're missing something cause they haven't seen Citizen Kane really need not worry. It's mind numbingly boring. Gotta be the most overrated movie in history, at least by the critics.
  10. Schindler's List (if only it weren't so damn long)Seven Samurai (same as above)Lawrence of Arabia (noticing a trend?)Ben-Hur (here we are again)Annie HallThe Good, the Bad, and the UglyOnce Upon a Time in the WestThe Bridge on the River Kwai
  11. I actually did just recently watch Singin in the Rain on the very recommendation that if I liked the Artist I really should see it. Funnily enough I greatly preferred The Artist! I definitely can see how it was greatly influenced by it though.
  12. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)The Artist (2011)
  13. LOTR and Toy Story are the only two perfect trilogies, where all three films are masterpieces. The original Star Wars and Godfather trilogies come close as well, but Jedi and Godfather 3 are merely good films, not great ones.
  14. You know how I know TA is the better film? Because I can watch it 4 times in a row and still be dying to see it again. DH2? Yeah it's really good, but repeat value it's lacking in just like all the Potters.
  15. Incredibly enjoyable summer popcorn flick. Has all the right elements and doesn't really stumble anywhere. Possibly my favorite Smith movie since the first one, and right up there with the first one. Brolin was insanely enjoyable and Smith seems to have been reinvigorated somewhat by his little acting break. It was funny, shockingly the special effects were really cool, and more shocking it was well plotted. Also extremely effective 3D for a live action flick. Strong B+, maybe bumped to A- once I see it again.
  16. 1. The Empire Strikes Back2. Wall-E3. The Matrix4. Star Wars5. T2: Judgement Day6. Inception7. Alien8. Aliens9. Avatar10. Back to the FutureAlso not sure whether or not to consider Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Sci-Fi or not, but if so that would be in there.
  17. Yeah, i seriously don't think I've EVER seen something like that on any singing show. That was like a singing exorcism or something! That shit was crazy! The fact that she went on to lose to a guy who can't even sing a melody after that just proves how ludicrous this show has become.
  18. Ugh, gag me sideways.So sick of this show finding some great talent, but it doesn't matter cause they can never usurp WGWG. Hope ratings plummet next season and Phil sells even less than Lee and is dropped before next season starts.
  19. TA is looking for a massive Memorial weekend with these weekday numbers. It could potentially beat its 3rd weekend gross with its 4 day total.
  20. I like that too. Just cancel out GI Joe. And everyone who didn't have GI Joe can have the 12th film on their list cancelled out.
  21. ^It's interesting every time I've seen the Prometheus trailer, my theater has gone dead silent as well. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a good or bad sign?
  22. Hey Baumer, my score after week 3 is the exact same as after week 2. I think you forgot to add my points!
  23. Assuming Jessica had little say in her final song choice (which I highly doubt she did) she got screwed majorly. Phillip was obviously all set up to win with that infinitely superior song, while Jessica gets straddled with some awful pop ballad. I really hope people see past that and vote for who the most talented as, not who got the better winner's single. But I'm not counting on it. WGWG5 will probably win.
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