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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Probably more 115ishFriday: 34mSat: 50m +47%Sun: 32m -36%
  2. Given the rather hard to sell premise and the failure of Cars 2 it sure had to be.
  3. Love how it's gradually climbing the later it gets. Watch the actual be like $34m.
  4. "So Mr. Depp our movie just crushed yours by about $70m this weekend, but don't feel bad here's how you can take a ride on the money pony too..."
  5. Lol, you really believe mid day guesstimates for TA after the $64-67m Friday they were all reporting at this time last week? Come on now. It's going up, calm down.
  6. Yeah that $25m number is def going up. This is last Friday all over again.
  7. Well I guess that makes me an idiot then. I thought she was saying $30m Friday for TA/80m weekend which made no sense. Well then I sincerely hope her initial weekend prediction is as off with TA as it was last week, cause 80m would definitely be disappointing to me.
  8. How do we know it's not making more than $30m for Friday? We don't, numbers this early are always pretty much a guess. I'm just saying if she's gonna throw out 30m for Friday the weekend would end up right around $100m following a realistic 40% Sat increase, 35% Sun drop.
  9. I'd still like to know how this woman comes up with her multi's? $80m weekend off of a 30m Friday for a SH film that's sure to see a massive Sat increase? That bitch cray!
  10. The young male audience could be a bit of a problem for it. Still not sure if this will appeal to them, and it won't be hitting $300m if it doesn't. Still I have it at $270m in the game so I'm confident it will have great WOM. Merida's tomboy-ish nature and the archery and adventure should hopefully combat the female lead stigma for boys.
  11. I wish TA had had just slightly higher weekdays, it coulda had a chance at 400m by its 2nd weekend.
  12. Actually The Horse and His Boy is even worse. I shudder at the idea of them ever attempting to adapt that one. Oh the mega flop that would be.
  13. I don't really agree with that since Caspian itself is a very summer-esque movie. It actually made perfect sense why they released it in summer, cause it doesn't have a Holiday feel to it at all, unlike the first. What I think may have worked the best is if they had just skipped Caspian and gone straight to Treader and released that during Xmas. That movie has much more in common stylistically and story wise with Wardrobe so it could have appealed more to the same audience. Part of the reason Caspian suffered so bad I think is because it was an entirely different kind of movie than Wardrobe.
  14. Um actually several successful franchise starters that don't go much over $300m OS do double their OS gross with the next movie. Batman Begins, Twilight, Pirates, Ice Age, and Shrek being some examples. THG wasn't massive OS meaning there's plenty of room for it to grow if it was well received, and I definitely think it was.
  15. :rolleyes:You're still letting your THG hatred completely blind you to the obvious potential of the franchise I see. I guess you've learned nothing from THG's success? There's every reason for it to have a similar OS increase as Twilight to NM. I mean for starters it had a similar OS gross as Twilight.
  16. But remember THG also has China coming up now. It's OS take will likely get near the $270m mark. CF could go as high as $550m OS with a Twilight-New Moon multiplier. And why wouldn't it have a similar OS jump as that? The books are becoming far more popular now OS than they were before THG came out and it's now starting to catch up to the popularity it has in the US in a lot of countries. So CF might only need to do about as well as THG or a little better DOM to hit a billion.
  17. If we're being real than CF will likely more than double THG's OS take the way Twilight to New Moon did, so that puts CF at around $500m OS. Now $500m DOM may be a stretch for it but it's by no means whatsoever impossible considering THG made 400, so yeah there's certainly a chance for CF to hit a bil.
  18. Just insane that all of us are gonna lose points on our TA DOM predictions, most likely even Dexter. No one saw $600m coming, that's for sure!
  19. Another Hulk movie could ruin all the momentum he's built from TA. He just doesn't seem to work in solo movies. Keep him as a supporting character in movies like IM3 and TA2 I think. They can definitely expand his role in TA2.
  20. Lol. Also following my SM1 parallel theory with this, it's about the same Monday drop that movie had. Hello sub 40% 2nd weekend drop!
  21. Was hoping it could crack $20m for Monday, but hey still obliterates anything any movie has ever done on a non holiday Monday in May. Good drop.
  22. 29% (they're making a RS2? Why?)Iron Man 3
  23. The AvengersThe Avengers OW or The Amazing Spiderman's total
  24. In under 5 months we got a film that beat the admissions of anything last year. Now we have a film that could practically challenge the admissions of the top 2 films last year combined by the end of its run! Not to mention the other summer film coming out that is sure to slaughter 2011's admissions champ.
  25. They definitely didn't take 3D into account then. No way it can be 26m with 3d. It should be about 22.5m.
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