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Captain Craig

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Everything posted by Captain Craig

  1. Underworld just needs legs till it's target audience moves on to Ghost Rider. They are a similar type audience.That's 3 or so weeks away. UA will be fine. Unless it has some 70%+ second weekend drop it should be fine.
  2. I haven't given up on SH2 myself.With NFL games done we might see a nice uptick on Monday. Or, I'm hoping so.
  3. Contraband, I think that's the action film I wanted instead of Haywire.
  4. Beauty and the Beast 3-D?Haywire?Edit: to answer what opens this weekend.
  5. Come on Holmes, keep that $200m dream alive!!
  6. I can't believe it took till post 18 for GOONIES to get a mention. Depending on how we define kid and what their "flinch" mechanisms are. Those saying INDY may forget about the Mummies, snakes, spiders and bloody bodies both in the intro and closing scenes. Indy to a tween for sure...a 6-8yr old probably not. Back to the Future for sure.
  7. I agree with I AM #4 and Source Code. They didn't market IA#4 right. It's trailers looked like a cheap X-Men knock off similar to Push or the upcoming Chronicle. When really it was about the fleeing children of a royal alien race seeking refuge from their foes that had embroiled a Civil War on their planet.
  8. Yeah this list is wack. Movies like Drive, Hannah, can't remember a few other smaller films I've seen in 4 pages, arent' movies that really got 'Rated' let alone be OVERRATED. Getting some press during and immediatly after release dosen't count. Movies that made a splash either with awards and/or their box office take are what should be on this list. Bridesmaids=check Drive would be in UNDERRATED=didn't get the press/recognition it deserved.
  9. I really will not be surprised if during the week that Holmes2 overtakes Devil for the number 2 slot.
  10. Must Have Playoff. I'm in a 6yr Bowl blackout. I don't watch games that mean nothing. No TV on, no ads seen. More people need to realize this and not watch "because it's all we got". Better can be accomplished now that Bowl Season is 45 days long with 34 bowl sites.
  11. It will affect films like Dragon Tattoo and Tinker/Spy as teens aren't as engaged in the NFL as adults. My experience anyway.
  12. It sounds like taking the one group we see in Walking Dead and multiplying it to me. It's like taking Alice's lone march and finding out she is one of many. Sorry, sounds very, very similar and not straying too far from the template. Not saying it won't be good but I find it laughable to suggest it's not similar.
  13. What does WWZ have in common besides worldwide zombie apocolypse? Sounds like the template to me.
  14. I'll just have two wait for a trailer on World War Z. Seems like, in concept, from what little I know it's Walking Dead gone global or a more overall militaristic and coordinated Resident Evil.
  15. +1It's a renter. A Redbox night, placed in the Netflix queue movie.Teens, they have so much to learn but apparently post-Christmas money still yet to spend.
  16. Still higher than when Obama took office, meaning he's not even back to square one.
  17. This movie screams Netflix rental to me. No way do I burn $11 bucks on this.Netflix rental doesn't = bad by the way but it doesn't have the "big screen moments" to demand $11, heck even $8.
  18. Paramount is doing well of late with spirits and poltergists it seems.
  19. Almost $400m WW for MI:4 at this point.Sherlock2 though is only about $250m WW, is the worldwide rollout coming in January? I also wonder why BOM hasn't posted the budget. Didn't we see a report it was $125m?
  20. Cause I really shouldn't have to toggle and scan but I did exactly the last part. Remember I said "I still didn't bother to look it up".I was just agreeing with another and wow did the 'grudge' parade start.Also, I guess it depends on how well and what speed you type but it's really not that hard. Better yet I've seen posters do something like Tinker/Spy for long titles.Anyway, be cool.
  21. +1It's not that many extra key strokes, especially when so many movies seem similar and then abbreviations are used on movies from 4,5,6++ years ago. This isn't a courtroom where we need to type like a stenographer.I never bothered to figure out what TTSS is still and it's probably a newer film.
  22. ^^^Ditto.I would go to more movies if the prices were reasonable.IMAX is $17.00Real 3-D is $14.00It's $11.00 eveningFor $8.00 matineeIf your lucky enough to catch the 5 oclock show for $5 good for you but that doesn't work for my schedule.
  23. I don't pretend the GOP is guiltless. But crap like "they don't give a fuck" is just a statement showing you either know nothing or are too biased to be intellectually objective and honest about the situation. Both Clinton and then Bush extending his program of forcing banks to give loans to people who can't afford it based on the idea it was discriminatory is the proverbial first dominoes in this situation.Obama didn't raise any morale, he gave people false hope with grandiose promises. When the "it's too good to be true" mantra should've been echoing in peoples ears. They now should see the error of their ways. I can't say I'm overly thrilled with the GOP choices however it's going to be better than having a Community Organizer with no business experience in charge. The US government is the biggest business there is and his lack of actual hands on knowledge and those he surround himself with are quite evident.All that trickles down into the Box Office recession in some part.
  24. You know what was opposing for the sake of opposing, the Democrats in 2005 led by Barney Frank who insisted that Fannie and Freddie Mac were in fine shape when the Bush admin was wanting to make changes cause, and to answer Kayumangii's question, they could see the crisis coming. The housing crisis has a large foothold in Fannie and Freddie that then spread to the banks in the private sector. You can find YouTube clips all day long of Barney Frank and his Democrat colleagues opposing changes the Republicans wanted to make. The idea that the GOP "does't give a fuck" can only be believed by those who get most of their news from MSNBC and John Stewart. Speaking of "fast and furious" that is one clusterfuck under the Obama administration that cost actual lives. The Democrats have not passed a budget in nearly 1000 days. ONE THOUSAND DAYS, passing a budget is one of their MAIN roles. That alone helps to keep private industry on pins and needles. Obama likes to say he doesn't want to "kick the can down the road" when it sounds good and in his favor but they are kicking the same ole continuing resolution bills down the road to Feb '12 to rob Social Security and call it a....Tax Cut. What a joke. The reasonS it's prolonged are many but the Democrats have prolonged it. Nothing, NOTHING they've done has helped. Get back to me when you stop taking news from Maddow and John Stewart. Try not being a biased hack.
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