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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. I don't even get that. Why do people complain to the theater? You have no control over the films or their marketing. Do you guys send the complaints to the studios or something?
  2. Season 3 "In Production" video to air tomorrow (Sunday 12/2) night at 8:54pm (ET) before the Boardwalk Empire season finale. Should get a first look at some new characters.
  3. Can someone find this chick from Twitter and smack her? Too bad you're like the dumbest person ever. Ugh. This is a college student too.
  4. *sigh*Animal House, man. John Belushi.
  5. There is plenty of growing buzz for SLP. Just look on Twitter. Tons of people telling everyone to go see it and a lot of people mad it's not playing by them. WOM is building the buzz for sure.But it should expand at least a little bit soon, definitely.
  6. PETA does too much crazy shit for me. Anytime they take up completely ridiculous causes it does no good for any REAL animal rights work that they or anyone else does.The ASPCA or Humane Society show that you can fight for the rights of animals without seeming or acting like lunatics.
  7. I'm sorry... I just saw someone call this movie "depressing." No. Just no. Opinions are one thing, but there is just no way you can call this film depressing. No.And sorry but... why exactly are the NFL corporate guys mad at this film? Because it contains some parts about people betting on football? Oh say it ain't so. Cuz no one knows that people bet on the NFL or anything. WTF? And Harvey says that he knows of 3 or 4 team owners who all loved the film. So the league officials need to go sit down some where.
  8. Why would the only reason they'd do it be to be "politically correct"? Maybe, when Craig is done with Bond and they are looking for a new actor to portray him, the one that does the best in readings, auditions and screen tests is black. They probably shouldn't set out to specifically change Bond's race on purpose, but certainly they could include black actors in the casting process.The question I think people have to ask about the race of a character, adapted or not, is "Does changing the race affect the STORY of the character in question at all?" Is race essential to the plot or the things a character does. If it doesn't and isn't... why not? The attitude & personality are what makes Bond... James Bond. Sure, we may be used to seeing him as white on screen, but if a black actor could accurately portray Bond's demeanor and character, he should have that chance. If he can do it better than all the other actors they audition then by all means, go for it.
  9. Yes, but that's just to make the pilot. Just like any other new show, the network then decides whether to take the show from the pilot to series.My guess is this will make it though. Too many people are excited over this now.
  10. Does a great job at being exactly what it intended to be. Awesome, unrealistic, and fun.
  11. Ooo, baumer's seeing SLP. I'm very curious to see your reaction.
  12. I hope Amanda Bynes cleans it up a lot more than I hope Lohan does. Amanda can be quite hilarious in comedic roles and was a lot less irritating in What A Girl Wants and Easy A than Lohan was in Parent Trap.
  13. You, and the people who wrote those reviews, totally missed the point of the defense. The defense wasn't that Carl Lee was "justified" in killing the two rapists.The plea the defense entered was "not guilty by reason of insanity." Remember how the defense brought their medical witness to the stand? He spoke about how Tonya's rape caused a switch to go off in Carl Lee's brain, rendering him "insane" during the time of the murders. THAT is all the defense had to "prove" to the jury. That something flipped inside Carl Lee's head as a result of what happened to his daughter.That is why Jake told the story he did in the closing arguments. He had to make the jury realize that it was very possible for someone to momentarily fly off the handle and have their cheese slide off their cracker after something like that happening. As Lucian (Donald Sutherland) says, in the eyes of the law, Carl Lee is as guilty as sin because the law does not allow vigilante justice. But Jake had them see it through the OTHER side of the law, the mental side.Is it realistic in actual law today? No, probably not. But that's why it was a book & a movie, it doesn't have to be totally realistic.
  14. Glad to see that the National Bipolar Foundation loved this film. I was worried that the mental illness foundation people would be angry or say it was trying to exploit mental illness without having actually seen it.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1897752&l=ab42ac3c48&id=49588549983 Also, Twitter reactions are gauged at 95% positive right now. Though, when looking, I don't see any negative ones myself. I would say the Cinemascore has a very good chance of being an A+. DEFINITELY at least an A.
  15. I don't know about anyone else, but I had a smile on my face the entire time. Except for the couple emotional parts of course.
  16. I totally agree that both Lawrence & Cooper deserve noms.
  17. " width="600" height="338" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen>CollegeHumor's Favorite Funny Videos
  18. "Ay, Blinkin!""Did you say Abe Lincoln?""No, I didn't say Abe Lincoln. I said 'HEY, Blinkin.""Oh, Marian. If only t'were me.""Oh, if t'were you t'would be... t'werrific.""King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is!"
  19. You know some kook is going to try to do that. Walk into a fire holding one or more of those eggs. Same people that need the "don't use while sleeping" disclaimer on curling irons/hair dryers or were the motivation behind the giant "DO NOT EAT" on the packs of silicon drying agent found with electronics.Either that or they'll walk around everywhere holding them shouting "DRACARYS!!! DRACARYS!!! DRACARYS!!!" then holding a lighter underneath them.
  20. I would, but my purse is heavy enough as it is. I'm afraid the strap couldn't take it.
  21. Nah, I already have the Blu-Ray set of Season 1 and need the $$$ more than I need the redundant BR discs and dragon egg that will just sit and collect dust.
  22. Thanks, B. :)This is on AMC right now, so I felt the need to say something in a post here. :lol:This is completely ridiculous and silly, one of Mel's more OTT films, but I absolutely LOVE it. Quote it all the time. Cary Elwes is a riot, as is Roger Rees. I'll never forget the first time I saw the "Men In Tights" song, literally cried laughing. Gotta love Blinkin' too.
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