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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. Maybe so, but this is Potter specific and it's in the Potter forum.
  2. Sorcerer's Stone - 0Chamber of Secrets - 0Prisoner of Azkaban - 1Goblet of Fire - 1Order of the Phoenix - 1Half-Blood Prince - 1Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - 4Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 5
  3. This. I just can NOT bring myself to like Jessica Biel. I don't *dis*like her, I just don't *like* her. There's something about her that irks me a bit. Can't tell you what it is, she's just ehhh to me.She looks better as long as she doesn't smile. She does not have a pretty smile. Very Mr. Ed-ish.
  4. Eclipse, easily. But even that had me WTF'ing a few times and the "fight" seemed a bit anti-climactic after all the buildup. But at least it wasn't boring.The first one isn't *bad* persay, just boring as all hell. An hour in I found myself wondering if anything was going to happen. Lots of unintentional funny parts though. Running up the mountain with Bella was all kinds of LOL. New Moon was irritating, stupid and almost completely unnecessary. How anyone can watch that and still think of Bella as a strong female protagonist is beyond me. Also beyond me is why everyone is so enamored with this chick. I'd want to smack her.BD1 wasn't bad either, but I couldn't help but think "That's it?" when it came to the wedding and the honeymoon. People were all excited waiting for that? Not even mentioning the logistics of a dead person with no blood flow being able to either have sex or impregnate someone. Plus it was rather zzzzz up until the birth scene. Not to mention the talking werewolves. Certainly didn't make me all excited to see the last one in theaters either. Will wait to redbox the DVD.Lautner also got worse and worse each movie. One question though... the pack is mindful of wasting shirts because they get torn when they change, yet they must be okay replenishing their seemingly endless supply of cargo shorts. Those would also get torn to shreds, correct? Not that it matters, it just makes me laugh.
  5. I figure as long as there is a happy ending, a funny character, bright colors, and nothing graphic (sexual or violent) then kids can handle anything.Any risqué jokes or innuendo, they won't understand or catch anyway. So I never care about those being in "kids" movies.
  6. I know. Grrr. Although, the entire shoot isn't even six months, certainly he wouldn't be needed in Iceland for 6 whole months. Hell, Kit Harington isn't even in Iceland yet.
  7. For whatever reason, I haven't yet watched the last 3 episodes of this show. I am going to try to tonight. I love it, so I'm mad that I haven't been able to yet.
  8. There were a hell of a lot of great movies for the younger kids back then. Movies that are corny as all hell when you watch them now, but you still love em because to you they will always be awesome.The Wizard - Total Nintendo commercial, but great funNeverending StoryMac & MeCloak & DaggerFlight of the NavigatorLast StarfighterGremlinsGooniesManhattan ProjectThe Land Before TimeDark CrystalThe Lady in White - who remembers that one?Hell .... even MANNEQUIN I loved. Just about every film listed in here is precious to me, lol.And yes, Caveman is just plain hilarious. "Zug Zug." The old blind guy with Shelley Long... bwahahahahaDoes anyone remember those little Land Before Time hand puppets that they used to have for kids at Pizza Hut? I distinctly remember owning a Sara the Triceratops one.
  9. How has no one else replied to this yet?I love, love, love, love, love this film. I saw the musical on Broadway in 2001 and, while it was excellent, it just didn't have the same feel as the movie. I think it being based in Buffalo, NY as opposed to the Sheffield UK like the film was a big part of it.Carlisle, Addy, Wilkinson, all were great. The ending is not only hilarious but very triumphant.A - 9.5/10
  10. Yeah, really.I've never been that amused because I was pretty sure she was 100% serious with the hateful obsession. That's not funny, that's just scary. IMO at least.Maybe this will help. Having that much hate for someone or something never serves anyone well & is completely unhealthy.Let it all go, fish. I guarantee it will only do good for your life. Much less stress.*ahem* Oh and, ddddeeee, send me the PM's.
  11. Hey, if she's got such an obsession/hatred for this woman that she can't take a joke then that's her problem. :lol:Besides, she brought it on herself with the Claf stuff.
  12. July 27 - August 21. Star Trek 22. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey3. Despicable Me 24. Monsters University5. Pacific Rim6. A Good Day to Die Hard7. Iron Man 38. Thor 29. Django Unchained10. Elysium
  13. Agreed. They are both hysterical but in totally different ways and I love them both. But I can't choose which one because I can't compare the two.One Robin Williams movie that I love that a lot of people hate is Death to Smoochy. He CRACKED me up in that.NSFW video:http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj8-ATbUJ1Y
  14. In Time ... but only the scene where Olivia Wilde's character dies. bwahahaha JT has much improved acting-wise, but he can't emote/cry for shit. I was LOL'ing at that scene.
  15. Well, like I said, just be glad you aren't like that. :lol:Logic never works with people like that. It's a futile cause to try and convince them that their fear is unfounded and stupid.
  16. Ask her if she refuses to get on a plane because every once in a great while there's a plane crash.I figure this much... if someone is so completely gullible and stupid as to live their lives that way, in fear constantly, then it's their lives that will suffer because of it and I'll just sit here and laugh at them.
  17. I still think that Cinemascores are useless unless they are very very high or very very low.If they're in the middle range, I don't think it says a thing. How many people even know what Cinemascore is, let alone have filled out one of those ballot cards? It surely can't be that representative of the general populace unless, again, the score is extremely high or low.I could see it better used for demographics than anything. I understand that studios like them, but judging by the amount of shitty movies and bombs that they've released since it's inception, I'm not sure how much good it's doing them.
  18. I saw this subject line and immediately screamed "NO FUCKING WAY!!!! HELL NO!!!!!!"
  19. Completely unrelated, but while we're waiting I figured I'd post this because I just legitimately LOL'ed at this tweet from Craig Ferguson from several minutes ago:
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