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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. I'm on my phone version can't edit ugh I picked godfather because I'm jealous of everyone who saw this on a big screen Clockwork just as much jealous had I been in a theater I would walk out dazed and confused as I was seeing it on tv late at night , and wondering wtf did I just witnessed And roman holiday I love black and white films from back then the acting the films themselves everything felt different I use to love watching turner classic movies when I had cable Movie stars meant something as opposed to just celebrities today
  2. The godfather A clockwork orange A roman holiday
  3. What is it about these films that make me cry Maybe because it feels so real , after rewatching sunset I started watching this and the contrast was stark def not in the same emotional place , more bickering and conflicts so I stopped and didn't watch the last hour until tonight Gopher you really get this movie ..I'm really amazed by it they do a great job of making you believe this couple is at this stage of their relationship where things are a bit rocky but they have such a great foundation based on love and friendship and truly getting each otherThey say after a few years the traits a couple liked about each other is what drives them apart After giving it some thoughts I think its important we see the rough patches this couple go through and what keeps them going , what's the glue that keeps them from sinking Yep life isn't always seen through the prism of rose-colored glasses To me the ending just showed how much jesse knows her and reminded her she knows him too and that they have something worth fighting for ..I was 99% expecting this to end with them going their separate ways like so many couples do after a decade together but they don't at least for now anyway We get a reprieve and director leaves us on a hopeful note that these two are not over yet and still want to be together in spite of their numerous issues that complicate their relationshipAnother thing I did like was the inclusion of the other couples in the beginning so we see different pov and take on love/relationships that was nice and insightful Its very true when you're young its hard to distinguish romantic love from real love and how one can and should transition into the other if the relationship is going to thrive and survive when the going gets tough as they say After all they could be in love with an A.I. This trilogy reminds me of french author marcel pagnol numerous trilogies set in his beloved home region of la provence which were beautifully adapted to movie medium that guy had a gift for writing life as it was simple and yet meaningful with real characters flawed and complex Always wonder how some directors managed to do that in 2/3 hrs and others don't
  4. Before midnightI started last week then got scared where stuff was heading with the leads characters so stopped then had a busy week and well I figure let's watch this already
  5. So last night I watched the last 4 episodes of witches of east end (finally caught up) And today so far I've been binging on "the tomorrow people" hadn't watched since episode 3 I'm on episode 11 now one more to go
  6. i went back and forth between HER and 12yas ! think i picked 12 but its really a tie for me !ugh most of my picks were from those 2 films anyway
  7. So I'm here watching the episode again go figure but hearing and noticing stuff better
  8. I want my dragons when all is said and done I want those lannister to pay in blood. Die die die... I'll hold a grudge against them forever for what they did to daddy stark boo! LolSundays are the best nights on tv you never know what to watch there's so much good stuff on
  9. WTF was those last 10mn , shit was tense as hell whuuut!Guy was just going with the flow I bet it helped he was high on cocaine during all that All the time I was thinking good thing WH character wasn't there coz he sure would have mess things up for them and he's suppose to be the more normal one in this detective duo but somehow this situation need crazy MM to be the cool head! Emmy for the director of this episode it had an eery feel to it So next episode they finally get to laddue guy?
  10. I cannot believe he said "You can't spot crazy pussy?" Oh wait I can believe he said so -'m just amazed such a character exists, guy says the darnest thingsWhat's the guy equivalent? Dickhead? I'm watching ep 4 right now... They just entered the bar about 20mn to go
  11. just voted but still haven't sent the PM i need to ponder my choices coz after there's no going back i hate having to pick one over another esp in some categories there are ties for me ...
  12. Gopher thanks for your hard work and I'm sure chewy will do you justice! Just voting and sending in lists to different threads makes me appreciate the time and effort you guys put into these stuff that keep us entertained and involved Gopher I hope everything goes well for you in real life, we all know what that's like as real life often takes away time spent in BoF forums whethere you're a frequent poster or not I'm going to bookmark this so I do it at some point this afternoon or evening I have a busy day so gotta go myself lol
  13. There's def a sense its any movie chance to take the BP prize even if some films are more talked about than others
  14. I'm in such a contemplative mood now a good 30mn after seeing it again for first time in like forever since it came out I guess! My heart just fills up with love for these two people trying to get back to each other, bridge the gap of time and life that's happened since the last time they spent time together For some reason I thought he had taken the plane I don't know why?! The first was a love affair , this is more mature take on love , I love that he wrote a book about it to reassure himself that what happened happened that she was real what they felt was realThe entire film you're never sure if what they say is real or embellish or it is real but then they laugh it off to not seem too vulnerable and let the other see how acutely vulnerable they still are in each other presence. And the song she sings at the end is just beautiful , and then she's like "you mister are going to miss your plane" and he laughs saying "yeah I know" with such love and joy in his eyes like he's right where he's suppose to be and he's not going to let her out of his sight again I sighed so much during that taxi ride , stuff got real real for a moment there! And now I can watch before midnight , I feel in order to appreciate the 3rd film I had to rewatch the previous two you truly get a deep appreciation of these two characters I like to believe he actually did write the book in hopes she'd see it and chance a meeting with him I like his vision of romantic love!
  15. Just watched before sunset again I'm such a sucker for these films something about them just makes me cry , plus after 5 minute watching before midnight I was so shocked because I didn't remember what happened before I was persuaded they went their separate ways again so I decided I wouldn't finish watching it until I saw the two previous entries and now I have so here I come before midnight at some point this week Just beautiful...
  16. Nearly done with episode 3 MM is getting some guy to confess And agree he is a quote machine ! Dunno when I'll see episode 4 maybe along with ep 5 Def kind of show you need to sink your brain and senses into and not be in a rush to go somewhere after
  17. Wonder what winter is like in a technologically advanced world
  18. I started watching episode 2 the other day but stopped ! Had other things to do so rewatching now But I will say that girl sure has perky boobs and I guess its ok if y'all went a little gaga over themClearly gravity , pregnancy and aging have yet to grace her body with their presence !
  19. I concur on AH it was like watching an erratic heart beat on a monitor you'd be going back and forth between eyes drooping to jerks of attention ooh the acting isn't so bad so why am I bored silly and go slowly back to drooping etc... Whereas wolf felt like the cool party everyone is invited to and even though its a wild ride you wouldn't miss it for nothing if only to say years later yeah I partied hard that night and promptly became an upstanding citizen after lol
  20. Ooh I remember I came into this thread coz I didn't see a thread about the editor's awards from the other day
  21. I still have philomena and nebraska to watch among the best pic. But so far if I had to rank them :1/ 12YAS 2/ HER3/ WoWS4/capt phillips5/ gravity6/ dallas buyers club7/ american hustle (this will go down inevitably to last place unless the other two put me to sleep and I can't fight coz that's what happen with AH)On one hand I want ejiofor to win best actor but I'm not invested in the actor , but I'm fearing the worst that leo will turn into tom cruise and never win one even though you can't compare the two acting quality wise but in essence they both have tried so hard only to come up short ughh it would be a crime and yeah I know who killed leo's oscar isn't exactly a novelty , its happened to many a deserving actor before!
  22. Do it on HBO as a mini-series or showtime whichever ! Shakespeare deserves as much airtime as possible
  23. Ok so I've read previous 2 pages so a judge decided not to pursue the case and that was the end all of the shole shebang and accepted by everyone involved and if so what is all this drama unfolding truely about ? Well I certainly hope the victim dylan gains something from going public and can move forward and not let her past have such a hold on her. Off to watch "capital" on m6 its about public finances wasting in our "beloved" france its edifying to say the least
  24. Dash , I do understand your argument of it taking time to reach a place where they can talk about what happened to them but that's why someone in this case her mother should have pressed charges at once instead she let her daughter grow up thinking she did wrong and her father didn't since he's living his life and success , she should have protected her daughter but at same time bring the weight of the law against him If I had kids I wouldn't care what anyone thought I'd see him to hell if it was the last thing I did and not wait 20 yrs , her kid was young she wasn't she failed her kids also by not doing more once the fact was known And in case you're wondering I'm no fan of polanski or allen the person but I won't deny their films are work of art I sincerely hope this doesn't affect cate blanchett oscar hopes And also what are they expecting to happen right now a public lynching ? What is that going to solve ? Just another day in hollywood , scandal after scandal !
  25. I really don't know what to say , on one hand if this is true its horrible but on the other hand I have a strong distaste for people airing such private matter in public esp when the aim of such airing is not only about the victim trauma , why not before? Why during awards season ? The motives are so shady , reeks of a smear campaign for some reason mia farrow kept on insisting as it seemed story wasn't getting any tractionI don't know a person who doesn't think woody allen is weird and has had a very questionable life and lifestyle over the years esp with marrying his daughter but they're still married as far as I can tell so even if it weirded me out who am I to judge if they actually do love each other Thing is if this is true then they should have pressed charges when there was something to be done about it Its like polanski , that other year where the whole affair he did to that minor was dragged in the news to point the girl in question had to give face and make clear she was over it and didn't agree with the justice dept insistence upon it I'm glad she didn't leave what happened to her define her and her future! As for polanski , woody allen and other jerks/ sexual fiends if they've learned from their mistakes and haven't deviate since that's all the rehabilitation you can ask for ... For what its worth its important to separate the artist from the person , we live in a grey world nobody we all have part angel part demon in us , mostly with a good checks and balances in place but when its not aie aie aieAnyhoo nothing is what it seems in whacky hollywood ! I hardly think mia farrow is squeaky clean , where the heck was she during that time and what did she do to stop it , again I ask why wasn't this dealt with when it was relevant legally ?
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