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  1. That counts for the majority of the fans, no matter the fan-dom. Some of their posts can be annoying, but those are not troll-ish in any way But some 'fans' use methods that makes them troll similar, I am pretty sure that you are aware about them too. That makes those kind of 'fans' a fanatic in my POV or something similar negative, depending on the method they use. For me unneeded negativity starts if people speak down on other people or their interest, if they try to make others or their interest something less worthy then themselves/their fandom. That's too is not done by the majority of the fans, btw. Depending how much they use that, like too many repeats, too extreme in the used wordings, falsified data too,.... then they start to be troll-ish similar and worse.
  2. If I started young you still could be my child = that's always a bit shocking still for me In my work is a male teacher who is exactly 20y younger than me (but appears to be older per some hefty life experiences) if we get aware we always look at each other a bit shell-shocked, to the amusement of the pupils 😉 Jessie was in his '40 if I remember right, maybe similar to Tele's age? I use a few key data and then ~ similar to... for those kind of date = not that important and changing 😉 Jessie is older than he behaved. POTUS is too anti-female to get a 'saved data' thing by me, but I am aware about him being older than many 😉 Hubby birth-year is 1954, his father's 1898, he was a soldier in WWI, my father was born before WWI, was a soldier in WWII. We were rather old as our son happened too = between my son and his granddad father-side are 98y - still a bit mindbogglingly difference. Depending on culture, that could be 5 generations (if a 20y old gets....) instead of 2 generations.
  3. acc to the birthday of members thing you can see at the start page the age they reached in brackets if the member included the birthyear too. = some birthdays are only to see as its their birthday without the age, if not added today (it shows it matching to the date in you region) Today's Birthdays HeyItsMoses (32 years old) MSWORKZ (30 years old) Rambo (42 years old) Over the years I've seen ages like e.g. 69y a few years back, that one should now be in his/her '70. Not sure if all of those are active members, as far as I know I am the oldest female active member, but not the oldest active member in complete 😉 All I remember out of my head: Tele is younger than Baumer, who is at least a decade younger than me. AndyLL is older than Baumer but still younger than me. Out of the banned group BKB (who was the reason I did never did state my actual age outside of hints that in the sum should be enough, but he still didn't get it), who loved to sneer on younger members, he still is younger also, around AndyLLs age. Jessie, also banned, is I think is similar to Baumer's age. Charlie is 20 +/- a year or so, and Valonquar (sp.?) is a teenager still. Quite some members are in their '30, too many to list.
  4. to 1. still the 'legginess' changed in general quite a lot within the last 10 years and that's what was my post about, and yes to the special case of Avatar = both started out of very different situations, hence why it does not make any sense to judge out of the OW in especial. If pattern changes it makes no sense to compare a sole detail without looking at all details. 2. another franchise, another season ... no idea why it even gets cited. I am reacting only to the in my POV senseless comparison between Avatar's and A:EG OWs and their legs comparing posts here. 3. Its definitive not about to demean Avatar's results (I love Avatar, I do not like A:EG), its about to give examples why the senseless OW comparison is also not making sense, show one or two additional / not named / seldom named examples for why/how there are differences. .... 5. I do not care about if there are other franchises that are also sometimes leggy, it is ONLY about the Avatar (an original) to A:EG, a part 22 within 10 years franchise comparison. Beside 007, is there is no similar high count of titles within the same franchise, and that one has again very much other rules and reasons for behaving like it does, see there is not enough material there to develop a pattern. ... only about the senseless comparisons here in this thread. 6. I do not care what some ppl said why whatever movie will make whatever, there where then and today always also ppl who said the opposite of what gets stated / cited here too = If you look at the high earners that get so often used in 'twistings' aehm 'discussions' here, those where mostly released during that time of year anyway, but its here about the high earning X-Mas released movies usually have a higher mp than movies released at other times of year, in especial CBMs released in the last decade if I remember it right. Someone, (maybe MikeQ ?) made a dom chart for that, it clearly showed in average the legginess per month differs quite a lot. X-Mas movies either the highest or one of the highest on that chart, I think it was an autumn month that holds the worst position. Or was it spring... Differences exist (for now), that's all I have to know to be aware about it makes no sense to compare only one detail without looking into the complete picture ... 8. During the OW week not only in our country were schools out days. I call it Eastern based on the school holidays here are called Easterholidays for the pupils. You'd have to go through the threads, I think there were mentioning about e.g. Chinese ppl taking time of for that reason without calling themselves Christians to their government, some days in AUS as well if I remember it right and so on. In the end its about the opening week for A:EG was rather atypically strong supported per local details in comparison. Yes May 1 did help its result too (but local events as listed in some countries' threads might be the reason it was at certain days not as high as at other public holidays, but helped the evening before and so on), but lots of countries having school finals during its run might have hindered its legs in especial too, see my post about pupils weren't allowed or not willing to rewatch it based on their preparations for the finals. This week here in Bavaria the additional exams for pupils with bad degrees happened btw, but as you know, June/July if hot are bad for cinemas here anyway. = Solely about why legs might behave a bit in another way - again especially about the explicit in this thread happening comparison. 9. LotR + Titanic = X-Mas releases, GWTW had a spread out OW of 2 years in a way, as they had not enough cinemas and film reels then (in part wandering through the country), but still had a X-Mas release for the reels they did have. = Not enough data to develop a pattern. Without a pattern it makes no sense to judge anything based on one detail 😉 About the remaining quote: Especially smaller / countryside cinemas then (I am bad with 'feeling' ow long ago). Was in the papers/news a lot. Then they simply did not show the movie it started with, like at all. Didn't change a thing, they were not big enough in the sum to make an impact. Might have been Avengers Age of Ultron???? I think its was something around just under 700 cinemas for the first movie in something just under 200 smaller cities or so. I think a part of those is still not showing any Disney movie at all. A part of them now: 'they' (I only check into 2 of those nowadays as those 2 have an impact on my pupils) do show it, but not as long as other movies. Like, they show it from the official OW on for a shorter time. An example: after 4 weeks some titles are out that did sell tickets still before they get kicked out. Way subtler, but if you start to get aware, interesting to observe which cinema handles which kind of movie in which way. My pupils did not get to watch A:EG in parts based on that, see the finals situation and other reasons. Like parents said: go later, first this and that and then the movie was out of those 2 cinemas. Only a handful drove to Munich for A:EG. People expect them to run longer, if its out: oh its run is over, lets watch it later per HV or watch something else, depending on if they are even regularly going GA. Still helps the OW, but not the legginess. Its nowadays quite the opposite situation to CinemaXX (who also have walkout problems as they pay their employees badly and also behave - at least in parts - badly to their employees too) whose situation did not help A:EG OW, but its legs to a degree.
  5. ???? I have no idea what's up here, so.... I guess its about ppl jumping to wrong conclusions seemingly too often, no matter if its about gender, age or whatever if someone is for their region or .... showing some atypical interests 😉 But: especially as regions do have so different traditions... it can be rather difficult to guess right per written posts alone, RL or visual , or.... is way simpler and I guess way more common, so I am not surprised So.... we have I think something around 15% female members acc to an inquiry some years back, all ages from 13y old to 70y old, from theoretically all countries ( continents, having the experience for certain details for being actual pupils, students, working life, not working for being parents, illness, seeking a new job, or and retirement, .... so best no to assume anything ? 😉
  6. yes and no then 3D was a must see, in especial a must see in connection to one certain movie = focus on one title (I feel like a lot here forgot how much impact the 3D for the first time working for the GA then had, see also a lot of reactions in the media for that too), nowadays 3D is frowned on. To the degree that people wait for 2D versions get added to 'their' times of days to go to watch a movie in general lead to a reduced per year average ticket price e.g. here in Germany. That was ignored for the spoiler thing for A:EG opening week, but for a rewatch, as far as people went for an A:EG rewatch: 2D for a lot of people (depends in the country too) = Regions without IMAX and similar nearby, I think in regions with lots of really good 3d cinemas it might be less extreme, but I do read anti 3D also a lot in dom and so on also.
  7. That's the typical one-sided twists to downplay or even demean I come to expect 1. 10 years back where other pattern OW to final typical than nowadays. As ALL here know, that includes you too. 2. Avatar had e.g. in China NOT their OW at the same weekend as the most of the countries got 3. Avatar's dom OW was heavily reduced by a bad snow storm. 4. A:EG had an explicit 'go early for the spoiler avoidance' campaign that is as far as I know in its dimension unheard of. And boy, did the GA react to that. I know so many people who usually never go to a movie in its opening week, all of them sat till latest Sunday through the 3 hours..... 5. There is still a big difference to a franchise pattern to an original movie pattern, differences in the sub-genres (CBM based is faster in general) 6. there are still other patterns for a X-Mas release to a later release 7. A:EG had per the simultaneous release a way higher 'longer OW weekend than usual' per country count than any other movie and in a lot of countries very atypical time of days 8. AEG had Eastern in its OW week, means schools out and in part even public holiday during OW week, but back to school in its 2nd week of release in general, the typical shortly before X-Mas movies have a few days up to a week (Avatar is one of the ones that got a full week for that, as 25 December 2009 was a Friday and its release day was at 18 December) to build up WOM, than get at their 2nd weekend X-Mas and at its 3rd weekend still school holidays and/or public holidays 9. There is not enough data about 3h long movies to formulate a pattern in general, even less for a nowadays movie 10. the end of A:EG is not something all of the GA might want to re-watch any time soon, the mood at the end is not comparable. The mood at the end is, what has the biggest impact on the possible rewatch count (assuming comparable well received movies). Btw, that's the main reason I wont rewatch A:EG, I am angry to a degree and disappointed about certain decisions in A:EG, hence why I list this as a point too, acc social media I am not the only one. and so on Its not if you go and went in the theme in a balanced way from the beginning see above You might want also to take a look at certain German cinemas that then signed on to the boycott Disney (in especial the to be expected high earners see SW and MCU) thing and still kick out their movies after a rather short time, even if the movie is still making money. I have 2 of those near enough to me to see that pattern too. They are a little bit better if its a less sure thing movie (I guess a bit better conditions), but still shorter than in average. = that counts only for German (see the outcry then as country side cinemas get a 'rebate' for a less high average ticket price, and then Disney went and killed that) Again in general and also counting for Germany too (see also the forum of Insidekino) = worldwide counting: no one really knows pattern for such a lengthy movie I think its interesting how people here only cite the high(est) guesses out of this thread from around the OW (that includes the typical pushes the people to high numbers by a certain Avatar fan), but not the more cautious posts Btw, I am still not convinced the #1 thing is even the reason for the push, preparing, filming.... takes a lot of time and money, so when did they order the additional scenes? Helping SM seems far more plausible to me, see e.g.: The negotiations with Sony for the future of SM in the MCU seem to be way more important to me than getting the #1 rank = a rather emotional thing in my POV.
  8. = Zeffirelli's try to make a Hamlet teens / YA might more then too often connect to and as such maybe to get to be more open minded to the classics in general. Btw, the few then teens I know that did watch it for one reason or the other did like it enough, so the goal seems to have been reached 😉
  9. I know I am late, but as I look into drops and such, also non top 10 titles, maybe someone else dos too
  10. Ah, I thought you mean the new content they also wrote about in the article, the older content... I guess nothing new / changed.
  11. WB is one of the ones that experiment with the new paying model amazon started to use / ~ invented - if I remember it right = maybe not
  12. Did you read the article? Screendaily is a rather reliable outlet, in my POV one of the best, probably even The best, e.g. for UK BO....
  13. For the ones interested into such kind of information....... Screen International‏Verified account @Screendaily 4 hours ago More According to reports, WarnerMedia paid $425m to stream Friends for five years on its new HBO Max service More: http://bit.ly/2YQ2q7O
  14. I wonder often too, but me too do not drive as much to a cinema during the hot weeks, beside being aware about that being a bit illogical. Short ways to something where the complete family can enjoy or avoid the heat/sun. No long got drives in a car if possible Plus eat something typical beer-garden like, typical pick-nick, no cooking at home to increase the heat within the homes Spending the day inside and doing ~ barbecue / grilling with grilled legumes and salads.... with a cool beer or so at the cooler evenings - again no cooking inside.... Maybe based on: - The most private homes here have no air condition (its not green anyway) hence the no cooking inside. - Tradition how to react to heat waves. I think its possible in Europe people drove (past) in average smaller cars - I feel the smaller modern cars heat up faster than bigger cars, less nice to drive during the hot hours. Some cinemas in the past were not good with fresh air and temps = I guess the habits didn't change to more cinema visits like in some other countries with hot weather too. Maybe bcs here its not every year that hot or only for a rather short time, ppl want it, but if too hot hate and love it = love to enjoy the outside of bearable. Only ideas.... there could be a lot more 😉
  15. They have no say what can be released in Chine when or not. As there is a quota for how many fireign movies is allowed per year (exoemptions are possible), I doubt they waste a counter for a weekend. Some background thats missing some other versions, like co-produced or indie movies but still might give some introducing insight: http://chinafilminsider.com/foreign-films-in-china-how-does-it-work/
  16. AEG actual acc BOM Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $847,881,150 30.6% + Foreign: $1,924,588,402 69.4% = Worldwide: $2,772,469,552 = ~ 848 855-848 = 7 Rank Title Studio Worldwide Domestic / % Overseas / % Year^ 1 Avatar Fox $2,788.0 $760.5 27.3% $2,027.5 72.7% 2009^ 2 Avengers: Endgame BV $2,772.5 $847.9 30.6% $1,924.6 69.4% 2019 A - AEG = ~ 15.5 15.5 - 7 = ~ 8.5
  17. I've never looked into that detail, as its not typical, but is it possible that the exchange of the movie versions caused some missed screenings? I ask bcs, see earlier, I fell like at certain cinemas the screenings increased for next weekend, but some weekdays before that seem to be missing all screenings??? Its possible its bcs weekdays are not running strong enough too based e.g. on how long the movie is and how long its out also, so the weekends might be more suited. Just a thought. Can't remember, but beside the one day thing in one cinema for Kingdom of Heaven directors cut and Avatar's extended I can not for the moment remember another movie that showed a changed version as deep into its first run. Does data even exists about how that was done for this or that movie especially ww or...?
  18. I think parts of both groups get often mixed up in articles, means I think its interesting titbits, but I do not take an article not based on a shareholder report, tax report.... some accessable 'official' number too seriously. Its interesting for the campain's impact, also which partners for what movie-product combinations get together and such too.
  19. yeah, I think there was also another higher campaign For me its not about the claim of 'record breaking' but someone here might be interested into this or that detail
  20. Deadline Hollywood‏Verified account @DEADLINE 19m19 minutes ago More ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Shatters Industry Records With $288M Promo Campaign https://deadline.com/2019/07/spider-man-far-from-home-record-promo-campaign-audi-united-airlines-dr-pepper-doritos-1202643198/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
  21. As is to see as my location (e.g. under the user name's avatar / post count) since I joined. Surprised not all are aware, but as you are new: I am an older than the most here female German who's English is mainly self-trained, see also my signature. Some details, in spoilers, to not bore the others that already do know 😉
  22. Just checked: all cinemas I frequently use (excl the 2 that boycott Disney mostly) added today for the next weekend new screening times: either for Friday to Sunday or Thursday to Sunday. Nearly all of them are now in bigger rooms than in use till incl tomorrow. The one offered time I do not understand is a screening in Munich at Thursday 10:00 before midday in a ~ 250 seats room. We are still in school session, in my region sommer break starts at 29 July, so who they think will book seats for that .... ????? Weather report for next weekend would be far better for a cinema visit here than e.g. a week back.
  23. Still not signing on to the idea they hold back in a planed way, but if they do, the only reason I can imagine to do it is the Hall H thing at ComicCon with Feige at July 20 = Saturday.
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