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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. @DeeCee could you please update the title? Beside some pings and such threadstarter didn't update since before its 2nd weekend into release. I am not the only one hoping for it, just in case. Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $854,789,780 30.6% + Foreign: $1,936,059,483 69.4% = Worldwide: $2,790,849,263
  2. If you find a legal version to buy, please let me know I also search for a Macbeth verion on stage with Sean Bean, that got praised a lot
  3. Mordo... only a spontanous idea, with a probabilty of 0.0001%: He and DS could be in one of her mini-series episodes? Maybe even the reason she and DS get to know each other more/better whatever...
  4. runs to wikipedia... okaayyy, superhero movie with song and dance... sounds atypical. budget to BO mp wasn't that good aka a flop beside being a hit as earning over 170 crore? Always nice to learn something new about India's movies here at BOT (imagine eye-swirling / headspinning... 😉 ) (not seriously meant)
  5. Under my username... is my location to see: Germany He? 😉 As said, I think the same. Its only about the speed in a time a lot seems to be in a state of change behind the scene, e.g. the Disney+ caused miniseries or however to call those, and FOX Marvel based characters being back. I'd love to hear today an announcement for e.g. an Indian actor / actress, but I prefer they do it right to do it fast, if that makes sense? Like better have a real good story too, especially as a lot of biased ppl e.g. in the US might want 'it' (in their POV too diverse cast/story...) to end up with a weak BO. I want diversity with such a strong story, quality,.... it will open up future possibilities in a big way. Like convincing other studios too. I am thinking long term changes, not only an experiment like some hope to fail (incl certain shareholders that own huge amounts of shares, who are in part leaning very alt-right)
  6. I feel like I knew that, but I have no idea why .... Agree, its time to get someone from India too. I am optimistic based on some of the casting they did ~ recently. I guess there is lots more 'brewing' behind the scene than we already know about, see e.g. the mentioned mutants and more. But better to grow a bit too slowly for our liking if its about casting... than to grow too fast and loose some of the details the MCU seems to make appealing for so many?
  7. A ~ 2 years older sister can absolute be / end as a surrogate mother to her brother.
  8. 14th century France based movie.... does not need a French accent. A bit sceptical about the casting details as well
  9. Supernatural is still running????? Great catch, and great that you did take action!!! Wow, great, one was already on my 'will probably soon on my ignore list' I feel like the last few months a lot of the newer, but also a few of the older accounts sound strangely familiar, maybe I should start to do some save to.... for a comparison. Never will understand why people feel the need to ~ support themselves or their POV with multi accounts. In my POV a sign of ~ weakness and missing sportsmanship. If you need someone to help with excel ... next week summer school holidays start here, so I am pupil free, you can PM me then anytime.
  10. Thx, and I fully understand that, but it seems not to be enough: I am only able to split the list into 3 groups, see an earlier post. All that goes farther... seems not to work. Its the same whilst then watching a sports event: all my friends were like stats or whatever for or contra this team or the other. I went only if someone I know played too or if a team was included famous for being far above average with something quality-wise or rather unique, like that basketball team then, something with globetrotters in the name? I enjoy to watch, but I never do 'stan' for any's team 'result'. Its simply not in me, it even feels wrong ;-)
  11. it was only about hypothetically, I think it sounds like fully financed... like all background being the same = only about a direct movie output comparison So, it was said in a rather short timed timespan... Only a few thoughts, mostly as starting list for things to look up and so on If we look which movies got released by Disney themselves the last 5 to 10 years (allowing SW as a Disney direct is... strange at best): they did cut down a lot on how many movies they made every year. Even more so as the Marvel titles got added. So lets add it up and take an average: every 2 years a SW movie seems to be the plan example dom incl earned in 2018 for released in 2017 titles (then pick up per title with a new tab, jump on foreign per weekend, and look up the sum for the 2017-2018 and 208-2019 split....) 2018 https://www.boxofficemojo.com/studio/chart/?view=company&view2=calendar&yr=2018&timeframe=yty&sort=&order=&studio=buenavista.htm 2017 https://www.boxofficemojo.com/studio/chart/?view=company&view2=calendar&yr=2017&timeframe=yty&sort=&order=&studio=buenavista.htm .... to start a chart or so for ta last ~ 5 years? MCU,: I am pretty sure the plan before FOX and Disney+ was to increase the per year output to 4 movies per year Spider-Man takes at least once one of those. The Disney+ thing seems to take away a bit from the MCU movies to for the time being. But: I think those are a another kind of build up too, see no big team ups announced, talks about no phases in he future. = I think they did not announce all release dates. So lets assume around 2022 it increases again. I do not think all of them will reach similar heights as have the last some MCU movies, incl BP and CM. Depends a lot on how interesting the new teams / worlds will be. If they are ~ groundbreaking... exceptional to experience..... they might. If more small like Ant-Man, too similar to nowadays world nope, do not offer the feel 'I have to see That in a cinema... nope. If they'd not do MCU, I guess they'd increase their animated and music Princess whatever movies, maybe risk another John Carter... too? Indiana Jones???? Will there be another Narnia movie, PotC,,....? Something out of the Cars world (huge merchandise #) What's with FOX based material = in my understanding of what was written, not included, not 100% sure Hmmm not sure for now, I guess it might tke a while
  12. I hate when ppl use that kind of misinformation as a click-bait, no matter if its about BO or news or whatever Many ppl only skim titles, and way too many only need a handful of repeats of similar sounding titles to form an opinion, often even without realising thy did so ( ~ automatically)
  13. Other times, other situation, and for many reasons not directly compareable Just as all the OT sh$t here in this thread was starting to slow down..... And just after a few here already pointed that out. Yes, I am aware about 'the other side' also wrote, but that I can tolerate a little bit better, as its a human reaction to defend in such kind of situation. I think here is no one who does not already have read all possible, cut to match to support it own wished for result, posts. So, please, use fan-war threads, use the admission comparison thread for the admission POV, use adjusted numbers for dom (as OS makes no sense no matter which calculation model its based on) and so on. But not this thread, this is OS for AEG (to the ones who reacted a bit snippy: that are the rules for BOT!!!!! Put the posts in the correct thread, according to the descriptions in what belong what!!!) At other forums I have maybe 1 or 2 ppl on ignore, if at all, here I am already on page 2. Nearly all of them are excessive fans of this or that movie, franchise and what-not. Sadly in a way out of proportion count of Cameron movie based 'fans', but there are also MCU, DC, HP, SW,... fanatics It takes waayyyyyy too much fun out of the people who are here for the numbers, who are not on the hunt for a specific BO nor a specific ranking position as a proof for whatever superiority someone thinks he/she gains out of that. Annoooooyyyyyyiiiinnnnngggggg (reminder, I love Avatar, did not like AEG, not the only MCU movie I do not like) So, back to numbers and what maybe to expect how much might remain in OS: is there an actual list in which countries the longer version is actual happening or will get it at which starting date still in the future?
  14. The same I did try to sit down, but as I am not on the hunt for #1 in general (like my whole life has another kind of POV) and also do not think even all genres are 100% comparable (no matter if its about music, books, movies,...), it simply does not work. Like the moment I e.g. go for a minute for a glass of water, its already changed, whilst still trying to force a ranking on the remaining titles on that kind of list. Maybe someone can use mine and the lists of the others as inspiration whilst creating a ~ basket / list of titles to delve into b&w movies, or save some time per copying some of the lengthier titles, or .... or who knows, maybe in a year or two, someone wants to make a kind of list like I m used to: counting how often a certain title got added on all the lists. to Tower: Have a lot of fun, admiring the work you'll have to do with so many ranked lists!
  15. ... not Charlie, but: pattern only happen with average situations. re-releases in 'better' rooms than before and a 'full-worth' re-release in general (in opposition to an expansion into Dollar-theatres), hype for other reasons, exams over / school out, public holidays ... other general weather conditions, in this case also a staggered re-release thing spread over a few months, directors actively travelling as late into the release to promote late push... + only a few examples why in this case neither comparisons nor prediction pattern based on averages will work
  16. Thread-title's numbers correlate to the result before the 3-5 May weekend. (OS part of that weekend $1,572,463,110) Not atypical to start a thread and then only update the title when the mood strikes, late especially for non-fan of movies / franchises. If pinged, in my POV too often reacts like pinger is an immature for wanting an actual thread title, bcs.... never got a reason. I mean, as a BO number fan wanting titles to show ~ actual numbers....
  17. @juni78ukr where do you publish Ukrainian data or other details? I thought here at BOT OS is an own thread, but I can't find it Its about this, I planed to do some quotes, but feel like this thread here is the wrong place https://www.screendaily.com/features/is-ukraine-the-next-emerging-european-box-office-market/5141252.article
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