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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I got TDKR vibes from this movie. By about the two-thirds mark I realised it'd gone off the rails, never to return. It doesn't help that A) Cap's motivations throughout the film are given no weight whatsoever and B ) Bucky is one of the most boring characters ever created. Fine as a McGuffin in CA2, but did we really need a whole other movie centred even more around him?
  2. Presumably the one black guy in the team won't be put in a black suit, a la the TV show?
  3. Did the guy in that video say 'inference' when he meant 'implication'? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. While he's basically right in that there's nothing to back up the assertion that there's comic book movie fatigue, his '3% of movies but 30% of anticipation' is a bit of chicken and egg logic — do people anticipate SH movies because the media hypes them up to a wildly disproportionate level at the expense of every other genre, or is it the other way round? I honestly don't know anymore.
  4. Going to the cinema feels too much like an exercise in repressing rage at noisy, phone-obsessed cretins these days. I don't know if audiences really are getting worse or I'm just getting old, but it's not something I want to pay money for any longer.
  5. Apart from a very few indie movies the girlfriend occasionally wants to see, I've stopped going to the cinema. My digital projector more than fills my big screen needs. Great to play videogames on too.
  6. Same as most people - a riveting first half followed by a second that couldn't quite keep up. I've thought about it a lot since.
  7. Apart from its R-rating it seemed like it had a fairly broad appeal. The marketing certainly wasn't subtle. No idea if the movie's actually good, but from an industry perspective a mid-budget, well-reviewed adult-oriented film doing badly always feels like another nail in the coffin to me.
  8. No, IMDB means nothing. It was a joke that flew over department store's head.
  9. ^ We all know the only grade that matters is the IMDB ranking.
  10. RDJ would have been completely wrong IV though. The main character was meant to be passive and unassuming.
  11. Infinity War? Why would those figures be remarkable compared to previous big Marvel films? Such consistency is impressive, but these runs aren't exactly compelling. That's certainly not a slight on Marvel - they're very, very good at this now.
  12. Marvel's big movies have reached the point where they perform so consistently they're almost uninteresting to follow — if you've kept your expectations in check.
  13. Because the novelty's gone. We're only now really seeing how crucial that is to superhero movies. Not that Marvel will particularly care with the amount of money it's still making.
  14. I liked the scene, but I didn't see Solo's death as especially risky. Apart from the dramatic beat being an obvious call-back to Obi-Wan's death, Ford probably wasn't in the mood to do more than one film as a lead anyway. (I also didn't mind Kylo-Ren — I think his emo nature has been greatly exaggerated by the internet.)
  15. I didn't love TFA, but I can see why the movie played it safe - and it obviously worked. Rogue One is a good time to take a risk though, in so much as a giant corporation like Disney is capable of taking risks, so I hope the movie's a little more out there.
  16. Although some people are being a bit disingenuous judging this as nothing more than a CA sequel, it's also mind-boggling that the number is perceived by others as disappointing. Yes, Marvel movies have clearly hit a ceiling, but that they can so consistently touch that ceiling is the impressive part.
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