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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. People should use the review section of this forum more. I'd actually be quite interested to see more reactions to this film without having to trawl through a weekend thread.
  2. I wouldn't say she's a great actress, but her vacant detachment is put to very good use in Under The Skin. That was a brave movie on her part.
  3. Said before and I'll say it again: Disney remake fanboys are by far the weirdest subculture this forum has thrown up. Of all the hills to die on...
  4. I mean, sure, but why not just bypass that subtext and make an earnestly good movie in the first place? At least when Scorcese was doing the same trick with Wolf his filmmaking ability made it compelling regardless.
  5. I'm with you, FWIW. It's a crap movie, but one thing that always stuck with me was that fucking computer guy with the 'original' JP t-shirt. Fan-service at its most cringeworthy, which makes absolutely no sense in that film's universe.
  6. "I've never understood why people say they want to turn their brains off when they go to movies. I watch movies for the opposite." - Steven Spielberg
  7. He's starring a new TV adaptation of Snatch (the 2000 Guy Ritchie film) which no-one wanted, and is apparently terrible. But he still sleeps on a bed of money, so hey-ho.
  8. I... really don't think they did. Radcliffe has proven himself to be the most pleasant surprise of the three.
  9. I'm crap at extrapolating totals from current numbers so I'll just ask: Logan's locked for at least 200m, right?
  10. But that's my point: 'overrated' tells us nothing about the film itself. So who cares, really? Apart from anything else, we already know how films like 2001 and Godfather are perceived in the pantheon, so it's not even interesting to talk about its reception because it's old news.
  11. Honestly, there have been dumber ideas for reboots. Say what you will about the sequels (and god knows I have) but there's a lot of potential in that world left over. Just as long as they remember no-one's impressed by bullet time anymore.
  12. There is no other bad movie like it. Its reputation is totally deserved. Anyway, stunned Franco actually made something that's apparently not terrible given his previous run of directing films. The book had real heart as well as laughs, so I'm glad it got its due.
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