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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. The kids weren't bad (incredibly annoying/cheap "let's leave the perimeter" plot device aside) it was just weird how the film seemed to be setting up some kind of character arc for them only for it to peter out into nothing. Mind you, no-one else had one either, so who cares I guess?
  2. The first one is rightly considered a modern-classic, so I hope this lives up to it.
  3. I have baby-boomer parents who thankfully take it easy on the whole millenial entitlement accusations. I don't know how it all started, but baby-boomers — the most economically and culturally indulged generation ever — saying that kind of stuff has always just struke me as projecting. They had, and still have, it so good, and maybe deep down they know it.
  4. Bizarrely my Mum saw this and really enjoyed it. "It's got a real Pan's Labyrinth vibe," she said.
  5. I somewhat sexistly assumed my girlfriend would be desperate to see this because it was a musical starring Ryan Gosling, but she doesn't. I'll probably download it in a few months.
  6. I won't pretend to know much about studio finances, but I assume Disney already had far more capital than its rivals to make such purchases. And besides, if WB or Fox had bought Star Wars and Marvel I wouldn't suddenly be impressed that of course they're now making all the money in the world.
  7. No, but I think in that instance they had them for so long and crafted them in their own image you can kind of say 'fair enough'. (Though you wouldn't say 'fair enough' in DCU's case, because they're fucking it up big time.)
  8. I'd be more impressed if Disney actually created its own mega-franchises rather than buying existing ones. It's like 'congratulations, you had enough money to purchase wildly popular intellectual property and make it slightly more popular.'
  9. Looks kind of fun. Don't like Zach Giafalkdsgadlfasjkdflsadgh's voice for the Joker, though. He's not even trying.
  10. I know you're fucking around at this point, but now I think of it: Cameron is much like Hemingway in that his form stems from an acute understanding of functionality. At the heart of his films is an airtight story — a rare attribute in this day and age — and that's what keeps people coming back.
  11. I guess someone not being the best writer of an entire nation ever does render their point totally invalid.
  12. "“Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.” - Hemingway
  13. Will do! Always happy to stop by and say how exciting the prospect of not one, not two, not three, but four more sequels of this franchise is.
  14. I've changed my mind: this thread is in fact great and you are definitely not a crank.
  15. x2.5 is the industry standard. But with elaborate accounting it's impossible to say how profitable a movie is for sure.
  16. Just read the plot on wikipedia. I know that's not a good way to get a sense of a movie, but man, the first half sounds so much better than the second. I can see why people are facepalming over the ending.
  17. The music industry would kill to make the kind of money movies are still making, all things considered. An entire generation has already grown up not expecting to pay for songs at all, and who can blame them?
  18. I think understandable to say that it's in fairly bad shape. I'm barely over 30 but I've never been more underwhelmed by cinema than I am at the moment. On a storytelling level, film doesn't give me anything TV can't now do, and often much better. The death-rattle of the mid-budget, adult-oriented movie is a real shame. Pop culture now expects us to be excited for things that used to be aimed at teenagers. (EDIT: I know that all comes across as 'old man yells at cloud', but I assure you it's not said with any relish.)
  19. Bioshock Infinite probably has the best story and world-building of any game I've ever played. I'd have no particular desire to see them make a movie of it, though. What would be the point? I've drunk in that experience already. As videogames get more sophisticated and filmic, the less necessary movie adaptations of them are, not more.
  20. They tend to be reserved for surprise flops. There was never a single moment when this looked promising.
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