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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Lol true but when you look at the other two biggest films: Titanic and The Avengers, the leads in those were bursting with charisma, so I really think Avatar was so huge despite of Worthlessness, not because of him. I also think Peter being a little person and proving to be the "biggest person" hailing from Earth in these films could be far more affecting. He could bring the gravitas and human connection that was sorely lacking in the original film, except for bits and pieces from Sigourney Weaver's limited screen time.
  2. Ugh, I really hope he breaks out and becomes Hollywood leading man material in some heavyweight drama and sci-fi. He is such a trailblazing inspiration. Plz Cameron, throw out Woodenthington and cast The Dink as the lead in Avatar 2 and 3!
  3. Good riddance, really. That joke died a looooong time back and then its corpse got dragged across the weekday threads for months on end.
  4. What? I didn't even know she's been signed on for a second Woody movie. Is that Cameron Crowe project ever going to progress? Seems like it's been forever.
  5. The reactions to Cedric's death. It was the first major onscreen death in the series and out of all the deaths, that one still resonates the most with me because of the way this scene was shot. I love it. Harry arriving with the body on the grounds, weeping over it, and the crowd not noticing because they are busy cheering and the band is still playing the music. Then Fleur is the first one in the crowd who notices and begins to scream, followed by a perplexed Dumbledore and Fudge hurrying towards Harry. The buildup towards Cedric's father's heartbreaking reaction is just good direction. Wonderfully acted by everybody involved as well. This was the moment, both in the books and in the movies, that we, along with the characters, realize that things are NOT going to be the same as before. If there was a definitive moment where the series transitioned from a more kiddie friendly tone to a much darker one, then this would be it.
  6. Yeah, it will be really interesting to follow her career path now. I think Dreamworks will milk The Croods into a franchise so she will still have one even now after she has bowed out of TASM. But it will not take up as much of her time like TASM so she will be free enough to make more diverse and daring choices when it comes to independent or small budgeted movies. I don't think she's open to nudity though so I hope that doesn't limit her choices too much when it comes to big Oscar chasing roles.
  7. Blasphemous slander against the Princess Goddess won't be tolerated!
  8. Imagebam acting up again. I even tried it on Mozilla and IE but it doesn't work.
  9. OMG you hate Peter Parker! Jk. On a slightly less biased note though, I wish Andrew played Peter similar to his roles in Boy A and The Social Network. The earnestness and sweetness of those characters as played by him seem more perfect for Peter than the Peter Parker played by him.
  10. Studio inflating Oz CS score with dozens of plant accounts is the only explanation for that. Same goes for its RT people's score.
  11. Damn, she would have made a fine Mary Jane. A much better fit than Gwen. Wasted opportunity.
  12. I am using Chrome but I can see the images now, even in the original post, so thank you. Shailene looks like a little child in front of elegant Emma. There is a cute big sis/little sis vibe that I get from them.
  13. 82M/251M Disney's next CGI adaptation of a princess fairy-tale, this time being The Princess and the Pea. Glinting Eyes
  14. I could never see your Image Bam pics.
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