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Man of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel (2013)  

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Just got out of my second viewing. Missed the Wayne reference during my first viewing but caught it this time. For those who missed it, pay close attention to the satellite that Superman and Zod are fighting on during the climax. The logo is upside down on the satellite. And it is definitely the Nolanized Wayne logo (bad news for those of us who don't want the Bale/Nolan version in JLA).


Meanwhile, it was interesting to hear a couple of ladies talking about it after we walked out of the theater. They both complained that it was too loud. Funny thing is, this theater was nowhere near as loud as the IMAX screening I went to on Friday. That one was straight up ear-splitting. I actually felt this second screening was a lot more tolerable in terms of overall volume, though dialogue clarity was much better in the IMAX version. Can't wait to have this on Blu-ray so I can have the combination of great clarity AND proper volume.


Or, seek out a proper theater room with well-tuned sound. My viewing of the film had perfectly tuned sound; dialogue and overall volume were balanced.

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Option A) Everyone knows that Clark is Superman, but they're scared of him/they want to be nice and pretend not to know


Option B) If you believe a man can fly, you can believe glasses can hide his identity


Option C) No one, except the military, got a good look at Superman's face


Except for the military and Lane (and a handful of people at the end when Supes snaps Zod's neck), nobody actually got a good look at Superman's face. Perry White and some of the other Daily Planet people didn't really get a good look at him.


Besides, the movie makes it very clear that it's not a big deal in terms of people knowing his identity. I love the different take they did with the glasses at the end. It's almost like it's a disguise just for show mainly, and you could see Lois similing and smirking when she sees him. It's not a disguise meant to be taken that seriously, because given this film's more realistic take, it would be silly to do the whole glasses thing in a very serious way.

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Or, seek out a proper theater room with well-tuned sound. My viewing of the film had perfectly tuned sound; dialogue and overall volume were balanced.


That is an extremely condescending comment. I literally have no choice in this town, especially not on a work night. One 14 screen normal theater here.


The only reason I even got to see it in IMAX last Friday was because I was in Las Vegas over the weekend for a business trip. That IMAX, by the way, is the only real IMAX in Vegas and was bragging last year about the fact that they were the only ones who could show TDKR in 70mm. The screen was amazing. But I am not impressed with the idiots running the theater who cranked the volume to 20 on a scale of 10. I did my research and found the biggest and best screen in Vegas. Not my fault they overdid it on the sound.

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That is an extremely condescending comment. I literally have no choice in this town, especially not on a work night. One 14 screen normal theater here.


The only reason I even got to see it in IMAX last Friday was because I was in Las Vegas over the weekend for a business trip. That IMAX, by the way, is the only real IMAX in Vegas and was bragging last year about the fact that they were the only ones who could show TDKR in 70mm. The screen was amazing. But I am not impressed with the idiots running the theater who cranked the volume to 20 on a scale of 10. I did my research and found the biggest and best screen in Vegas. Not my fault they overdid it on the sound.




There was nothing condescending about my comment. I was merely pointing out how a (bad) theater experience can tremendously affect your perspective and opinion on a film.


I didn't know you had such limited theater choice in your area.


As for IMAX, generally IMAX theaters are loud. I can't comment on that specific Vegas theater, but often IMAX has technical guys that visit all the theaters and make sure both the projectors and the audio system are tuned properly. The several times I saw TDKR in real IMAX, the sound was thundering, but never overbearing or overblown.


I plan on having my next viewing of MOS be 2D IMAX, so then I can compare how it sounds in IMAX versus the regular theater.

Edited by ACCA
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So, overally this got good reviews on this site. Over half in this poll voted A, and it's better than Ironman3, which is interesting because according to RT the critics thought otherwise.

Edited by vc2002
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Man of Steel

3D version


About 65%-75% full




White House Down: Some laughs

World War Z: No reaction-I did not know this was in 3D. (Oh wait a comment-hey this is coming in just a few days)

Turbo: Tons of laughs-first time I have seen anything for this.Pacific Rim: Some comments-heard someone saying it looks like a Godzilla film (You know it kind of does in a way)

RIPD: Laughs at some points-the Chinese man/Blonde Girl always attracts tons of laughs.

Gravity: Nothing, looks good though.


Dang no Hobbit 2 trailer!


Movie: Awesome. I never thought I enjoy a Superman film that much. This is better then the Spidey films, though I still like most of the Avenger films more (I like this more then TIH, IM2 and Thor more), not sure where to rank this though among other superhero films-have to think about that one. The visuals were great. The score was pretty good. The audience really loved it also. Cavil was great as Supes-probably the best one (well Reeves was not that great though), of course Adams was easily the best Lois Lane-but its not like the other Lois Lanes were great actresses. The last 30 minutes-EPIC. 



2nd best film of 2013 behind Trek.

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Man of Steel

3D version


About 65%-75% full




White House Down: Some laughs

World War Z: No reaction-I did not know this was in 3D. (Oh wait a comment-hey this is coming in just a few days)

Turbo: Tons of laughs-first time I have seen anything for this.Pacific Rim: Some comments-heard someone saying it looks like a Godzilla film (You know it kind of does in a way)

RIPD: Laughs at some points-the Chinese man/Blonde Girl always attracts tons of laughs.

Gravity: Nothing, looks good though.


Dang no Hobbit 2 trailer!


Movie: Awesome. I never thought I enjoy a Superman film that much. This is better then the Spidey films, though I still like most of the Avenger films more (I like this more then TIH, IM2 and Thor more), not sure where to rank this though among other superhero films-have to think about that one. The visuals were great. The score was pretty good. The audience really loved it also. Cavil was great as Supes-probably the best one (well Reeves was not that great though), of course Adams was easily the best Lois Lane-but its not like the other Lois Lanes were great actresses. The last 30 minutes-EPIC. 



2nd best film of 2013 behind Trek.

Hellooo there Impact.. I thought MOS is the best film of the year so far.  ST 2.. Ranks 2nd  and IM 3 third for me.... HOw are you old friend :)---KAL is here :).... Lol it would be nice to have the villain of ST as the new Lex in the sequel or as Braniac or Mongul..Wow that guy was great in ST 2

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What a bunch of hogwash:




The article talks about how Superman kills Zod at the end of the film. A famous writer in comics, and specifically Superman comics, Mark Waid, says he was appalled by the scene where he kills Zod.


I think this article is attempting to create controversy where there isn't any(or shouldn't be). First, he kills Zod to save people. And in doing so, makes a final fateful decision to be a human being rather than a Kryptonian. How can he be Superman if he's not even a man? John Byrne realized this, but apparently Mr. Waid wants us to hold onto some ideal that Superman should be above us all, like a god. Someone who never makes mistakes or makes a decision to do something he wouldn't normally do for ultimately a good end. The movie is about sacrificing your personal past for the future betterment of all. If he had held to his principles and let those people die, he would have done a selfish thing, an alien thing. Because he wouldn't bring himself down to our level to make the right choice. He was above killing so whatever Zod did would be on Zod? Sometimes you have to sacrifice your own personal standards if it means the safety of those you care about, or are called to protect.


Think if a cop decided he would never kill anyone in the line of duty. Or if a soldier did the same thing. We would have chaos...anarchy. We as human beings sometimes face tough choices. And in the end, it's the unselfish choice that's usually the right one. That's what makes us human and not God. Superman is not God. And in the film he chooses not be an alien either. He chooses to be a human being. He chooses to be a man. He chooses to be a Superman rather than a Superman, because that's what makes him the right man to protect us all.

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What a bunch of hogwash:




The article talks about how Superman kills Zod at the end of the film. A famous writer in comics, and specifically Superman comics, Mark Waid, says he was appalled by the scene where he kills Zod.


I think this article is attempting to create controversy where there isn't any(or shouldn't be). First, he kills Zod to save people. And in doing so, makes a final fateful decision to be a human being rather than a Kryptonian. How can he be Superman if he's not even a man? John Byrne realized this, but apparently Mr. Waid wants us to hold onto some ideal that Superman should be above us all, like a god. Someone who never makes mistakes or makes a decision to do something he wouldn't normally do for ultimately a good end. The movie is about sacrificing your personal past for the future betterment of all. If he had held to his principles and let those people die, he would have done a selfish thing, an alien thing. Because he wouldn't bring himself down to our level to make the right choice. He was above killing so whatever Zod did would be on Zod? Sometimes you have to sacrifice your own personal standards if it means the safety of those you care about, or are called to protect.


Think if a cop decided he would never kill anyone in the line of duty. Or if a soldier did the same thing. We would have chaos...anarchy. We as human beings sometimes face tough choices. And in the end, it's the unselfish choice that's usually the right one. That's what makes us human and not God. Superman is not God. And in the film he chooses not be an alien either. He chooses to be a human being. He chooses to be a man. He chooses to be a Superman rather than a Superman, because that's what makes him the right man to protect us all.


I think this mostly something that only nerds have a problem with.  I have never read a comic book in my life and never will, so it didn't bother me at all.  And yeah, snapping his neck was perfectly logical.  Zod isn't exactly someone them little earthlings could imprison and he was about to kill a bunch of innocents.

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How he could snap the neck of an indestructible Kryptonian? That is the real question. At least, Reeve depowered them before throwing them in the pit.


If he really wanted to save people, he wouldn't have punched his way crashing buildings after buildings falling on Metropolis bystanders in the streets in the first place.(At least, try to protect them from the damage and that doesn't mean only save Lois from falling. He should have driven his brawl with Zod earlier into remote places then into space to end the fight there and comes back to limit the damage they caused by punching each other to no end. But no, they come back again to wreck havoc in the city. I really thought there gonna be a scene when he catches at least a building falling or used his super breath to freeze some explosions caused by Zod showing him that he truly cares about earth people even in the midst of a fight trying to protect their safety).


I can't wait for the second Luthor shows up threatening, people will go "Just snap his bloody neck Superman! Don't be a pussy!". Superman proved Zod's totally right when he said all of this doesn't end until one of them die. Not only Superman seems like a lost child not knowing what to do in those situations, he also proves the bad guy right doing what he told him to do.

Edited by dashrendar44
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The dialogue is indeed on the nose a lot, but what else would you expect from a David Goyer script? 'We had a child... a BOY child...''I am a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist!'And the most awkward scene in the movie: 'What was I supposed to do, let them die?' 'Maybe.'

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The dialogue is indeed on the nose a lot, but what else would you expect from a David Goyer script?'We had a child... a BOY child...''I am a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist!'And the most awkward scene in the movie: 'What was I supposed to do, let them die?' 'Maybe.'


The dialogue was still better than The Avengers, or much of the cringeworthy one-liners of Iron Man 3.


And you must have seen a different version, because that "let them die" line was great, Costner gave a very convincing delivery of that line, in context of the whole scene of the parents talking in the house and Clark being outside.

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What a bunch of hogwash:




The article talks about how Superman kills Zod at the end of the film. A famous writer in comics, and specifically Superman comics, Mark Waid, says he was appalled by the scene where he kills Zod.


I think this article is attempting to create controversy where there isn't any(or shouldn't be). First, he kills Zod to save people. And in doing so, makes a final fateful decision to be a human being rather than a Kryptonian. How can he be Superman if he's not even a man? John Byrne realized this, but apparently Mr. Waid wants us to hold onto some ideal that Superman should be above us all, like a god. Someone who never makes mistakes or makes a decision to do something he wouldn't normally do for ultimately a good end. The movie is about sacrificing your personal past for the future betterment of all. If he had held to his principles and let those people die, he would have done a selfish thing, an alien thing. Because he wouldn't bring himself down to our level to make the right choice. He was above killing so whatever Zod did would be on Zod? Sometimes you have to sacrifice your own personal standards if it means the safety of those you care about, or are called to protect.


Think if a cop decided he would never kill anyone in the line of duty. Or if a soldier did the same thing. We would have chaos...anarchy. We as human beings sometimes face tough choices. And in the end, it's the unselfish choice that's usually the right one. That's what makes us human and not God. Superman is not God. And in the film he chooses not be an alien either. He chooses to be a human being. He chooses to be a man. He chooses to be a Superman rather than a Superman, because that's what makes him the right man to protect us all.



I didn't mind the neck-snapping thing, though it's strange that they didn't really address the fact that Metropolis was flattened and millions of people probably died as a result. Very similar to what happened in the Avengers and TDKR. All three of those films showed cities getting trashed and all three of them seemed to gloss over the seriousness of that destruction, especially as it relates to superheroes who are supposedly trying to protect those cities.

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How he could snap the neck of an indestructible Kryptonian? That is the real question. At least, Reeve depowered them before throwing them in the pit.


If he really wanted to save people, he wouldn't have punched his way crashing buildings after buildings falling on Metropolis bystanders in the streets in the first place.(At least, try to protect them from the damage and that doesn't mean only save Lois from falling. He should have driven his brawl with Zod earlier into remote places then into space to end the fight there and comes back to limit the damage they caused by punching each other to no end. But no, they come back again to wreck havoc in the city. I really thought there gonna be a scene when he catches at least a building falling or used his super breath to freeze some explosions caused by Zod showing him that he truly cares about earth people even in the midst of a fight trying to protect their safety).


I can't wait for the second Luthor shows up threatening, people will go "Just snap his bloody neck Superman! Don't be a pussy!". Superman proved Zod's totally right when he said all of this doesn't end until one of them die. Not only Superman seems like a lost child not knowing what to do in those situations, he also proves the bad guy right doing what he told him to do.


Lol indestructible? Says who? Kryptonians can die, did you not see Jor-El be killed at the beginning of the film? Or all of Krypton itself explode with all those Kryptonians on it dying? What movie were you watching hmmmm?


For much of the fight they were evenly matched, and Zod was dictating much of it. You think Zod would just foolishly follow Superman out into a remote area or into space? Superman could have tried to force him to a remote area, but Zod would just quickly make his way back to the city to wreak maximum damage.


Superman was trying to contain and subdue Zod as quickly as possible. Superman's reaction after snapping his neck showed that he didn't want to do it, and it was a last resort measure. Enough humans at that point had already died, Superman didn't want to cause further needless deaths, and Zod wasn't backing down.

Edited by ACCA
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I didn't mind the neck-snapping thing, though it's strange that they didn't really address the fact that Metropolis was flattened and millions of people probably died as a result. Very similar to what happened in the Avengers and TDKR. All three of those films showed cities getting trashed and all three of them seemed to gloss over the seriousness of that destruction, especially as it relates to superheroes who are supposedly trying to protect those cities.

Uh, it seems to me you might have misunderstood the point of each film, even if you may not agree with it.


With Man of Steel, the entire WORLD was at stake, so I think it can be forgiven that they didn't focus so much on the amount of devastation in Metropolis. They did focus on the fact that Superman saved the entire planet, so I think that's a tad more important.


In Avengers, a similar scenario, the entire planet was saved. Plus it was a feel-good Marvel team-up film, that wasn't trying to be too serious or realistic.


As for TDKR, they focused on the fact that the entire city was going to turn to ash with the nuke, which was averted.

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Uh, it seems to me you might have misunderstood the point of each film, even if you may not agree with it.


With Man of Steel, the entire WORLD was at stake, so I think it can be forgiven that they didn't focus so much on the amount of devastation in Metropolis. They did focus on the fact that Superman saved the entire planet, so I think that's a tad more important.


In Avengers, a similar scenario, the entire planet was saved. Plus it was a feel-good Marvel team-up film, that wasn't trying to be too serious or realistic.


As for TDKR, they focused on the fact that the entire city was going to turn to ash with the nuke, which was averted.



I understood those points just fine man. Those broader ideas do not excuse them from glossing over the massive destruction, which was primarily a reason for the filmmakers to show off their special effects departments on each film.

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Lol indestructible? Says who? Kryptonians can die, did you not see Jor-El be killed at the beginning of the film? Or all of Krypton itself explode with all those Kryptonians on it dying? What movie were you watching hmmmm?


On Krypton, they're not indestructible, it's their home planet, their atmosphere, they're normal like human people on earth. It's only on earth atmosphere that Kryptonians are super-powered and their bodies are indestructible because of yellow sun fueling energy in them so they can sustain any harm and regenerate from wounds...


You may read a Superman comics properly because you didn't understand at all those basics...(I'll give you the movie is such a jumbling mess that didn't care to explain that sheer fact to newbies in details or you didn't watch the movie properly)


Your whole reasoning is moot.

Edited by dashrendar44
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The dialogue was still better than The Avengers, or much of the cringeworthy one-liners of Iron Man 3.

Oh my GOD. You think David Goyer is a wittier writer than Joss Whedon? :lol: :lol:You're more in the tank for this movie than I was for IM3. Edited by Gopher
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