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4.9 "LegendFall"

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At least one Legend will be broken here.


...but he will not be the only one.


Season 4, Game 9


DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JUNE 15 AT 8:00 P.M. EASTERN (7:00 P.M. CENTRAL) - new deadline!


1. Predict Man of Steel's opening weekend gross as a  percent share of the top 12 overall gross this weekend


2. Predict Man of Steel's Sunday percent drop (from Saturday)


3. Predict the difference between Man of Steel's opening weekend gross and Superman Return's (2006) original 6 day start of 84.59 million


4. Predict the difference in percent drops between The Purge and Now You See Me (take the higher percent drop and subtract the lower percent drop from it)


5. Predict This is the End's opening weekend gross

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4.9 "LegendFall"


Five Legends. One will die.


It is a pivotal moment in the season. We're just about to begin the exciting Top Ten phase of the season, as there remain only 13 active players. Of those 13 players, there have been some prominent rises, and falls, victories and losses...and no one player can be said to be the clear frontrunner, the favorite to win it all. Numbers appeared to have the upper hand, but now that he has been evicted from "The Equation Sensation" and the protection of Goffe's shield, he is left out in the open, and he might have to survive on his own skill...something we know he possesses a great deal of. Numbers' new Legend guardian is actually no guardian at all, for he has cashed his Legend chip and, despite slaying another Legend, he is left with no significant power of his own...but he can earn more.


Meanwhile, Goffe still maintains some of his power chip. A component of it allows him to take all the points from those who are eliminated from here until the death of his chip. So, he takes the points that Acsc left behind when he was slain last week. But Goffe is in a very vulnerable position himself. He has been wounded by DoctorWho and, worse yet, by CEDAR...and CEDAR is now ready to activate his power chip (the revelation of which will be made today). CEDAR, however, has acquired Riczhang's power chip as well, giving him even more leverage in the war to come, one that has already started with the elimination of CEDAR's partner in crime. Now that Acsc has been toppled, CEDAR seeks revenge...and time has shown how strong a competitor CEDAR is. Now that he possesses the two most powerful chips, he may be an unstoppable force.


There is then only one other Legend who has been keeping largely out of this conflict. Alfred has been lurking in the shadows, perhaps because he knows his chip isn't nearly as strong as CEDAR's. Alfred has been a prominent contestant in Box Office Alliance, the only player to make it into the Final Five games three seasons in a row, but his skill does not match CEDAR's, and he knows it. Alfred has been keeping out of this fight, but fate is drawing him back into it.


The Legend Challenge will be different this week, as one Legend has died (Acsc), another has been stripped of his power (Riczhang), and another used his chip already (DoctorWho). That leaves only Alfred, CEDAR, and Goffe to compete against each other, so now Alfred will be drawn out into the open. Should CEDAR lose, he will still be a very powerful foe.


More surprises will be forthcoming. In the meantime, here are this week's results!


The Earth Shakers

24Lost: 89.74% +3 (+1 3rd team, +2 85%+)

4815162342: 79.77% +1 (+1 3rd team)

DoctorWho: 89.52% +9 (+1 3rd team, +2 85%+, +5 won Challenge 8, +1 highest Question 4)

AVG: 86.34% +13


The Equation Sensation

Goffe: 87.22% +2 (+2 85%+)

Jim Shorts: 80.88% +1 (+1 80%+)

Schumacher FTW: 48.72% (placeholder) -2  (2nd strike)

AVG: 72.27% +1


The Destroyers of Evil

Alfred: 81.03% +7 (+3 1st team, +1 80%+, +3 end streak)

Chasmmi: 93.20% +15 (+5 highest individual, +3 1st team, +3 90%+, +1 highest Question 3, +3 end streak)

Spaghetti: 90.24% +11 (+1 3rd individual, +3 1st team, +3 90%+, +1 highest Question 1, +3 end streak)

AVG: 88.16% +33


The Gold Seekers

ChD: 53.72%

Jay Salahi: 61.00% +1 (+1 highest Question 5)

AVG: 57.36% +1


The Shadowkillers

CEDAR: 81.17% +3 (+2 2nd team, +1 80%+)

Riczhang: 91.57% +10 (+2 2nd individual, +2 2nd team, +3 1st Legend, +3 90%+)

AVG: 86.37% +13

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