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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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Does anyone else remember Kal's videos? Oh, lord, now THOSE are for the history books. Pointing his camera at random strangers and making odd remarks...LMFAO, what a socially inept fool.

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Does anyone else remember Kal's videos? Oh, lord, now THOSE are for the history books. Pointing his camera at random strangers and making odd remarks...LMFAO, what a socially inept fool.


Wait, I want to see these videos.

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No I believe Baumer and I rem you being an idiotic hater and calling Avatar Fern Gully Noctis.. Stop the BS!!


I was one of Avatar's bigger supporters. Aww, you haven't changed a bit, Kal. You'll be gone soon enough.

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No I believe Baumer and I rem you being an idiotic hater and calling Avatar Fern Gully Noctis.. Stop the BS!!


Come on Kal, you've had a nice rebirth here, don't ruin it by saying things you aren't sure about.  Noctis is not blinded by his love for Potter.  He's always been very level headed and realistic about its box office.  And he did think Avatar would do well.  None of us thought it would do as well as you did, but Noctis had a high prediction.

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They're right on the odd occasions. You seem to neglect to mention the fact that your victories are totally spaced out over time. I'm not afraid to make bold predictions and I own up to them when I'm wrong and gloat if I'm right. I predicted 700 million OS for Skyfall in July, and on opening weekend I believe I had the closet prediction of OW. I was on the 60M OW WWZ train. I was very bullish on MU, and now that it's turned out not to be the case it's all right. I was certainly wrong with Les Miserables, but I got over it. I was wrong, and I move on. I take credit for it and gloat in the moment but then it's back to business as usual. Stop reminiscing in the past and get into the present or I'll mistake you for one of the MI6 dinosaurs in Skyfall. "Though much is taken, much abides. Though we are now not that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven. That which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts. Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." You don't seem to have gotten that message. 


And If you'll excuse me, I do very fucking well stand by my convictions. I'm saying it'll land within 500K to 1 million of 50 million. I'm personally at 49.4 or 49.5 depending on how I round and do my math. I'm sticking with that. 

No you do not.. Baumer and myself along with Kayom, Jesus of Surbubia and Bball and Redfire. Take part and have many victories usually more than our losses.. Keep talking that nonsense that my victories are spaced out looney one.. My battles won spanned through many a spring through xmas seasons.. Hah hah... A true hater thou are Rich.. And we will see if you stand or just sputter nonsense without a solid number..lol. Glad I finally see a number for you on MOS lol

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I was one of Avatar's bigger supporters. Aww, you haven't changed a bit, Kal. You'll be gone soon enough.


Come on boys, give him a chance.  Kal's just mistaken.  Don't crap on him just yet.  :)

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What's wrong with some people? Why their brains are always on vacation. 50m was locked for MoS months ago look lol There's one thing to be wrong and it's another to be blind. The figures indicate a 60m weekend, 55m at worst.

Edited by Alfred Beyond The Pines
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What's wrong with some people? Why are their brains are always on vacation. 50m was locked for MoS months ago look lol There's one thing to be wrong and it's another to be blind. The figures indicate a 60m weekend, 55m at worst.


I wouldn't go that high.  I think 55 is reasonable but 60 is too high.

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What about Monsters and Supes?


I'll see if i can find the post, it's a few pages back...MU I think is about 85...not sure about MOS.

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Come on Kal, you've had a nice rebirth here, don't ruin it by saying things you aren't sure about.  Noctis is not blinded by his love for Potter.  He's always been very level headed and realistic about its box office.  And he did think Avatar would do well.  None of us thought it would do as well as you did, but Noctis had a high prediction.

Oh okay.. I might be mixing him or her up then Baumer. Was there someone with a name like Noctis who was alway calling Avatar fern gully and a super Potter looney though lol... I apologize if Im mixing Noctis up.. This year Im definitely not entertaining Noctis. I do rem them loving  to try and get flame wars going lol. Even if Im not right about them hating on Avatar lol.


Baumer I hope you go up with you MOS predict for weekend 2


I'll go with  MOS 57M OW,, 90.1 for MU, and yikes I went with 37MOW for Z..Baum you kicked my tail with that one.. Really ballzy you sensed this was no passable Zombie film.  I will predict 53M OW for Z this time..lol


Z still needs alot of money to be successful.  I think its one of the most expensive films this year.. Starting off with 55-60+MOW is definitely a step in the right direction for this Brad Pitt Starrer tho B. :)

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