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The Indiana Jones ride at Disney Land was pretty fun, but I will never go to Disney Land in summer again, seriously, too much sunburn and the lines are freaking long  <_<

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No its nothing like that.... Star Tours is a simulator your in one room. Spider-Man is on a moving track.





OH WOW! Holy crap. I had no clue it moved like that. I reallly thought it was a simulator like Star Tours. Damn. That's really cool.

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The Indiana Jones ride at Disney Land was pretty fun, but I will never go to Disney Land in summer again, seriously, too much sunburn and the lines are freaking long  <_<

Disney Land I've only been once (whereas Disney World in FL I've been like 6 times). I remember really liking Indiana Jones, but for some reason I can't put a finger on what it was like.....We also liked the (I'm going to spell this wrong) Madda horn? Something like that, it was pretty much like Thunder Mountain Railroad in Magic Kingdom.

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My favorite ride in Disney World is probably Thunder Mountain Railroad. It's just fast enough to get me excited and be fun, but not too much for it to be scary.....since I'm a real baby when it comes to roller coasters. Still haven't gone on Everest.

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Exactly. It's not that I feel the need to "pick on" the Rimmers to be a bully, but it got tiring arguing the reasons why it looked like a flop for months on end and having(some) fanboys insist those reasons were invalid. It's just nice to finally not have to argue with that anymore.


I totally agree with your point of view here, and I'm not accusing you when I say the following, but that argument does flow both ways in terms of some insisting that reasons for a breakout were invalid.


As someone who was on every end of the spectrum at one point or another when it came to predictions for PR, I can understand both sides of the argument a little too well. But the thing is--it happens with almost every movie. Some are objective, many aren't. That's life on the BOF. :)

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My favorite ride in Disney World is probably Thunder Mountain Railroad. It's just fast enough to get me excited and be fun, but not too much for it to be scary.....since I'm a real baby when it comes to roller coasters. Still haven't gone on Everest.

Everest is cool. But the big feature an audio animatronic Yeti hasn't worked in years so they put a strobe light on it to make it look like it's moving thus dubbing it as the Disco Yeti
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I have never been to Disneyland! :( But I love Disneyworld. Is there anyone here who likes Disneyland more than Disneyworld?And explain why? :)

Honestly, I love love love love (thousand more times) DisneyWorld more than DisneyLand. One, is HUGE!!!! I mean, DisneyWorld is just enormous, and Disney still has a shit tons more land they own that they can build more on. I love the countries, that's my favorite part about DisneyWorld. The countries are so beautiful and the food is amazing. We've been to everyone except France. The rides overall I like better there too. DisneyLand was okay for me, I wouldn't go back though just for it.

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No its nothing like that.... Star Tours is a simulator your in one room. Spider-Man is on a moving track.





Nice jay you redeemed yourself for your Wolverine Hatred. Still getting you bub for those hurtful reviews tho.lol



Heres another fun one



Spiderman kissing Prank lol


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