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I was complimenting you like you said im not a physicist but you immediately say something really smart and scientific. Sorru if i confused you
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I was complimenting you like you said im not a physicist but you immediately say something really smart and scientific. Sorru if i confused you


Oh, LOL. Sorry, I got pissy. :lol:


(Technically, the walls of the space station would need to be higher to retain all the atmosphere...)

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the movie was ok i like the concept and the world but the script was mehhh at best

oblivion remains my fav syfy in that genre post-apocalyptic world  (i don't count star trek as such still my fav syfy this year though)


as i said in crowd report , lame spanish accent on matt damon character for someone who lived since a kid around latinos no way josé!


i have to say bravo to jodie foster for passing off as a french character , i know she can speak very well french so that was a treat as to her character motivation as that of the boss of the company on earth and other leaders , why oh why is your security so whack , are you guys so high (literally and figuratively) that they thought that kind of stuff could never happened to them 


hubris is always the chink in the armor  go figure!


so jodie foster's madame delacourt thinks she's in her right defending her territory i dig that, she's tired of mr lawn-party/president twarting her power urges so she tries to get rid of him ok so far so good and enlists help of boss guy to override system yada yada 

what i don't get is the security , why even bother waking damon character up before downloading the data, or even why leave two tech guys with him instead of having 3 robots in that room i could tell what was going to happen next


nevermind that kruger guy who out of the blue went off on a tangent that was useless and uneccessary to the plot and just fizzle the whole thing out , why his accolyte put him back together is a mystery? why she went into that room alone another mystery so she could be conveniently killed off  at which point i'm like whyyy whaaat wait wasnt she the bad guy and then just dispose of her like that can you imagine cameron getting ride of the colonel quarritch 2/3 of the way as the battle is about to go underway  in AVATAR?


all hell breaks loose and it seems no one knows anymore what they're doing  lets throw an explosion here and there ooh maybe here, in front or behind the camera 

i didnt give a fart about that woman and her daughter , i had  no lost love for the thugs who suddenly are portrayed as che guevarra-ish i'm saving everybody when he didnt give a fart all his life and was a mercenary kingpin on earth sending people to their death or dumb dumb deportation 

(by the way none of those who got kicked out told the others what would happen if they tried to go up?)


take a scene when matt damon had the grenade in his hand on earth :

my version kruger brings out mom/kid with explosives on them , makes him drop it and get in like  a nice little boy strapped in and everybody lands nicely on elysium

movie version he gets to keep his grenade and kruger doesnt use his leverage to any good use and chaos ensues  ugh really


basically what happened here was a clusterfuck of stupidity happening at the same time and i couldnt help but wonder where are the redundacies, back-up plans , fail safes?

how the heck did that place survive for so long and then poof in one instant  a cascade of wtf events


now seriously what was that ending, all of that for what everyone is citizens yeah i'm happy for them but why wasnt that the case already

the program sent medical ships down to earth who each had a dozen healing pods in them;so i'm like wait a minute what was the point of the film if those in power only needed to send those shuttles down once a month to heal people


now you see i'd make a better dictator keep the crowd lulled into a false sense of contentment, give them something to work towards, a lottery of sorts, build an elysium for the middle class, heck put a few pods on earth hospitals and let them queue there !


build an elysium on earth , if they can have atmosphere on a spinning wheel in space surely they can build a dome no?come on 


and i also didnt like that in that future its the latinos who are poor,they were in  LA and i hardly ever saw any americans with an english speaking accent i mean like are they all in space?


to sum up disappointed but not too much as i wasnt looking forward to the film and hadnt heard about it until 2 weeks ago when someone mention it as we talk about scifi fatigue at the movies 

i did really like district 9 so yeah but this seem a bit more of that without the surprise or originality/freshness

i didnt hate though so i'll give it a B-


i forgot to mention they say earth is polluted so bad somtg somtg at the beginning yet the atmosphere of earth looked gorgeous earth was its good old blue self except the continents didnt seem as green 

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Oh, LOL. Sorry, I got pissy. :lol: (Technically, the walls of the space station would need to be higher to retain all the atmosphere...)

That's my issue with it. Assuming Earth G is being created the walls would have to over 1500km high to retain the atmosphere. Even on Earth a certain number of particles achieve escape velocity each day although it's not enough to be an kind of problem.
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Its just not a good movie at all, so many things in this movie felt so forced and contrived.  There was just like no build up to anything that happened, things just randomly happened and a lot of it is because of how paper thin every character was written.  I can't even write a proper full review because the movie is already fading from my mind and I didn't even see the ending(everything after Kruger's death).  And the message itself, oh boy... calling this movie a heavy handed political piece is an understatement.  It was baffling at how completely black and white this movie's message(open borders, unconditional amnesty, free universal health care, all no matter what) was and it hammers it away for pretty much the whole running time.  We couldn't have anyone but the villains disagree with it.  It was just so simplistic to the point of just being outright juvenile, not to mention this opens up a shitload of plotholes in the movie.


Also, some things I remember me and friends burst out laughing at.


-William Fichtner's character telling that peon trash not to breathe on him.


-Jodie Foster's character/awful acting.


-Spider's character and his overacting.


-Whenever somebody said "illegals"


-The female lead exists for no other reason than to coddle her sick daughter, cradle dying people, and get threatened with rape.


-The flashbacks.  The movie uses (and, even worse, reuses the same thematically relevant moments) flashbacks way, way too often. I get it, movie, I know what the lead's relationship is like. I understand why it's such a tragedy when bad things happen to one of them. You don't have to keep replaying the clips. It does it so often that I felt like they were just doing that to either pad out the movie's run time more or to waaay overemphasize the film's "emotional beats" to specifically interrupt and distract from the nonsensical plot that was occurring.  And yes, it has a soundtrack of a wailing woman while those go on.


-The first few scenes on Elysium where everybody is as rich and white as Mitt Romney and look like Mormons.  That immediate contrast after seeing all the poor, sick, and dying people on Earth for awhile either being black or brown with tattoos was so stark it was just too much to hold in.


Just about the only good thing I can say about this movie is the way it looks.  I couldn't even get into the action because of the shaky jerky cam.

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I'm already hating this: shaky cam, heavy handed political, overrraction all over the movie, black and white caracthers, silly plot device (the sick girl) and all of this movie's messages. I didn't even watched the movie yet

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I'm already hating this: shaky cam, heavy handed political, overrraction all over the movie, black and white caracthers, silly plot device (the sick girl) and all of this movie's messages. I didn't even watched the movie yet


Pretty much, it has a lot of problems, yet the whole time I was on the edge of my seat and had a blast

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I'm already hating this: shaky cam, heavy handed political, overrraction all over the movie, black and white caracthers, silly plot device (the sick girl) and all of this movie's messages. I didn't even watched the movie yet


It's an entertaining movie -- people just need to chill the fuck out.

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That's my issue with it. Assuming Earth G is being created the walls would have to over 1500km high to retain the atmosphere. Even on Earth a certain number of particles achieve escape velocity each day although it's not enough to be an kind of problem.


Seriously?  Of all the things to get annoyed about, that seems pretty minor, especially given that 99% of movies dealing with space (or even with just "above Earth's atmosphere") get millions of things wildly wrong.

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Awesome visuals, lots of action, a tight pace, a great Damon and an even better Copley. It mixed spectacle, action and sociopolitical ideas. But even though the story is good and has some really interesting ideas in it, the script was full of holes and flaws. It was a missed opportunity to be a trully great movie. But it's still a good one, just nothing trully special.


Stangely enough i had about the same feelings with District 9. I had my issues with the script but they were much less than Elysium and its story was more interesting and original.


Still considering the quality of this summer's blockbusters, Elysium feels better and more mature.


But Blomkamp needs a better writer for his ideas from here on.

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Jodie Foster :lol:The rest was fine. Had fun with it. 15/20 (what happens after the ending is indeed a huge question and has lot of problems).

I don't think there are necessarily huge problems with the end -- it's just that despite the "happy ending" there are some really bleak times ahead.
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Finally saw it today, with my dad. Well, we both are programmers, and we both like SF big time, and so we rolled our eyes in perfect choreography at many ridiculous scenes, especially the decoding and data transfer and the strange orbital mechanics at work in this movie (I hope for a scientifically correct "Gravity") - but overall Elysium is an entertaining movie with superb production values and a bit of  message and morale - not too much I'd say, in fact I thought there was rather too much hand-to-hand combat and shooting.

Acting was ok, Jodie Foster too one-dimensional (come on - why hire her if you don't give her a decent role?), Matt Damon really good, especially his "wounded" or desperate looks, and Sharlto Copley unleashes every kind of awesome everytime he's on screen - but again, too one-dimensional for my taste. Max's ladyfriend+daughter and his latino clique were too cliché, not really roles but symbols.


The sad thing about Elysium: It's not as good as it should have been - the villains are too one-dimensional, the action too shaky and in many instances the script was lazy, introducing some technical gadget or deus-ex-machina or lucky coincidence to solve difficult situations. Plus some characters were definitely underwritten as noted above.

Edited by IndustriousAngel
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Seriously?  Of all the things to get annoyed about, that seems pretty minor, especially given that 99% of movies dealing with space (or even with just "above Earth's atmosphere") get millions of things wildly wrong.

That's just one of a number of things that bugged me. The movie even has a solution to the problem. If Kruger can have his own mini force field why couldn't Elysium be covered in one.
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