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BOF's top 100 movie lines of all time (CLOSED)

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^9 so deserves to be there!

I admit I've never seen All About Eve and, for all I know, it invented the whole 'Fasten your seatbelts' thing but, unlike a lot of examples on this list, when I hear the lines 'Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.' I wouldn't (even if I'd seen it) think, 'Oh, that's from All About Eve.' I'd think, 'Oh, that sounds like something I've heard in almost every driving movie ever.'

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Well in regards to the AFI list-as I mentioned earlier it was not terrible, but some were questionable (Animal House?) while some were missing (no "Snakes" line from Raiders for example)

Though the problem with most of the top quotes I find on youtube videos are from tons of recent films that also go a bit too far on the language.

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"You shot the invisible swordsman!"-Three Amigos


"He chose...poorly"-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


"There be whales here!"-Star Trek 4


"I'm the dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!"-Tropic Thunder


"Did you know Hitler was quite the tap dancer?"-The Producers


"You are the audience! I'm the writer! I outrank you!"-The Producers

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